No longer than one year ago, on June 11th 2013, Google, launched a new algorithm whose main purpose was to clean some very “shady” niches, such as “payday loans” or “buy Viagra”. These are very controversial niches that everybody knew about but hardly anybody talked about. One year earlier, in 2012 we tried to fire a warning shot concerning this matter, but Matt Cutt's answer came out 1 year later, when they released the initial Payday Loans Google Update.
“There were people c [...]
Less than 24 hours ago, Matt Cutts, the head of the spam team from Google, announced via Twitter that Google is rolling out the Panda 4.0 update starting today. Although many speculations regarding the rise of a possible Penguin 3.0 have been made, it's about that time of the year when SEO news is a-buzz with one particularly cute animal: panda. Only it's not our Chinese bear darling that's occupying the minds of web experts, it's the Google algorithm.
However, all the Google updates speculat [...]