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Email open rates represent the ultimate effectiveness of the emails you’re sending to your audience and your leads. And the better your emails are in composition and structure, the more you’re going to grow your business in a sustainable way. We’ve put together (probably) the largest list of hands-on tips that will help you nail email marketing and notably boost your email open rates.



With no further introduction, we present you a great list of 53 great methods on how to considerably boost your open rate.



  1. Choose a Subject Line That Triggers Curiosity
  2. Address the Prospects by First Names
  3. Use Open Loops that Sparks the Curiosity of the Reader
  4. Use Humor to Create a Personal Relationship with Your Prospects 
  5. Make Use of Negative Subject Lines to Trigger Curiosity
  6. Use the Power of Quizzes. Announce Them in the Subject Line
  7. Add a Video. Announce It in the Subject Line to Raise Interest
  8. Be Playful. Use Emojis in the Subject Line When It’s Appropriate
  9. Have at Least 5 Headlines Written Before Actually Sending One
  10. Leverage Relevant News to Build Urgency from the Subject Line
  11. Use Email Series to Increase Curiosity and Loyalty
  12. A/B Test Alternatives of Different Subject Lines


  1. Create a Second Lead to Keep Your Audience Hooked
  2. Use Information Gap to Create a Craving for More Content
  3. Use Educational Emails to Re-engage Prospects That Slipped Away
  4. Focus Your Copy on the Customer’s Interests, Not on Your Product
  5. Ask Why When Someone Unsubscribes
  6. Make the Same Message Revolve Around More than One CTA Button
  7. Brand Your “From” Name. Set a Personal Name and Stick to It
  8. Review Emails Internally Before Sending Them to the Public
  9. Proof Read for Grammar, Not Just for Marketing Relevance!
  10. Finish the Email With a Question to Increase Engagement


  1. Use the Same Delivery Time for All Your Emails (Especially for Newsletters)
  2. Avoid List Fatigue. Avoid Sending Too Many Emails
  3. Get the Length of the Message Right – Add a TL;DR in the Subject Line When Necessary
  4. Try Automated Behavioral Triggered Emails to Exploit User Behavior
  5. Ask Your Contacts to Decide How Often They Want to See Mails from You
  6. Resend Unopened Emails
  7. Create Anticipation Towards the Following Email from a Series
  8. Let the Contact Know Your Email is Fresh


  1. Beware of the Word ‘Free’. It Can Trigger Spam Filters
  2. Use Lower Case Letters in the Subject Line
  3. Only Use the Emails of Your Contacts for What They Expect from You
  4. Make the List Double Opt-In
  5. Ask Contacts to Add You to the Address Book
  6. Avoid Attachments, Whenever Possible
  7. Optimize Your HTML to Increase Deliverability
  8. Use Well Optimized Videos to Get the Message in Your Prospect’s Inbox
  9. Optimize Images to Be Responsive on Mobile Devices
  10. Use Email Authentication to Prevent Fake Accounts from Sending Emails in Your Name
  11. Connect Your Current Location to the Email Account to Spot Unusual Activity Easier


  1. Micro-Segment Your Mailing List
  2. Address Prospects from Your Niche
  3. Constantly Upgrade & Update Your Contact List
  4. Address the Message Having Just One Persona in Mind
  5. Avoid Sending Unsolicited Emails


  1. Add Social Media Links to Be Closer to Your Audience
  2. Send a Warm, Personal Welcome Email When Someone Subscribes
  3. Send Relevant Product Update Emails 
  4. Use Your Credibility Smartly. Avoid Promotional Content
  5. Include an Unsubscribe Button 
  6. Personalize Your Signature with a Short Description
  7. Encourage Sharing the Content of Your Email with Close Friends



1. Choose a Subject Line That Triggers Curiosity


From our experience, one of the first things you’d like to avoid in the pursuit of a perfect subject line that stands out is being too smart about it. People don’t like it when you’re cocky and neither do they have time to understand the deep existential meanings behind your subject line. Of course, as everybody’s using email marketing and not everybody is so good at it, if you’re not unique you may get filtered out as spam before even hitting the inbox. We’re not here to advocate the lesser of two evils, we’re here to suggest moderation.


Ramona Sukhraj gave a great example of an email subject line form Canva. It has a bold attitude. It is stressing on an issue that you may have encountered, admitting that you may have problems from time to time, and it positions itself as a solution to them, all in one place. Pretty amazing style, impossible not to leave you curious on the matter. Even if you don’t usually read their newsletter and you’d like to skip this one, you’ll probably close your email app and re-open it just to satisfy that ardent curiosity.


Choose a Subject Line that Triggers Curiosity


THAT is what you’re aiming for,  a subject line to say something meaningful and personal, or at least to arouse curiosity, without being too complex or too shady.

Easier said than done. Especially because, despite being one of the most advised things about email marketing, people are still doing it wrong. However, an easier way to keep relevance in your plan is to include numbers in the subject. There’s something about them that makes people think you’re precise and worthy of their time. Of course, this is just one example of the many ways of creating an effective subject line. 


2. Address the Prospects by First Names 


Once you’ve found the prospect’s email, there comes the imminence of the email soon to be sent. However, there isn’t any guarantee that there will exist not only a positive but any reaction at all.


There’s more than just one popular way of doing it. For instance, you can use ‘Fwd:’ or ‘Re:’, but only when it is necessary, manually added just to send the message of a personal approach from a friendly face. As it’s always good to have some news from a friend and this marketing strategy can work.

And some emails are just so awesome, that Tina Turner would sing about them.

As Carly Stec documented in her article, catching the user’s attention is a constant journey through the email, and addressing the sender name is one of the first steps.


Address the Prospects by First Names to Make the Message Sound More Personal


There’s still a good chance that the recipients’ name you’ve got in the database aren’t actually their names, but there’s a good chance you won’t fail. It is, after all, a little more personal to have a first-name-base approach.


3. Use Open Loops that Sparks the Curiosity of the Reader


Using an open loop to attract your prospects into opening your emails daily is a functioning way of increasing your open rate. However, you should keep in mind that good content marketers’ task is not completed when the prospect clicked on the email subject line.


There’s no use in building anticipation in the subject just to disappoint in the content of the email. So delivering what you promised to when the prospect gave you the email address is a must in order to maintain your position. The example below brought up by Jeremy Reeves, is quite a pedagogical approach of this tip.


Use Open Loops that Spark Curiosity in the Reader

This is not just a copywriting trick. It’s a way of delivering information. It’s been proven that not only do we get curious, but we also get anxious when there is a gap between the information we have access to and the one we want to know. That explains the unhealthy amount of sitcoms in our lives – the urge to know what happens next.

Tipception: You can get as creative as you want with this technique, and the important tip behind this tip is to organize your information to leave people in front of cliffhangers, while actually delivering consistent information with every email. However tempted you may be to create a long ‘post’ and send it as a series of emails with a plot twist at the end, that’s not the way. The whole purpose of it is to create tension and anticipation with every email, but without damaging or affecting the content that you deliver. If Game of Thrones can do it, we’re sure that you can too!


4. Use Humor to Create a Personal Relationship with Your Prospects 


Ideally, your contacts already know who you are and the communication process flows without any issues. Practically, that’s rarely the case and it only happens when you’ve got no more than 5 clients, which (well, of course, it depends on the industry) isn’t such a happy prospect for most.

Getting to a point where you’ve created personas to get more efficiently to your audience is something to be positive about. It means your business is constantly growing.

Unfortunately, something you might sound impersonal and boring. And there’s a fix to that. Transfer the humor from your day-to-day life to your prospect-to-prospect experiences. There are others that follow this practice and do it well, but we’d advise you to go on this path only if you’re a genuinely funny person.


Use Humor to Create a Personal Relationship with the Contacts


For instance, my favorite example is throwing a subject line that says ‘So I’ll pick you up at 7?’. That yells personality, It’s so rich and impossible to ignore. But it also takes some strategy to not follow this line with an awkward email, but to keep a natural tone. Even DJ Waldow decided to talk about this strategy.


5. Make Use of Negative Subject Lines to Trigger Curiosity


The old carrots versus stick hypothesis. Truth be told, we do tend to react better to fear. From this point of view, loss aversion is a much more powerful stimulus than being offered a gain. This can be very well used in crafting a puissant subject line. Behind this fact, there’s a mechanism that speaks of basic human nature principles.


Being alerted about a potential danger/threat is more powerful than being told you can follow an opportunity. The reason is that, while we cannot always visualize how far an opportunity could take us, we can easily imagine loss; it’s more palpable, more real and we’re more willing to fight loss than finding a lucky chance.


Lindsay Kolowich wrote a post about various subject lines that work. Among them, there’s clearly one using loss aversion, with a great open rate, which means it worked. Of course, it would have been more accurate if we had access to the average email open rates of the blogger, but an absolute percentage of 17.13 is not bad.


Choose a Negative Subject Line

Defense mechanisms are built around the things that we care most about particularly because they’re meaningful and we have worked a lot to get here, which is why they’re infinitely more relatable.


6. Use the Power of Quizzes. Announce Them in the Subject Line


Whenever we hear about a quiz we tend to zone out from everything else and just take it. Adding quizzes and educating your audience to expect them makes the people engage more with your content and, therefore, remember you better. Maybe tell them that you’ve sent them a quiz, from the subject line.


This can happen even if you’re a huge actor on the market or a newly entered one, as it helps you stick to people’s minds. Creativity has always been a powerful means when it comes to a brand’s memorability. Not to mention it increases click through rate. Take the example below, from Grammarly.


