This is a TRUE, SUCCESSFUL & UNREQUESTED story from Manuel Porras, one of our customers.
"I don't have any knowledge about a recovery using the Google Disavow on an algorithmic penalty. Only manual penalties have been publicly reported to work using the Disavow tool. Knowing this I wanted to be 100% sure that this isn’t something else. I took the diligence and analyzed the situation carefully."
Read the full-disclosure at the end of the article.
Let me tell you my e [...]
We had a "full-house" Webinar on Friday (all 100 seats were occupied). As promised to everyone in the webinar here is the recording for to digest.
Main Topics
What are Unnatural Links?
How do I spot them?
How do I recover from an Unnatural Links Penalty?
Quick Overview of the recent Interflora Penalty.
"Unnatural Link" Sites Analyzed - Case Studies
SmartLipo - Medical Surgery Niche
Allesovergokken - Online Gambling Niche Netherlands
Webhostingmadness - We [...]
There is a lot of talk about Google’s continued algorithm changes, particularly Google Panda and Google Penguin. Most of the talk seems focused on what not to do or what strategies to employ to avoid being affected by these algorithm changes, but there are still plenty of people who don’t quite get how or why they are losing their rankings or what to do about it if they are. Today, we would like to rundown the past, present, and future of how Panda and Penguin affect your website and your bu [...]
This last month was all about Google Penguin. Because of that, I thought on asking some of the brightest minds in the SEO industry, to share their opinions on what "Penguin" is and how it affected link building and SEO.
It is important to know that none of the interviewees knew who are the other participants to the interview. This makes the interview unique, by sharing the individual opinions regarding the Google "Penguin" update, of each of the link builders.
This is an in-depth interview [...]
After our guide on how you can easily identify low quality links and link networks, we decided to host a webinar where we did in-depth analysis on the "Google Penguin" update.
The following video is an advanced seo training on how you can identify the links that have caused your site to be affected by the unnatural link update aka Penguin.
Be prepared! ... it is an 1 hour and a half training video. You can either browse to the topic you are interested in (by clicking on the links below) or [...]