cognitiveSEO has grown steadily over the last 2 years. Until now we only had a few official tutorials explaining how to use the cognitiveSEO platform and a lot of our customers asked for a support platform with tutorials and faqs.
We thought about it and we built a support platform that we think will serve its purpose well.
On the support site you will be able to find a lot of helpful information, classified in a the following categories:
Quick Video Tutorials
Using cognitiveSEO
Tr [...]
Since July, when we launched the automatic unnatural link detection tool, we analyzed carefully how our customers use it.
We quickly understood that you needed a fast way to manually validate the links to be disavowed, in order to be 100% confident that those are the correct ones.
In order to be 100% sure that a link is unnatural or not, you actually need to load that page and look for the link on the page. The major problem, is that you usually have to visit hundreds, if not thousands, [...]
After the latest update last week(prefix analysis), we announce a new feature that allows you to quickly check new links for any site.
We introduce you:
Fresh Links
Check your Fresh Links Now!
We just made it easier for you to quickly check new links for any site. This allows you to check the new links that were acquired by a site in the last 14 days.
The Fresh Links tab is available for all the type of checks supported by the backlink explorer:
Prefix [...]
I am sure you are already accustomed with checking backlinks at the Domain, Sub-domain or Page level. There is one other type of check that you might be interested in …
Today we introduce:
Prefix / Folder Backlink Checking
I am sure that at least once in your “SEO PRO life”, you needed to quickly check the backlinks for a product category (ONLY) or a blog directory?
This new feature allows you to segment the links that point to all of the pages on a site that respect a specific word [...]
During the summer time we focused on analyzing our customers’ feedback. One of the most requested features was the ability to create custom backlink filters. We carefully thought about this and decided to implement this new feature as it makes a lot of sense.
This will save you a lot of time as you will be able to save your favorite filters and apply them later on.
Here is a quick guide on how to do it:
1. Apply a set of normal filters. (minimum 2)
2. Save as Custom Filter
For the last couple of months we’ve been hard at work on a new backlink analysis tool called:
Instant Backlink Explorer
Check your site for Free Now!
The concept of this new tool is to allow quick access to important backlink data in seconds. It is not your average backlink checker. It does so much more.
The new link explorer tool is free to use by anyone (even without a cognitiveSEO account / limited features apply). The free trial gives you full access t [...]
Today is the day, cognitiveSEO’s bot gets a “face” and a “name”. I would like to introduce you:
Mr. James [Bot] - Agent SEO
This is the “guy” who is crawling your sites and your backlinks, analyzing your content and social visibility. If you have any problem with him crawling your site just send him a mail at He will get a dedicated page in the future ... but for the moment I prepared a short “interview” in order to introduce him to you:
&nbs [...]
In the last months we have been working on an automatic unnatural links classification system. Before going into the details of this new tool, I would like to share with you the challenges that we had in implementing such a complex system. (if you are not interested in those just skip to the tool)
1. User Oriented Concept
The Unnatural Links subject generates a lot of confusion among website owners, webmasters and even SEO professionals. I can tell you that the unnatural link concep [...]
It's time again for another important cognitiveSEO upgrade. In the last months we worked continuously at adding better features, improving the user experience and creating new integrations that would allow our customers to get the best SEO intelligence possible at the best price on the market.
Let me structure the new release so that you can easily see what we added to the system and how it will benefit you:
MajesticSEO Partnership
Important Links and Rankings Upgrades
Simpler Credit Sy [...]
In the last year we researched quite a bit on the subject of social signals correlation vs backlink acquisition trends. The in-depth analysis, lead us to build the new Social Visibility module that allows you to analyze and track the social footprint of any website on the three big social networks: Twitter, Facebook and Google Plus.
Let me ask you 3 questions and if at least one of them is a question that you asked yourself in the past then this new module will be of great help to you.
1 [...]