Use the Power of Quizes


7. Add a Video. Announce It in the Subject Line to Raise Interest


There are countless reasons why embedded videos in email marketing campaigns work wonders. While this is an extended practice and everyone seems to have been doing it for years, it’s crucial to keep in mind the reasons why you’re doing it, both concerning your needs and your readers’, and to stick to your digital marketing plan.


Also, if the users aren’t used to this type of content or don’t know to expect it, you can announce it in the subject line.

From our point of view, adding a video to an email means creating a context for your readers to allocate more time to your emails than they usually would, as integrating more than one sense in message transmission is proven to be more effective. Then, of course, there’s the possibility of your brand going viral.

This great example of video embedding from Emily Konouchi brings to our attention the importance of getting the audience used to receiving videos. And it’s more of a process than a state, meaning that you’ve got to teach your readers what to expect from you and in that you’ve got the biggest flexibility. So did Mario Batali in his culinary newsletter.


Add a Video to Adapt the Message to the Various Needs of Your Reader’s


From your reader’s point of view, a video is a summarized version of an article, one that’s more pleasant to follow, and it’s also more impactful, personal and significant. It’s also best if you include single tap to play it since many users open the emails from their phones. Additionally, autoplay is never a good thing to do, as it’s intrusive and it violates trust.


8. Be Playful. Use Emojis in the Subject Line When It’s Appropriate


It’s thrilling to work in an industry that’s finally mature, it has its niches, its specialists and its overly excited, ever-so-powerful fanbase. But this, like any other awesome thing in life, comes with responsibilities. One of them is taking your job seriously every second of the day. And while it may seem a little odd, this doesn’t mean that you should be formal and pretentious with your readers. On the contrary, it’s high time you spiced some of these strategies up with a little humor, a personal note, maybe a slightly inappropriate joke. Use a more personal subject line.


Short, colorful, and attention grabbing, just like the example below.


Use Emojis


This is how a correct use of the emoji should be in the subject line of an email. It’s especially useful when you’re not overusing it and look spammy. Just like Jackie Nees mentioned on her blog, there’s a fine line and you’re risking a lot if you don’t know where to stop. However, there are bad examples as well.


Be Playful. Use Emojis in the Subject Line when It’s Appropriate - Failure Example


And maybe you should use emojis every once in a blue moon, when it’s appropriate and the context allows it. What two years ago would have been a big no-no is only the logical thing to do today – people like interacting on an emotional level with their connections, and networking is more than exchanging likes and retweets. It only makes sense to adapt your email subject line to these trends.

And as always, with the risk of sounding like the mother of a teenage girl, don’t do anything that you’re not comfortable with and that doesn’t align with your personality. You don’t want to pose into something you’re not, you just want to communicate personally from the first character of your subject line; and if you’re doing it through other means and you’ve never used emojis in your personal life while exchanging text messages with your wife and kids, maybe you shouldn’t do it. Otherwise, don’t hesitate!


9. Have at Least 5 Headlines Written Before Actually Sending One


You don’t need experience in journalism to figure out that there’s an almost weird similarity between a headline and the subject line of an email. They both have the role to intrigue, to raise questions and to spark curiosity. Most of the times, the subject line is what opening an email or not depends on. And as this is the very most important decision when it comes to open rates, it should be given its much-needed attention.


The business world is responsible for most of the email traffic, with over 100 billion sent/received emails per day. By the end of 2017, were 269 billion sent emails. This figure is expected to grow to over 333 billion daily emails in 2022.


You just cannot win at this game without a kickass headline. Which is why you should have where to choose from. I would recommend writing 5 headlines before pressing send. It’s massively important to reach the level of conciseness and relevance, while also making the reader curious about your content. It’s never easy to do it, no matter how much experience you’ve got, and it takes practice. Most of the times,you should follow some clear-cut rules too, if we’ve decided to treat it like a headline. Some people take it very seriously and some even do A/B testing.


Have at Least 5 Headlines Written Before Actually Sending One


The ideal length of a subject line depends on context as much as some external factors (such as the closeness of your audience with your brand). Its tone should be intriguing more than just a cry for attention. In order to pull all of these off, you need to take time and to find the perfect angle to your story. Just like you do in journalism.


10. Leverage Relevant News to Build Urgency from the Subject Line


It seems like every other tip is about creating better subject lines when it comes to email marketing. And while that’s great advice, it cannot work miracles alone. You need to set up a lifecycle email marketing strategy. In other words, it’s essential for your prospects to know why you’re sending those emails, what category of emails they are (are they promotional? Are they newsletters the prospect subscribed for? Are they a regular 20-days follow up?). We all know how important are click rates because they measure your subscribers’ engagement with your subject lines. 


It’s of tremendous importance that the prospects don’t ask themselves ‘What do these guys want now?’ whenever a new emails lands in their inbox. And because everyone’s schedule is always a little too full to cope with, maybe it’s ok if your prospect doesn’t open a follow-up email, but does read the newsletter regularly.


Proving the relevance of an email often constitutes a prioritization in the mind of the reader. And this is essentially a great mechanism of the human mind because instead of getting to ad nauseam before opening an email, they will filter the information and only open what’s important to them. And this is what business should be like, right? Delivering information so that the prospect will have easier access to something they vividly want to hear.


This is where relevant news come into the equation. If your readers know what kind of email they’re receiving and why it’s a lot easier to spark their interest with different tricks. News incorporate the present into your messages, giving them temporal relevance and a sense of urgency. All of this happens using context. Topical events are a good source for anyone out there looking for a fresh perspective on their content strategies, as long as they’re not artificial and exaggerated. Try to find the events that blend in with your products and digital marketing goals.


Such as Chris Hexton stresses in his article, relevant news can drive conversions if they’re used properly and towards an interested audience. Don’t always sell them with a topical subject line because most probably everybody does. Leave the connection for the people who open the email.


Create a Context. Leverage Relevant News to Drive Conversions Integrating the Present in Your Messages


You will, then, be able to improve your conversion rate optimization and have a higher open rate for email marketing campaigns.


11. Use Email Series to Increase Curiosity and Loyalty


It’s difficult to create a loyal audience because every other source of information that delivers similar content to yours can be thought of as a good replacement. Everything seems to be more dependable than ever before. That’s why you have to use creative hooks to keep your audience engaged, and drip email campaigns are one of those hooks. Aside from the content strategies that can help you shape the way your message is best formulated, the idea behind this content makes for a sustainable strategy as long as you’re thinking long term.


Use Email Series to Increase Curiosity and Loyalty


12. A/B Test Alternatives of Different Subject Lines


One of the most relevant ways of delivering something that your audience would appreciate is testing the audience regarding your subject line. Before actually sending out an email to a massive list, it’s best to have some hands-on feedback from your readers and track click rates, open rates to compare the results.


Wishpond’s blog post about A/B testing also treated subject lines, and it turns out running tests is for the better.


AB Test Alternatives of Different Subject Lines


And more than just one variable serves well for better positioning.

AB Testing


Sometimes two different copy approaches of the same content can have very distinct response rates, despite being about the same information. You wouldn’t want to cut your open rates in half because you haven’t been cautious and humble enough as to test what works better.




13. Create a Second Lead to Keep Your Audience Hooked 


I’m not the first one to advocate for this strategy; it worked for many other influencers out there. A constant and active fan base that always accesses your email and constantly reads your content on the blog is something we’re all striving for. However, it doesn’t hurt to give extra motivation to people whenever you have a chance. Any course, webinar or other kinds of second lead can dramatically improve your open rates; the more hands-on the topic you’re delivering, the better your chances are to have a burst in the open rates. Use social networks to create buzz. 


When you’re targeting busy people, make sure you’re solving one of their problems. Once you are useful, they’ll keep you close. Carly Stec’s article is nothing but living proof that it can work if you’re doing it right.




Create a Second Lead (Webinar, Free course etc.) to Keep Readers Engaged


The secret is to keep people interested and not go softie with the informational quality when you notice an increase. People will only come back for as long as you fill their needs, and it’s enough to break the good pattern you’ve been working on for months once to lose a significant part of your audience.


14. Use Information Gap to Create a Craving for More Content


There has to be that piece of information, that exists in every niche, that everybody seems to be using but no one really knows how it’s done or what it’s about. So maybe it’s time to clarify it.


That’s when you come in. Under the pretense of delivering a more in-depth approach to something everybody knows, you can solve the issue of the elephant in the room. If it’s too much to cover in one email, you can easily create a series and satisfy an informational hole that has kept your prospects from growing in business intelligence. It’s not easy to serve the social greater good, and it clearly takes a lot of precious time, but it’s efficient most of the times if you take it seriously.


An example of such, you can see below:


Use Information Gap to Create a Craving for More Content


15. Use Educational Emails to Re-engage Prospects That Slipped Away


It’s not uncommon for prospects to lose interest in your content, even though they may be directly interested or even involved in the niche that you are active on. This can happen as a result to various reasons. Either because they got so used to the style of your content and it doesn’t spark their interest anymore, or because you have changed something they liked a lot, or sometimes because you have become too aggressively promotional. So make it up to them.


Use Educational Emails to Re-engage Prospects That Slipped Away


However, there is always one category of emails that will be opened, even if your regular newsletter or mailing style is a little too aggressive and that is the educational email. The chances are that most of the people who are actively passionate about staying in touch with the latest news in your niche will maintain long-term interest in educational emails that are meant to fill in background informational needs.


