No matter what type of business you have, there is always going to be competition. Even if you’re a leader in your domain or you’re just a start-up, you should always keep a close eye on the competitors. Easy to say, hard to do, right?
In the online world, some may argue that this task is easier since everything is just a click away and there are so many tools to spy on your competition. I could be, but if you don’t know what to look for and more importantly who to look for, ev [...]
One of the ways that can guarantee you always being a step ahead of your competitors and a top player in your niche is to be up-to-date with how your site and your competitors sites are doing from an SEO point of view.
Think how the following might affect your business:
Your Rankings Drop.
New HQ reviews are published about your competitors.
Important Competitor Links become broken.
A Negative SEO campaign hits you.
Some competitors start to outrank you in Google and Bing.
You l [...]