Another week … another highly requested feature is launched.
After our latest successful upgrade last week, with the new Visual Link Explorer, here comes another feature.This new feature extends the overall functionality of the cognitiveSEO toolset by allowing tagging and tag filtering.
What is a TAG in cognitiveSEO?
TAG = “A label attached to something for identification or other information.”
We added color to make it easy to spot and differentiate among various tags.
Approximately six months ago we started the implementation of what is probably the most powerful, beautiful and easiest way to visualize a site’s link profile. The name of this new cutting-edge feature is:
Visual Link Explorer - Cutting-Edge Link Graphs Made Simple
This is the easiest, yet advanced, visualization that allows you to comprehend the ever-growing complexity of a site’s link profile.
No other SEO tool has implemented automatic extraction, creation, and navigati [...]
I start this post by saying:
Thank you for such a Great First Year &
Happy Birthday cognitiveSEO!
This week we just moved up on the age scale. We just turned 1!
Back in December 2011, after a year and a half of continuous programming & development, we launched the
cognitiveSEO toolset.
Rewinding time, I can say that it was quite an exciting day. 2 hours before the expected launch time our ISP had a connection issue and we were cut off. You just can't imagine [...]
We always listen to our customers feedback. Your feedback has really guided the creation of this update.
Thank you for being such a great customer!
This update is more geared to SEO agencies and Professional SEOs that need reporting functionality.
White-label capability
PDF Export functionality
The update is structured as follows :
The $49 package gets the PDF export functionality (without the ability to customize the logo)
All packages from $99 and up get the full White- [...]
We have been extremely busy since our initial launch back in December 2011. We gathered a lot of feedback and based on that we worked day and night at Version 2.0
Here is a video that will guide you through what we changed and improved in Version 2.0
Version 2.0 has 4 main topics that we focused on:
Fast Backlink Checker - You will get the Best Link Data Ever - great Yahoo Site Explorer Alternative
Refined inBound Link Analysis - Better Insight into inBound Link Profiles
Daily Ra [...]
This is the TOOL that you don't want them to have!
We’re a few days away from the official launch of the powerful SEO software called cognitiveSEO. This is the tool that will help you spy on your competitors’ link building strategies and see what they’re doing right, so you can do it too – and better!
It took us 2 years to turn the paper sketches, into the remarkable software that it is today. And once you’ll try it out, you’ll know there’s no such tool [...]
Notice : As we are approaching our commercial launch in November (the exact date is not disclosed yet), we are starting to "leak" features and info about the cognitiveSEO product.
Yesterday Matt Cutts has confirmed that Google is indexing Ajax / Javascript.
Today we are announcing that cognitiveSEO is doing the same thing ... but from an SEO point of view.
What are the "Link Previews" ?
In the past 12 months we have been working on a unique and powerful feature, called "Link Previews" (t [...]