16. Focus Your Copy on the Customer’s Interests, Not on Your Product


While we’re in the mindset of providing the best for your customers’ interests, it’s not only through educational emails that you can satisfy the prospects’ expectations. A powerful strategy of advocating your brand is assuming a more objective voice, one that doesn’t have the brand in the close-up, but the very reason why your audience needs your products or services.


Mary Fernandez gave the next example of an honest copy that completely makes you fall in love.


Focus Your Copy on the Customer’s Interests, Not on Your Product

This means that if your product is a carpet cleaner, it’s not cleaning carpets that you’re selling. It’s hardly even clean carpets. What you’re selling actually is a good impression of your mother-in-law who comes to visit during some weekends, unannounced.

So stop talking about your brand for just a second and shift the focus to the brand promise, and even further to the achievements that can be completed with your brand. Because those are the true points that spark your prospect’s attention.


17. Ask Why When Someone Unsubscribes


People unsubscribe from mailing lists for the weirdest of reasons, varying from my wife just had a baby and I don’t have time for this anymore so I’m wealthy enough not to value information.
However, this is only a minority of them. Most of the unsubscribes happen for a legitimate reason that you should know about. So send them an email asking to fill in your this-is-only-taking-a-nanosecond survey.


Ask Why When Someone Unsubscribes


Most of the prospects who click the unsubscribe button are unhappy about something and chances are it’s something you did or didn’t do. Therefore, it falls under your responsibility to try to fix the misunderstanding. People subscribe to mailing lists for a reason–  there’s something they liked about you. But it’s not going to always be a honeymoon phase, and you have to treat this relationship personally and responsibly.


18. Make the Same Message Revolve Around More Than One CTA Button


Just as it applies when it comes to website pages, having one call to action doesn’t mean you should also have only one call to action button. On the contrary, the more opportunities you give to the reader to click on your links, the better your chances to convert.


However, you do have to pay attention to the message behind those buttons or text links. This Whirlpool case study showed that there was a 42% increase in clickthrough rates. How?


Make Your Message Revolve Around More than One CTA Button to Increase Clickthrough Rates

Make Your Message Revolve Around More than One CTA Button to Increase Clickthrough Rates - Whirlpool


That’s because there were too many messages, when – in fact- the email ideally has to build your readers’ trust and allow them to decide when they’re convinced. The example shows that no matter how good an idea is, if it’s not well executed it can do more damage than good. So make sure that the CTA buttons and links intensify the same message.


We’re all interested in a good story, as readers. We like to see the person from the other end trying to build a relationship with us. If you’re just giving me a button/link to click on the minute I open the email, you’re only going to take me by surprise. In reality, it’s best to let the readers decide when they feel ready and convinced to click on your CTA. This abundance doesn’t mean, however, that we should hyperlink the entire email. But 2 CTA opportunities, for instance, could send the message that you respect the reader and are willing to give them time to trust you, very much like it happens in real life.


19. Brand Your “From” Name. Set a Personal Name and Stick to It 


A huge part of personal branding is memorability. And the reason why it’s so difficult to pull it off is that there are so many associations already going on in our heads as well as our users. But the other half of personal branding is being personal. My conviction is that, if you’re consistently personal in both the way you write the emails and the subject line title, there’s a good chance you’ll win on the long run.


Justine Jordan explains the importance of the “from name” personalization and the drastic impact it can have on the audience’s judgment. 

In almost all cases, the from name and address is the first thing that subscribers see. Is your from name recognizable and trustworthy to external audiences? 
VP Marketing at Litmus


An example behind a poor naming decision comes from Banana Republic, when the brand decided to send emails with an acronym of its name, BR. The problem is that, if your personal name or your acronym are not popular enough, you should stick to the brand name as to be easily recognized. However, a personalized “from name” does spin the wheel of brand recognition.


Brand Your From Name. Set a Personal Name and Stick to It Forever


There’s nothing wrong with a common name, either, as long as your email doesn’t come from a shady business address, but from your personal name. It’s vital for the reader to see that the email comes from you, and the most accurate sign of this is your name populating the ‘from’ category instead of your work email address. This way, you’re on the point of establishing a personal liaison with your reader. And maybe, if you’re new in business or they’re new on your list, this won’t happen for the first emails, but it’s most likely going to be a long time success.


20. Review Emails Internally Before Sending Them to the Public


This one’s not going to shock you if you ever sent an email to a thousand prospects and then realized what an awful typo you had; the type of thing that would never happen to you, especially since you’re so much of a grammar Nazi and always in touch with your use of language. And yet it did. It happened. All you can hope is that your public will not start associating you with that horrible person who doesn’t spell ‘your’ correctly.


To avoid these sorts of issues, use internal reviews as often as possible. And by that, I don’t mean you re-reading your email (out loud) after you’ve written it. It can help, but your full of biases mind will very likely skip one of two mistakes that either sound wrong or are spelled badly. This is what your colleagues are for! Send the email to them, ask them kindly to carefully read your email as if it were a will from an uncle who decided to leave them a castle in Scotland. Accept nothing less. The way every sentence’s significance can bend and twist can be either your success or your failure. With that in mind, always review emails internally!

Of course, sometimes you can get lucky enough as to repair the mistakes in a very cute way, just like in the example below. But that rarely happens.

Review Emails Internally Before Sending Them to the Public


21. Proofread for Grammar, Not Just for Marketing Relevance!


As credibility is what grants either your success or your failure, it’s essential to present the materials to your prospects flawlessly. It doesn’t pay off to spend one entire week documenting a case study just to present it poorly, with spelling errors. Otherwise you, will have to make up to your readers again.


Proof Read for Grammar, Not Just for Marketing Relevance!


And you may not get off as cheap as Reebok.


Just like editing, spell check shouldn’t be made by you solely. At least one set of fresh eyes is required to read the material before sending it to the public – after all, there’s little we appreciate more than a well written, well documented and highly relevant piece.


22. Finish the Email in a Question to Increase Engagement


It’s never easy to paint the portrait of a happy audience. However, the easiest way to someone’s heart in email marketing (and life in general) is showing how much you care, and the fundamental cores of this relationship are not about you, but about them. This technique helps you a great deal with the long-term open rates.


Asking a question once in a while is an invitation for your readers to interact with you and your brand, therefore improving their overall experience with your products or services. So did Kissmetrics in their client’s emails, thinking that their audience would engage better. Which happened.


Keep the Emails in the Primary Section of Gmail. Finish the Email in a Question Once in Awhile


The relevance of personal communication strategies is not to be underestimated, and encouraging interaction is your way of showing how much you are willing to take your prospects’ opinions into consideration.




23. Use the Same Delivery Time for All Your Emails (Especially for Newsletters)


Consistency is the founding of all habits. The more you’re going to keep the schedule fixed, the more people are going to make a habit out of reading your newsletters. It usually takes us 21 days to form a new habit, after which things will be naturally integrated into our program. Aside from being easier for your business to organize the issues of the newsletter internally as to be constant, this form of time consistency represents a key issue in attributing credibility; being able to stick to a schedule involves planning and efficient resources distribution.


Dave Chaffey wanted to find out the best times to send emails depending on the industry and wrote an article about it. Below you can see the results:


Use the Same Delivery Time for All Your Emails (Especially for Newsletters)


Imagine how easy would be to grow a fanbase this way, by using email send time optimization.


24. Avoid List Fatigue. Avoid Sending Too Many Emails


It isn’t an easy challenge, but being the one to bring a new perspective or to test out a new theory can interfere dramatically with the idea of email fatigue. And get to the point where you can build a Hitchcock’s suspense in an email series and people cannot get enough of what you’re writing.


If it’s not the case, then probably a moderate attitude is the best solution to your problems. Maybe some of the content you present is outdated, or simply not outstanding compared to what your audience has already read. And maybe you’re sending out mails way too often. Even if some of these aren’t necessarily content, but brand focused, they do count and your prospects may get enough of your name in their inbox. Yes, it’s possible and it’s better avoided!

Or do something out of the ordinary. Take another approach, like Jet Blue did. They created an email to humorously reengage customers offering information in a 3 points format.


Avoid List Fatigue. Avoid Sending too Many Emails


Stick to a calendar and only send out branded content if it’s necessary: new release coming up, huge news in the niche etc.


25. Get the Length of the Message Right – Add a TL;DR in the Subject Line When Necessary


Depending on the message of your email, the content should be delivered in its best form. Usually, this is the information-redundancy ratio. You wouldn’t want to make people close your emails, because this would diminish drastically your open rates in the future, and you wouldn’t want to miss any of the important information for the big picture either.


If we take the example below, what is your first impression aobut it? 


Get the Length of the Message Right, Depending on When and How Often You Send the Emails



You don’t like i, right? There’s a lot of content and it looks overwhelming. A huge amount of content will most likely go unnoticed. 


A visually appealing copy helps the users through the content and assures them diversity.


Get the Length of the Message Right, Depending on When and How Often You Send the Emails Example


The solution to this problem is being honest and try to talk to your prospects as you would with your friends: don’t skip the juicy stuff but don’t bore them either.


26. Resend Unopened Emails


It’s so frustrating to work an entire week on a piece that doesn’t get opened by your subscribers. There are plenty of situations when you can resend unopened emails to your prospects. The most notable perhaps is the small open rate. Whenever you get a smaller open rate than expected, either because it is small compared to your general open rate, or because it’s better than most of your open rates, but so is your email, there’s no point to leaving it at that.


