You're probably familiar with, the online community that helps marketers stay connected. Putting it simply, is an online hub where good marketers come to get better, the platform itself states. It's a great place for sharing ideas, connecting, interacting or even finding a job.
Being in the industry, we always cast an eye over the platform as indeed, we've found very interesting pieces of content, needless to say about its very active community from which we could al [...]
Dominating SERPS is what all of us dream of. And, despite popular opinion, being on the 2nd page of a query’s results doesn’t mean that you’re not interested in publishing great content that solely serves the reader's’ interest. Sometimes it means just that the industry is highly competitive and it’s almost humanly impossible to outsmart the competitors. What to do then? We thought of the most complete list of SEO techniques to help you walk this extra mile and finally see the results [...]
Outreach is exceptional. It gives you a great head start when you most need one - it teaches you what people in your niche best respond to and it makes you more popular. There are endless benefits to it. And while these are widely discussed, we’re going to go through some poignant examples of outreach (with their dos and don’ts) and their results.
The key takeout is being able to make a comparison between the different types of situations the following people found themselves in, and then [...]
Update September 23, 2016: Real Time Penguin is now live! Google just announced on their official Webmaster blog that after a period of development and testing, they are now rolling out an update to the Penguin algorithm in all languages. Aside from the fact that Penguin's data is now refreshed in real time so that changes will be visible much faster, Penguin is now more granular. The Penguin algorithm will be able to devalue spam by adjusting ranking based on spam signals, rather than affecting [...]
As you may have already found out or experienced on your site, Twitter share counts are no longer updating on the share buttons starting with the 20th of November this year. This means that all share buttons out there that relied on the Twitter share count endpoint are no longer providing share counts. This includes Twitter’s own official tweet button. Basically, Twitter seems to be de-emphasizing one of its defining metrics: the share counts. The impact the big social network's decision ha [...]
So you’ve got a blog. Don’t tell yourself that great content alone should do the job. It’s a trap. The world’s most essential information will remain unknown unless you deliver it consistently. This little cold, hard fact here is where we all started from.
What you’re about to read is a general guideline with examples. Finding your brand voices is more than just establishing a consistent communication strategy - ‘the how?’ and ‘why?’ are at least as important as t [...]
Dealing with the truth isn't always an easy job. But your best product can get lost on the way without a solid network to confirm its value. This is why investing in strong professional relationships and building a powerful audience around your products is something that deserves your best attention. And while this is a troublesome process in itself, gathering the most pertinent solutions isn't a walk in the park either.
Almost a third of the B2B marketers admitted that their posts [...]
Fluctuations in traffic happen to the best of us. Yet, there is no excuse for poor content strategy on your website. There are two types of content from the point of view of relevance over time: the first category includes any article written based on a trending subject. Its advantage is that, treated properly, it boosts your website’s audience overnight - of course, the inherent drawback is that people will shortly lose interest in that specific subject. The second type of content does noth [...]
There is too much content in the world to keep up with it. At the end of 2013 it was estimated there over 14 trillion live webpages on the Internet. Out of those, just 48 billion were indexed by Google. So if Google is the Internet made visible, we can basically see about 0.3% of the whole online content. At least we could. It’s not just that the Internet is unfathomably huge, it also grows at an absolutely staggering rate. With this soaring growth, having access to the all the content out the [...]
There is no secret that SEO audits are a must for every business that wants to succeed in the ever-changing online environment and that they are the first step in the development of any digital marketing plan. We all want to know as much as possible from the niche we are competing in, whether we are well established businesses or a small company that wants to expand into new markets. How many visitors does my website attract? Why do my competitors attract so many more? These are some of the ques [...]