Of course, the opposite situation works: your article/newsletter is great, and people should read it. In fact, most of your prospects did, you never expected such a huge open rate, but here it is. And the results are astonishing: a lot of marketing engagement and response with a positive sentiment in all the comments and on social media networks, as well. You wouldn’t like to waste that either. In fact, in the second email, you can mention that.


Specialists have come to solutions to the issue of small open rates, and segmentation based on non-opens is the first step in solving this issue.


Resend Unopened Emails


The key to this is to find a better hook. Ask yourself what it was that people found uninteresting, especially if they usually open your emails. Once you’ve done that, change the subject line into something that would convert better – maybe test the alternatives within a small group. This way, you can segment the targets into more specific and similar groups for a better open rate.


27. Try Automated Behavioral Triggered Emails to Exploit User Behavior


Each user behaves a certain way, and there’s no need for a psychology class to understand this fully. Consequently, the decision-making process may suffer alteration from one user to another. To you, this means that it may not be effective to send users emails only triggered by the time of the day or the day of the week, but also by their behavior on your website.


For e-commerce platforms, this could be an easy choice. It’s never wise to leave un-emailed a user who abandons a chart with items in it. However, there are more nuanced emails that you could send as well, on different other occasions, like Abigail Waterer advises in this article.


Try Automated Behavioral Triggered Emails to Exploit User Behavior


If you’re still wondering why automated behavioral triggered emails is a good strategy, even though the email is automated and it may lose a little from the personal voice (although I think it doesn’t have to), let me explain. It’s because you’re sending it at the moment of utmost relevance to your prospect. Formulated properly, this strategy can increase email open rates with 71% and the CTR with over 100%. And there are lots of marketing statistics out there, that can prove this strategy. 


28. Ask Your Contacts to Decide How Often They Want to See Mails from You


Yes, it’s still relevant to do it. Our needs aren’t something absolute anymore. We’re past the time when we either needed that or we didn’t. Today, you might need a service or a tool in different degrees, to different extents and clearly for distinct purposes. Depending on these variables, there’s always the possibility that you have the right solution for your prospects’ needs, but you either deliver it in a nagging manner: way too often, way too heavily or worse – too scarcely.


A survey by TechnologyAdvice shows how could businesses improve their email efforts. 

Ask Your Contacts to Decide How Often They Want to See Mails from You


Of course, you can run tests. It’s preferable that you do. But users appreciate honesty. Put yourself out there and ask them to what degree they need to hear from you. If it’s once a month, don’t worry. If you’re awesome enough you’ll increase the degree to which they need you.


However, if it’s daily, don’t think you’ve got the user wrapped around your fingers. Leads don’t work like this, you have to work constantly for them. The more a user needs to hear from you, the more they’re exposed to your content and may notice mistakes. There never is an easy way, but honesty is the first step to building meaningful relationships with your target.


29. Create Anticipation towards the Following Email from a Series


We’ve already talked about the fear of missing out (FOMO), which often comes in the way of loss aversion. That’s why, besides having an open loop, it’s often very efficient to create a sense of urgency for your readers to understand that they might be missing on some valuable marketing tips of an email saga.


According to many sources, anticipation doesn’t have to mean rewriting “The Young and the Restless”, as it’s enough to just send one automated pre-launch email sometimes.


Email Marketing Anticipation Series


There’s nothing wrong with applying some social pressure on your readers, as long as you don’t exaggerate with the drama.

As long as you’re consistent in delivering quality information, this can be a very effective way of creating a powerful fanbase. When the readers are under the impression that they might be missing on some amazing tip, their willingness to read will be significantly higher.


30.  Let the Contact Know Your Email Is Fresh


A constant feeling that we all have is that time passes by and we don’t get enough of the important information because of all the biased feed algorithms on social media, and because of even-more-biased interests. That’s why, besides being relevant, information has to be fresh to be of importance. There’s nothing that screams ‘open me’ more than a well-written, fresh newsletter that will drive traffic.


Include the Date and the Time in the Email to Let the Contacts Know It’s Fresh


When you decide to include time coordinates in your emails, you will have the guarantee that people are going to know how urgent it is to read it. If it’s Monday morning and you’re sending a fresh update, chances are it won’t get open, as everything is new on Mondays on everyone’s schedules. But if you do have something important to say on a Saturday afternoon, maybe it’s worth taking a look at.




31. Beware of the Word ‘Free’. It Can Trigger Spam Filters


And not just this word. There are plenty of overused spam words that can trigger filters out there. The more you’re avoiding them, the more you have a chance to get to your leads’ inbox. Whenever you’re feeling undecided about the spam appropriateness of your emails (especially when it comes to the subject lines), consult one of the lists out there and avoid the words that could contribute to your small open rates at all costs.


Andrei Rebrov gave lots of negative examples.


Beware of the Word ‘Free’. It Can Trigger Spam Filters


32. Use Lower Case Letters in the Subject Line


We don’t live in a webiverse where you have to shout anymore. Every niche that develops its work in the digital marketing area has reached enough maturity to mimic a conversation appropriately. Shiny fonts have stopped working as well as any other bling-bling that would have granted your success in the 2000’s.


There’s a more explicative way of putting this as well. Your readers don’t find themselves on your page because they’re looking for wondrous solutions to never-ending problems. If you’re looking to develop a sustainable business, you’ve got to stop trying to deliver magic. Instead, a clarifying explanation, a step-by-step guide or any other explanatory process does the trick. The more honest you are, the more credible you are. And this means leaving out the tabloid view of your articles.


Sometimes you don’t have to be spammy to sound spammy to filter algorithms. Check the example below:


Use Lower Case Letters


As for the subject line, it’s not just the search engines that have developed spam filters, or the email providers. It’s the users as well. Whenever your readers will see something that’s exaggerated and artificially pumped, they’ll choose to ignore it thinking it is spam.


When friends email you, they don’t use upper case letters, unless they’re mocking the idea behind them. If we are to build a strategic relationship with our readers, we’ll have to treat them in a personal way, and this comes with assuming a balanced role in delivering information.


33. Only Use the Emails of Your Contacts for What They Expect from You


If your last years’ efforts have been all about building an audience that can find you reliable, it wouldn’t be fair to your audience and neither would it be a good strategic step to sell your contacts for other businesses, especially if they’re not connected to your area of expertise, therefore to their areas of interests.


Take iPad’s example.


Avoid Affiliate Spam. Only Use the Emails of Your Contacts for What They Trusted You to


They sold the database to one of their competitors.


Avoid Affiliate Spam. Only Use the Emails of Your Contacts for What They Trusted You to - iPad example


34. Make the List Double Opt-In


If you don’t want to end up in the spam folders create double opt-in lists for your prospects. Having thousands of thousands of subscribers is amazing. But not when it comes with a 0.01% open rate and 0% conversion rate. Then it’s awful and you’re doing something wrong.


The double opt-in has such a powerful fan base because it works. There’s nothing wrong with having less leads, as long as they’re more interested and their reading/purchasing intent is dramatically higher. To be relevant means to be specific, and it cannot be achieved if you’re running for leads aimlessly.


Good copy will always be appealing, but you have to make sure that your interests and your future readers’ correspond.


Make the List Double Opt-In


As much as you want to know that your emails are sent to a number of people as big as the population of Japan, ask yourself to how many of them it is relevant. Because people talk. Your leads, to whom you’re sending useless emails, may have friends who would really consider you as a viable option before hearing them complain about how aggressive you are.


35. Ask Contacts to Add You to the Address Book


It is true that spam filters are to be considered even when you’re delivering great content that anyone should be honored to receive. Being in someone’s address book, however, does more than protect you from spam filters and improve deliverability rates. It makes a statement about the personal level of your relationship, not necessarily in terms of closeness or intimacy, but concerning the extent to which you’re satisfying a need they have. Or add a link to make it obvious, just like it is presented in the next example.


Ask Contacts to Add You to the Address Book


36. Avoid Attachments, Whenever Possible


First of all, because they’re rarely opened. From a marketer’s perspective, it should be more than clear that attachments are a no-no. If there’s something truly relevant in your email, the user will get it. If your click-through rate is too low, maybe there’s room for improvement. However, being pushy about it is not a solution.


Using attachments makes spam filters instantly think you’re onto scams.


Avoid Attachments, Whenever Possible


Instead, try making the content irresistible. Create cravings for your readers and you’ll get yourself a better open rate. It’s enough to mess things up once with an attachment or a poorly written email, and you’ll hardly ever get to be read again by that lead.


37. Optimize Your HTML to Increase Deliverability


Over 70% of the readers use mobile devices to open their emails. A badly optimized HTML not only will diminish your chances of landing to their inbox, but the users will avoid opening your emails in the future if the HTML isn’t responsive. A bad user experience is what you should be very afraid of. You don’t want to be that guy. So try your best and test your newsletter to see if it’s responsive to please all mobile users.

Take Inc Newsletter, for example.


Optimize Your HTML to Increase Deliverability

While the design isn’t at all sophisticated, it’s always informative and easy to skim. Aside from this, it’s also practical.


38. Use Well Optimized Videos to Get the Message in Your Prospect’s Inbox


Same goes for your videos. While it’s encouraged to appeal to more than the reading function of your audience’s cognition, it’s also strongly advised to make sure that the strategies you’re using to improve email open rates work properly, otherwise the entire extra effort is in vain.

Video email marketing is a thing, but only as long as you get the technical part straight.


Use Well Optimized Videos to Get the Message in Your Prospect’s Inbox


The rest of the story is similar to an un-optimized HTML code – it’s enough to have a bad experience once to unsubscribe or never react to your emails again. Not to mention the off chance of not getting to your prospects’ inbox because of technical errors that may come along with your videos.


39. Optimize Images to Be Responsive on Mobile Devices


Besides improving the template of your email design, images will have to be responsive too. A lot of our understanding comes from a concise image when we start skimming through content. Not because images are better than a thousand words, but because your prospect will know from your image if they’re interested in going through all your content. If this leverage they’re judging content based on doesn’t work, your email risks to never be opened again.


Andrew King gives the example of Domino’s, who listened to the voice of users’ needs and started to take into consideration the device where they check their emails.


Optimize Images to Be Responsive on Mobile


40. Use Email Authentication to Prevent Fake Accounts from Sending Emails in Your Name


This is a milestone for business owners, and doesn’t only apply for the email campaigns, but for your personal branding strategy as well. It’s essential to have authentication in order to minimize the chances of a dirty competitor’s fake account sending emails in your name. It is true that, in the business world, one mistake can cost you everything you’ve been working for.


Plus, this is another great way to improve the rate of emails actually landing in your users’ inbox. The authentication can also be required to users in order to read the emails you’re sending, which is another security leverage that you can use to improve open rates and the overall success of your email marketing campaigns.


It’s harder to maximize the open rates on the long run without proper authentication security.


Use Email Authentication to Prevent Fake Accounts from Sending Emails in Your Name


41. Connect Your Current Location to the Email Account to Spot Unusual Activity Easier


This one’s a complementary step that adds up to the entire effort you’re putting into being relevant and reliable. Your current location is one of the means of being kept from any account counterfeiting attempts. Plus, in case you’re active on Twitter, your prospects will better keep in touch with your day-to-day activity, the conferences you go to and the ways they can reach you better.


Or use it to pitch your next business growth idea.


Connect Your Current Location to the Email Account to Make It Easier to Spot Unusual Activity




42. Micro-Segment Your Mailing List


When it comes to segmentation, it’s essential to approach the right target audience and, in order to do this, you have to know what the personas’ informational needs are. Open rates are closely related to how relevant the content of an email is to the contact.


Micro-segmenting is crucial, as it helps you maintain pertinence to the content and deliver germaneness depending on your contact’s personas and the needs you’re striving to satisfy.


Behavioral data aims more specifically than demographic data. The psychology behind why people buy your products, whether the users are using a paid or a free subscription, how often they open the emails, whether they use desktop or mobile more and the click-through rate are often more relevant than just the gender and job title of the user. However, these two go hand in hand whenever you’re trying to build a comprehensive buyer persona.


For instance, Douglas Burdett wrote about the benefits of list segmentation after a survey taken by, and the results were not too shabby.


Micro Segment Your Lists


A minimum information about a client should be divided into:

  • background –  the psycho-graphic characteristics;
  • demographic information: job title, gender, professional interests;
  • interests: what kind of information the clients consume regularly and what they are interested in satisfying;
  • engagement data: tailoring the message and its delivery to the consumer’s habits of engaging with this type of contact, in order to increase the open rate.

43. Address Prospects from Your Niche


Once you’ve established what the prospected personas look like to the finest detail, it’s time you carved your message in order to respond to a series of questions before they even get to ask.


People in your niche are not predictable, it’s not what we’re going to argue. Instead, we strongly believe that the odds of you delivering relevant content are higher within your niche of expertise. If we’ve all agreed that generic messages are a key issues in e-commerce email marketing, then addressing specific prospects that are active in your niche is the logical step to follow next.


The more specific your area of expertise, the more selective you should be in addressing prospects and avoiding mistakes such as the one below, with a very broad topic and an overly hyped subject line.


Address Prospects In Your Niche. They Are More Likely to Be Interested in Getting Your Emails Example


For the people who are part of your industry, the message should be somewhat broader and more contextualized compared to the emails sent to people who already are highly knowledgeable. The way you address prospects and you position your company against their interest has a huge impact on their attitude towards your services. It takes addressing people as specific inside the niche as possible and different content approaches to have long-term positive impact on your open rates.

According to Yaro Starak’s blog post, you have to start small and humble, by addressing people who are most interested in hearing from you.Whenever your prospect will believe that your message is too generic or, on the contrary, too specific for their understanding and/or interests, you will lose any privilege of being read.



44. Constantly Upgrade & Update Your Contact List


There are all kinds of creative ways of managing inactive subscribers. There’s always a reason behind their lack of activity. However, depending on whether they used to be engaged or not, the approaches can be different.


A user who’s been opening emails for years without hesitation and who all of a sudden doesn’t seem interested in what you have to offer will most likely have one reason of ignoring your emails in spite of all efforts. Additionally, someone who has never opened even one email is so uninterested in your company that hasn’t even bothered to unsubscribe. Following on this idea, be grateful to people who have remained loyal in time. You should try to sholve the issues when you’re seeing a soft bounce, not to mention a hard bounce. 


Constantly Upgrade & Update Your Contact List


As this blog post from Benchmark Email puts it, a hard bounce is the number of emails that never get opened or delivered, for that matter, because of the invalid email addresses. This variable can damage your overall performance in case you don’t go through a regular contact list detox, and your email marketing efforts may just seem pointless after a point, even if you’re doing everything right.

There are different ways of dealing with the above-mentioned types of uninterested subscribers. The first can be asked what happened and friendly required to give feedback. After all, they’ve been so close to your business for all this time, that their input should be valuable. As for the other category, they most likely need to be sent an email and asked whether they would like to be subscribed to your emails or not. Honesty is something even unattached people appreciate.


45. Address the Message Having Just One Persona in Mind


When you’ve identified the persona you’re writing to, the first question to be asked is if it can’t be classified into two more specific personas. The more definite your idea of the prospect is, the more clear-cut and tailored will be the message – which is ultimately what it takes to increase open rates.


Dropbox makes a great example of a personal approach that speaks to the human behind the businessman.


Address the Message with Just One Representative Person in Mind

Personal Messages Email Marketing


They seem to be always a little more creative, while keeping the same line of thought.


Dropbox Example


Understanding the audience’s core problems and interests is the very core from which both the subject line and the message content should be crafted. The fact that it’s easier to write more generic emails doesn’t justify the effort of building a solid contact list, as most of the people will think the content is spam. Writing like a friend, from an honest first-person point of view can save the day, especially if you’re positioning yourself as being a reliable source.


46. Avoid Sending Unsolicited Emails to Recipients


If the prospects didn’t subscribe to receive emails from your part regularly, it’s more than appreciated if you can keep up to the promise and deliver consistent, friendly content on a weekly or daily basis. However, subscribing to your newsletters doesn’t imply the prospects are automatically interested in all the promotions and offers that you’re about to suffocate them with – so take a step back.


People hate being the subject of spam. And it’s only fair, as you risk losing fractions of your target audience that would have otherwise continued reading your content.


Avoid Sending Unsolicited Emails to Recipients When It’s Not Crucial


Avoiding such mistakes is one of the best steps you could make as to maintain relevance. We’ve become so used to avoiding promotional messages, that we’re prone to avoid a source altogether than expose ourselves to a sales department.


From massively using AdBlock to changing the TV channel whenever there are commercial running, there’s nothing we wouldn’t do to protect ourselves from the flow of adverts. This being the case, it’s not far fetched to state that you have a better chance to convert a prospect by being honest and delivering exactly what you promised to.




 47. Add Social Media Links to Be Closer to Your Audience 


It’s true. Your signature doesn’t have to be long and boring, but a little extra relevant information never hurt anyone. Especially since including social media buttons in your signature connects your brand with a human face, the one of a person who’s willing to reply to Twitter tags and Facebook comments.


Always make yourself available to your audience. It’s the honest way to win their hearts. Yes, it takes time, but assuming someone just finished reading your email and has a quick question, maybe they’ll feel better to ask it on Twitter than pressing reply to your email. Be flexible. Wisestamp’s business model is focused on delivering signatures for professionals who use their emails to engage with their clients and leads.


Add Social Media Links to Be Closer to Your Audience


48. Send a Warm, Personal Welcome Email When Someone Subscribes


It’s great to use email automation sometimes. However, this behavioral trigger starts from the premise that you’re trying, form the first minutes, to build a personal relationship. This is why you put so much effort into sending a welcome mail. Consequently, it will have to be personal. The styles, however, can differ. Or you can throw in a design template. Just like in the example below:


Send a Warm, Personal Welcome Email


You’ll sign it with your name, you’ll mention why it’s so important to you that the person joined and thank them. Of course, you’ll also emphasize some of the reasons why you’re not dependable, without looking arrogant. Don’t make it about you, it’s their special day!


49. Send Relevant Product Update Emails 


Another automated email that works in the best interest of your prospects is the product update one. Let me walk you through it. It’s an important day for you, as you released an update you’ve been working at for months, if not years. You’re happy to finally see it happen. You have to tell your audience, but only if you make it outstanding!


Send Relevant Product Update Emails to Remind Your Contacts of the Proficiency of Your Product or Service


But be careful. This is not about you either. Your prospects will not be interested in hearing you yapping about how great you are. Remember you’re satisfying a need here. Remind them why this should be an important day for them as well, focus on the changes you’re making and how your contribution to their lives is now more significant than ever.


50. Use Your Credibility Smartly. Avoid Promotional Content


Of course, you should. There’s no point in trying to be a perfect solution for a striving need if you forget – even for a minute – the main reason why people read your content and buy your products. It’s because they need something. It’s always about this. So that’s your biggest leverage, the way their lives are changing. Your presence should be subtle and humble, not all over the place and vocal, it turns people off.


Distract your audience from you and your brand, and help them focus on the benefits exclusively. This attitude can get you far. Unlike a cheap attitude. After all the work you’ve put into gathering a contact list, it would be detrimental to ruin it all with a single email, such as this one.


Use Your Credibility Smartly. Avoid Promotional Content


51. Include an Unsubscribe Button 

It doesn’t have to be in their face, it’s enough to include it in the footer of your emails. People who cannot see this will most likely mark you as spam, which is the worse thing that a marketer should ever think of.

Plus, it builds to your credibility. If you’re open to the readers, transparent and correct, they’re more likely to trust you and not think that you’re tricking them in any way. Not to mention the possibility to pay fines if the country you’re in makes it illegal not to have an unsubscribe button.


Include an Unsubscribe Button to Give the Idea of a Transparent Relationship


52. Personalize Your Signature with a Short Description


Underlining short. You don’t have to reenact Anna Karenina in your signature bio, but some compass of what you’ve done and who you are to your readers should work just fine.


Personalize Your Signature with a Short Description


It’s important to show your readers who you should be to them and how they should position you in their lives. Are you the guy who developed the product? Or are you also fun and do bungee jumping in your free time? Maybe it’s time for your prospects to see you as more human, and relate to who you are personally!


Newoldstamp is a great tool you could use to personalize your email signature. It is so easy to create an interactive signature in a few minutes and generate more traffic and sales. You get brand-consistent email signatures across the entire company by using the same template and manage all email signatures from one single dashboard. 


Newoldstamp email signature marketing


53. Encourage Sharing he Content of Your Email with Close Friends


Extending a deal towards an engaged prospect’s network is sometimes even CTA worthy, however much of an overly optimistic madness this may sound like. The psychological explanation is basic. When you’re dealing with people engaged towards the brand, it’s not unheard of to recommend them to share content among close friends or professional acquaintances. This is a highly targeted move, and it its chances of success aren’t farfetched.


There are lots of marketing specialists advocating for replacing the CTA with a ‘share with a friend’ message, and more and more professionals are applying this tip.


Encourage Your Prospects to Share the Content of Your Email with their Closest Friends


Once the prospect has engaged with your content, it means they agree with the main premise of your discourse – that your value is newsworthy or read-worthy. The only thing you’re left to convince them about is that you’re also share-with-someone-in-the-niche worthy. Without following any stereotypes from known idioms such as birds of a feather, the real chances of any prospect of yours to know at least one or two people also potentially interested in what you’ve got to offer are quite high.


From exclusive information that was part of the newsletter to offer coupons for tool discounts, everything that is valuable is worth sharing with your close friends.




Spot a trend in the email marketing ecosystem. Follow all the marketing tips and strategies we’ve talked about to improve your open rates. See what a template looks like or what makes you wonder if you’re getting a template or a personal email. Do the exact opposite of that. It usually helps to stir things up a little with a personal detail that an automated tool would never be able to catch. It’s always about giving a little bit more than what the prospect is expecting to see.

The post 53 Untapped Ways to Improve Your Email Open Rates appeared first on SEO Blog | cognitiveSEO Blog on SEO Tactics & Strategies.

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29 Powerful Cold Email Tips Backed by Renowned Digital Marketing Experts Tue, 27 Jun 2017 08:32:36 +0000 Email outreach is clearly more than just sending an email to the right guy. Converting your marketing prospects into marketing opportunities is not something that everybody does right from the first shot.   For once, because it works like a riddle – it’s never the thing that first pops into your mind. That very first thing […]

The post 29 Powerful Cold Email Tips Backed by Renowned Digital Marketing Experts appeared first on SEO Blog | cognitiveSEO Blog on SEO Tactics & Strategies.

Email outreach is clearly more than just sending an email to the right guy. Converting your marketing prospects into marketing opportunities is not something that everybody does right from the first shot.


For once, because it works like a riddle – it’s never the thing that first pops into your mind. That very first thing you’re thinking of including in your outreach pitch was probably used by other hundreds of people hoping to stand out. People receive heaps of emails every day. Lots of them get lost in the pile.


So is there anything you can do to get your email read by your potential clients? There sure is! Check out the following cold email tips backed by awesome digital marketing experts and boost your email open rates like never before. 



Since influencers don’t have a lot of free time, you shouldn’t expect indulgence or mercy every time you’ve done something wrong. Most of the times, you don’t get more than a shot, and the better you perform, the more this will work like a snowball.


So let’s take a look at a comprehensive list of wise pieces of advice for cold email outreach from successful people in digital marketing.


29 Cold Email Tips for a Successful Campaign


  1. Outreach Gone Wrong! Learn How to Deal with Negative Responses
  2. Video Embedded in Email – Perfect Outreach Prospect
  3. Focus on What Brings an Advantage to The Influencer
  4. Be as Natural as Possible in Writing Your Outreach Proposal
  5. Pitch as a Writer, Not as a Link Builder
  6. Formulate a Natural Request Without Harassing the Receiver!
  7. When Doing Outreach Write Less, but Document Your Emails More
  8. Smart Outreach – Associate Yourself with High-Quality Professionals & Create the Ben Franklin Effect
  9. Outreach Tip – Even After Sending 1000 Cold Emails – Be Humble!
  10. Use the 3 Ps that Make the Outreach Go Round: Personalized, Positioned Properly and Persuasive
  11. Be Unconventional in Writing Your Emails
  12. Earn Trust by Finding a Common Ground Between You and the Influencer
  13. Don’t Advertise Your Product too Soon in the Outreach Process!
  14. Get Higher Response Rates by Pitching Your Ideas Honestly
  15. Don’t be cheap! Be More Effective Using Dedicated Outreach Tools
  16. Diversify the Approach Depending on the Outreach Purposes
  17. Write Memorable Emails!
  18. When Doing Email Outreach Use Short & Relevant Subject Lines
  19. Make the Details of Your Email Impressive!
  20. Don’t Be Superficial and Pushy in Your Outreach Endeavor!
  21. Respect Three Elements for Outreach Success: Timing, Interest and Personalization!
  22. Use Creative Incentives that Don’t Sound Selfish for Your Outreach Prospect!
  23. Mistakes Are Unprofessional. Avoid Them with Every Email!
  24. Learn How to Find Room In A Busy Influencers’ Schedule
  25. The 9 Formulas to Increase Outreach Success Rate!
  26. Be Personal and You May Experience a 333% Increase in Cold Email Response Rates
  27. Cold Email Principles to Make Your Email Stand Out
  28. Avoid Requests When First Contacting an Influencer!
  29. Ask Questions to Empower Your Email and Attract the Recipients



1. Outreach Gone Wrong! Learn How to Deal with Negative Responses


There’s no way you can improve your chance of being promoted by influencers unless you decide to actively deal with rejection like a pro. We often forget that networking’s all about creating relationships, not just links on famous, high authority pages. Piotr Zaniewicz explains, in one of his articles, the entire set of possibilities when all you’ve got is negative answers and threats. If you’re the person in charge, you should listen to what Piotr says to help you close more deals.


“Now, you can’t defend yourself if you organised outreach based on, for example, a ready-made, untargeted and unsegmented prospect list. What you did was spamming and all you can say is “sorry” and hope for the best. It’s your job to first make sure you’re writing to the right person before you send the email.” 
Piotr Zaniewicz
CEO & Founder @Righthellocom

He also offers a great list with some outreach examples that didn’t work out as intended every time. Yet, a lesson about sending cold emails or cold emailing templates was learnt each and every time.


Being Threatened by Influencers May Get You Somewhere


Negative Answers - Lawsuit Threats


Infuriating People Can Sometimes Point Out Where You’re Wrong


Negative Answers - Rude


Sometimes You’ll Need to Be Patient


Negative Answers - Challenges


Brutal Honesty Can Be A Valuable Lesson


Negative Answers - Not Interested


And Nice “NO”s Will Make Your Day Better


Negative Answers - Vagueness


Remember Patience? The Long Road to Success


Negative Answers - Delays

This is an example of successful cold email example. Patience and ability to adapt to each response to guide the receiver through a positive experience is a desired situation.




2.  Video Embedded in Email – Perfect Outreach Prospect


Sales prospecting is difficult. Madelaine Milani, talks about the sales process (and cold sales) more than networking and promotion outreach. The core idea is actually innovative and useful. In case you’re a charismatic writer with innovative ideas, you can record yourself and get the attention of the influencers you’re reaching out to.


The body should lead the recipient to watch the video, driving more watches and getting your message both seen and heard
Madelaine Milani
Digital marketing at 


Starting from the idea that there are 3 key things to include in your effective cold video emails: the introduction, trigger event and call to action, Madeline comes up with some great examples of sending cold emails with a twist:


Video Email Outreach

Video Email Outreach Example


3. Focus on What Brings an Advantage to The Influencer


Iris Shoor comes with some great insights on the art of cold email outreach.  Every email has to come with a powerful story. And as long as you can outline the essential without getting into boring details, a little context didn’t kill anybody.


“One of the most basic tips when it comes to blogger outreach is to personalize your email. Not only is there a better chance you’ll hit what they’re looking for but you’re also communicating that you’re interested in their blog and not sending the same email to 50 different bloggers.” 
Iris Shoor


In this article Iris shows examples of success stories of her own and starts with the basic things – such as the fact that bloggers are most interested in getting more readers and quality content.


The Art of Emailing for Outreach

The Art of Emailing for Outreach - Reply

The Art of Emailing for Outreach - Example


4. Be as Natural as Possible in Writing Your Outreach Proposal


Take your approach seriously and imagine you’ve already got a connection with the influencer, even when you don’t. This will give you a better focus and sense of propriety. And maybe people will even respond to your cold email campaigns.


The researching and content writing part are as important and challenging as is promoting your content efficiently. You need to have something to say, to be not only relevant but also interesting and to provide a competitive advantage.


While all these things are oddly familiar, Lena Shaw documents examples of positive and negative value to make a very valid point.

“There’s no shortage of email tips and tricks. Lists abound all over the internet. Even the narrowly-defined activity of initial email outreach has long lists of advice.” 
Lena Shaw
Dir. of Mktg & Growth 


In her article, Lena offers some great cold email examples and cold email tips altogether.  An important thing that she outlines is that you have to work for outreach just as much as for every piece of content you write.


Cold Email Outreach - Bad Practice

Cold Email Outreach - Good Practice


5. Pitch as a Writer, Not as a Link Builder 


Before even thinking of composing the perfect email, maybe you should, at least, socialize on a basic level – maybe a Tweet, although it would be preferable to shake hands.


However, as we can agree on the fact that Twitter works pretty much like a social binder, it’s a decent start. Monitor targets’ social media activity and learn something – maybe find an idea of how to pitch your blog.


And when it comes to this, Adam Grunwerg gives some great tips and examples, just as you can see bellow. 


“Retweet [the influencers’] articles or compliment their work before tweeting them from your personal (not brand!) account. Provide a teaser for your content, and ask them permission to send them an email. They will appreciate the courtesy.” 
Adam Grunwerg


Outreach Emails After Social Media Monitoring


6. Formulate a Natural Request Without Harassing the Receiver!


Stephen Altrogge has done a great job with his outreach technique – some of the most popular influencers answered to him, most in less than 20 minutes.  Instead of spending time looking for influencers’ emails, he shot for ‘the stars’ by documenting a personal approach, and the result was impressive.


“The Internet is full of endless, boring drivel. Of stupid memes and Buzzfeed quizzes. When something has personality and zest, it majorly stands out from the crowd.” 
Stephen Altrogge


His article and examples tell the story of honest success and a natural approach.


Real Life Outreach Example - Rand Fishkin

Real Life Outreach Example - Joanna


7. When Doing Outreach Write Less, but Document Your Emails More


As Alicia Glenn talks about tripling the response rate for the business she works for, there are a few elements that never miss from an email: feature, benefit, human factor and value. These are the secret ingredients she advises us all to use  while also giving some practical examples to guide us through.


“I started writing more customized emails, and surprisingly business owners would respond. Whether it was positive or negative, I didn’t care. All I wanted was a response. My main goal when crafting emails was to convey that I’m human and waiting for them to get back to me. Showing that you’re a real person also builds a sense of urgency.”
Alicia Glenn


Here are also some examples she provides in order to back up her story.


Email Marketing Tips from Yelp

Marketing Tips from Yelp - Example


8. Smart Outreach – Associate Yourself with High-Quality Professionals & Create the Ben Franklin Effect


The Ben Franklin Effect is a mindset that can help you achieve bigger results after positive answers for small ones. It does sound like there’s a psychological glitch in there, right?


As Tim Soulo underlines, the perfectionists in our niche are professionals we’d like to associate with. And after we’ve done this, research shows people are more likely to accept a bigger favor after they’ve said ‘yes’ to a smaller one. After this, wait until you’re asked to formulate your requests – it’s not all about yourself.


“And there’s no way to maintain a relationship with someone if you’re only willing to use him for your benefit and never actually care about him. That’s why I pick my outreach targets very carefully. I only reach out to a person who I would still hang out with, even knowing that he will never tweet my articles.” 
Tim Soulo
Head of Marketing 


In his article, Tim comes with some outreach examples and hacks to make influential people notice you. Below you can read some of these awesome examples. 


Blogger Outreach - Tim Soulo

Blogger Outreach - Tim Soulo Email

Blogger Outreach - Negative Example


9.  Even After Sending 1000 Cold Emails, Be Humble!


You’d think that eventually experience catches up – only eventually is far too many ‘no’s’ from now. Luckily, people like Shane Snow share their experiences.


“Notably, the one thing we didn’t (couldn’t) do with a study this size is research each recipient and personalize the message to them. In our personal experience, reply rates for mentor advice outreach are higher than a typical sales email—and certainly higher than the 1.7% a generic ask generates.” 
Shane Snow


His article shares this challenge as an experiment at the end of which lessons were learned.


1000 Cold Email Outreach Example

1000 Cold Email Outreach Response




10. Use the 3 Ps that Make the Outreach Go Round: Personalized, Positioned Properly and Persuasive


Matt Gratt talks about outreach emails that aren’t personalized, positioned properly and persuasive. Lacking any of these characteristics will make your outreach challenge futile – and you’ll only serve as a bad example for a case study.


“Good outreach emails are personalized.  And I don’t just mean ‘successfully got the name and website right’ – those are table stakes to get taken seriously. When I say pitches should be personalized, I mean they should be read by the recipient, and the words ‘form letter’ should never cross their mind.” 

Matt Gratt


And talking about not-so-good outreach examples, you can see an example below and more of these in Matt’s article.


3 Ps - Terrible Example


11. Be Unconventional in Writing Your Emails


We’re in this carousel of accomplishing as much success as possible very fast – it seems like nobody has the time, or the patience for that matter, to build a business properly. We’re always in the urge of automating every process we’re using to save more time to automate even more processes. It makes no sense, and the lack of results show its pointlessness.


So Brian Zeng advises us to look at what people are doing wrong in this process. 


“Personalization doesn’t mean addressing bloggers by their name or getting their website right. This just sets the stage for a personalized email.” 
Brian Zeng
Digital marketer @brianzengdotme


In his article you can find some good template examples that can help you out. 


12. Earn Trust by Finding a Common Ground Between You and the Influencer


There’s nothing more impersonal than trying to start a relationship from nothing – even online. Networking is about the things we have in common and, the less common they are, the stronger our liaison, as Elise Musumano points out.


“The quickest way to win someone over is to show how much you have in common.” 
Elise Musumano
Content Marketer 


In her article, Elise gives some great examples to back up exactly that: the importance of common ground. 


Uncommon Commonality


13. Don’t Advertise Your Product too Soon in the Outreach Process!


The most important in 7 ways of engaging cold prospects is this – be careful what you’re pitching.


While nothing in business is a simple 3-step recipe, some pillars of online communication should be observed with religiosity. Including humor. And Michael Simone says things as they are: 


“Assuming that you’ve spent some time building rapport with your prospect, send them something based on their interests outside of work. Everyone loves a break from the day-to-day grind!” 
Michael Simone
Sr. Account Exec 


While Michael Simone doesn’t stop here, his article revolves around this basic principle, enriched with cold email examples that might make you change your perspective on cold sales, cold calling or social media. 


Email Outreach - Send Something Unrelated to Your Product


14. Get Higher Response Rates by Pitching Your Ideas Honestly


Craig Rosenberg gives us four examples of genuinely transparent outreach approaches. He makes it clear that regardless of the purpose, it’s the human touch that spins the wheel of business networking.


“Combine touches within seconds of each other – Leaving a voicemail within seconds of your email will increase the likelihood of your prospect opening and responding to your email.” 
Craig Rosenberg
Sales&marketer @funnelholic


Although he talks about sales in his article, the principles he’s enunciating make perfect sense when it comes to a promotional approach. 


Pitch Your Ideas Honestly


15. Don’t be cheap! Be More Effective Using Dedicated Outreach Tools


Dave Schneider suggests, in his post, that business isn’t quite the light atmosphere with people who have enough spare time to compose outreach emails all day long – this is why he’s proposing an app to help you keep in touch easily with your prospects. Sounds fun, right?


Inbox mode is an in-app inbox specifically for conversations with your prospects. It is not a place to do outreach at scale from, but a view in which you can more efficiently handle active conversations, new messages, and replies.
Dave Schneider
Co-Founder @ninjaoutreach (Update – Dave no longer runs this website, but can be found at and


And here is some example of such an inbox:


Dave Schneider - NinjaOutreach


16. Diversify the Approach Depending on the Outreach Purposes


In another article, Dave Schneider  presents a more extensive list with cold email templates examples he found worth sharing. With no further introduction, here there are: 


Honest Pitching


Dave Schneider - Example 1


Asking For Opinions


Dave Schneider - Example 2




Dave Schneider - Example 3


Personalized Approaches


Dave Schneider - Example 4


17. Write Memorable Emails!


Sasha Galkin shares 10 practices that every person doing outreach should check off the list before pressing ‘send’. No influencer is going to bother answering to your networking attempt unless you make a good impression.


“Dish out a whopper incentive. Give them a reason to pay attention to the rest of your email.” 
Sasha Galkin
 iAcquire’s very own copywriter @galkinator


This works pretty much like real life – make a good impression, don’t be creepy, show similar interests and qualifications, make it clear that you’re meant to collaborate without sounding like a horoscope. You’ve probably received tons of emails like the one below, right?


Bad Example of Outreach


18. When Doing Email Outreach Use Short & Relevant Subject Lines


The article written by  John Corcoran is, in fact, a real-life story he’s decided to share publicly. It’s as simple as I suggested in the title – he created a personal bond with an influencer, started giving valuable inputs and got his reward.


“Noah is busy running AppSumo, training new entrepreneurs and riding bikes around Austin sampling tacos. Until recently, he had no idea who I was. And yet here I was, opening my mail to find a box of chocolate chip cookies, with a thank you note from Noah Kagan.” 
John Corcoran
Attorney @JohnCorcoran


And here is the cool email he was so kind sharing with us: 


5 Lessons About What VIPs Like


19. Make the Details of Your Email Impressive!


When in comes to email outreach there’s no middle way, as we’re going to find it underlined in Portent’s article. From being brief and personal to having a decent signature and a bold, but a relevant subject line, every detail matters.


“There is a lot of discussion about which link prospecting strategies work, but the outreach email is where the link is won or lost. Even with all the research and personalization in the world, you’ll never convert if you don’t get the communication right.”
   Portent Blog Team


Email Instructographic


20. Don’t Be Superficial and Pushy in Your Outreach Endeavor! 


It’s not professional to write a thousand superficial emails, poorly documented and not at all convincing. Try to do your homework – and don’t think that just because you get to someone’s inbox you’re automatically going to be read and answered to.


There are influencers out there who don’t even get to read newsletters that captivate them because there’s no time to waste. You’ve got serious competition here, too. Mike Essex has a nice point of view on this matter: 


“Sticking together two keywords in the hope of some traffic and a quick link just isn’t worth it anymore. It’s no longer an excuse to say you wrote something just for SEO, especially as blog owners have to put their name alongside the content you provide. Rubbish content may fly on generic article sites, but it’s not what blog owners want.” 
Mike Essex
Marketing Manager 


Mike gives us a few rushed, unfortunate examples in his post, explaining why it’s not worth messing with influencers’ patience.


Deleted Your Guest Post Pitch 1

Deleted Your Guest Post Pitch 2

Deleted Your Guest Post Pitch 3

Deleted Your Guest Post Pitch 4

Deleted Your Guest Post Pitch 5

Deleted Your Guest Post Pitch 6


21. Respect Three Elements for Outreach Success: Timing, Interest and Personalization!


It’s not success in general, it would be futile. It’s not easy to come with a recipe and we’ve always underlined this. However, when it comes to professional common sense – timing, interest and personalization – we couldn’t agree more. Researching the outreach process before trying to contact influencers on your own is crucial if what you’re looking for is a good response rate.


Put simply, what you’ll think of writing if you don’t have any experience in the area is simply what will cross everybody’s minds. Venchito Tampon gives us a nice insight on this one: 


“Though there are other variables that would affect your response rate, scheduling your emails at the peak hours of your recipients would help increase your outreach’s conversion rate.” 
Venchito Tampon
CEO/Co-Founder of 


To make his statement clearer, Venchito  gives us an example of his own.


Venchito Tampon - Outreach Email


22.  Use Creative Incentives that Don’t Sound Selfish for Your Outreach Prospect!


You wouldn’t like to live the impression that you’re going to pay for someone’s effort to respond to your outreach attempt. However, it’s only fair that you propose them some bargain that seem so genuinely altruist and professional, they won’t refuse.


Once you get a response from a blogger, your acceptance rate sky rockets; making it an important part of your outreach.” 
Peter Attia
Head of Marketing at 


Petter Attia puts together a great list of ideas on how to do this better, starting from his personal experience.


Pitching Personally


Peter Attia - Outreach Example 1


Adapting Your Speech To Your Audience


Peter Attia - Outreach Example 2


Being Concise


Peter Attia - Outreach Example 3


Looking Professional and Genuinely Interested in the Matter


Peter Attia - Outreach Example 4


23. Mistakes Are Unprofessional. Avoid Them with Every Email!


Charlotte Varela said it right. It was high time someone made a list of the things people should, by all means, avoid when doing outreach.


It’s impossible to deal with clients as a digital marketer and not get annoyed at some point at their mistakes that seem to be the same over and over. Not knowing how to do outreach isn’t fun for anybody: for the influencer it’s time-consuming and inefficient, for you it’s frustrating because you don’t get the results you expected and as a digital marketer it’s like violating some sacred terms.


Don't Act Hungry For Links


Don't Set Your Own Rules


Don't Send Old Articles


Don't Send Old Articles - Terrible


Don't Advertise as Untrustworthy


Don't Admit You're Trumping Google



24. Learn How to Find Room In A Busy Influencers’ Schedule


Thinking you’re worth being answered to is a mindset that may cause you outreach failures according to this article by Gregory Ciotti.


Twitter has become less and less personal and it’s not always appropriate to call an influencer, especially if you don’t already have a personal relationship with them. So email is where you can leverage your best qualities into a promotion pitch.


“Email is where keystrokes go to die. If you want to get in touch with busy people , you must know how to avoid wasting their time.”
Gregory Ciotti


Here are some of Gregory’s examples: 


How to Email Busy People - Tessa


How to Email Busy People - Reply


How to Email Busy People - Derek


25. The 9 Formulas to Increase Outreach Success Rate!


Bernie Reeder made a list of 9 formulas for email outreach that have always brought her good results in the outreach endeavors. The bottom line of is that there are indisputable facts of persuasion and content marketing, and while recipes aren’t 100% sure, it’s always worth to take science into consideration.


“Each line of a cold email must persuade the reader to read the next one.” 
Bernie Reeder


Depending on different factors such as the type of person she wrote to, the type of purpose she had, or simply the structure of the email, here go 9 ideas.:


9 Cold Email Formulas - No 1


9 Cold Email Formulas - No. 2


9 Cold Email Formulas - No. 3


9 Cold Email Formulas - No. 4


9 Cold Email Formulas - No. 5


9 Cold Email Formulas - No. 6


9 Cold Email Formulas - No. 7


9 Cold Email Formulas - No. 8


9 Cold Email Formulas - No. 9


26. Be Personal and You May Experience a 333% Increase in Cold Email Response Rates


Getting into a prospect flow isn’t an easy job, especially because you have to operate different mindsets, according to Eric Siu in this article. Among the number of issues that may contribute to an outreach campaign’s failure, poor templates and no enough follow-up make the top. Learn from Eric how to write an effective cold email. 


“Separate your prospectors from your sales closer. Don’t combine the two. I did that and failed massively. Here’s an example of how you might structure your team using the Predictable Revenue model.” 
Eric Siu


The example below is living proof of how you can miraculously recover.


Hi Eric - Cold Outreach


27. Cold Email Principles to Make Your Email Stand Out 


Whenever you’ve thought of a template as a universal formula that works regardless of the influencer you’re contacting, you were wrong. A template refers more to the persona of your prospect combined with the intention of the outreach, as we’ve read from this article by Sujan Patel, a well-known name in the lead generation area.


“You can have multiple paragraphs, but if people see a big block of text, they’re going to be scared off, and possibly miss important details. So keep your message as short and controlled as possible.” 
Sujan Patel
growing companies    


For instance, being naturally personal, using email signature and remembering value-add are some principles to live by when you start an outreach campaign.


3 Cold Email Templates


Mentioned You in My Latest Post


Another article by the same author underlines the secret power of content marketing through networking in the niche with influencers.


Content Marketing Secret


Matthew Murray recommends that we should stick to the basics and keep our message short and concrete:

Keeping your messaging short and focused is the best way to encourage action. The first sentence tells them why they should pay attention. And the second sentence tells them what to do about their interest (ie reply or visit a resource).
Matthew Murray Matthew Murray
Managing Director at Sales Higher

28. Avoid Requests When First Contacting an Influencer!


And when I say anatomy, it’s almost religiously precise.  And according to Pawel Grabowski in this article, nothing shows better what you’ve been doing wrong than a bad example.


“Outreach emails are rarely written to guarantee a reply. Sure, they are long. They contain a plethora of information, a lot of which isn’t necessary but that’s another thing. Yet they don’t inspire the recipient to reply.” 
Pawel Grabowski
Founder and Chief Content Strategist –


And here are some great examples from Pawel:


Outreach Anatomy


Outreach Anatomy Bad Example


29. Ask Questions to Empower Your Email and Attract the Recipient


Just as, Scott McQuin, founder of Roojet says it, you need to make an effective research for an outreach email, especially if it for sales. And the subject email is significant in an emailing strategy. 47% of email recipients open an email based on the subject line alone.

The prospect first looks at the subject line before deciding whether to open the email or not.

If you convince the prospect here that they will gain valuable insights, resources, or market intelligence, they are almost guaranteed to open your email.
Scott McQuin Scott McQuin
Founder at Roojet/ @AbacusMetrics

Using questions in your subject line is a valuable trigger to entice curiosity. Everyone enjoys a little bit of mystery from time to time, isn’t that right? Ask questions and afterward offer help and solutions as an answer.


Here are are some examples of great sales email subject lines that you can use:

Effective questions for cold emailing



Questions enter an instant dialogue with users, making them more likely to be opened. Litmus says that people respond well when you ask them to do something. It is important to use this tip in your CTA, also. Sephora asks an emotionally-engaging question (really? you care?) with just two words, creating a truly great subject line.


Sephora successful-email-subject-line


Make sure you don’t make your subject line look spammy, the recipient will definitely delete your email. Be specific and consistent, don’t use words such as discounts, offer, specials, donation or free.




Sometimes it may seem as if you’re only sending an email and it’s not a big deal. On the contrary, in digital marketing every detail matters. The more you behave like a professional the more you’ll be taken seriously. Writing the best cold email template isn’t an easy job for anybody, and clearly documenting is a crucial step -that may change your mind on what works and what doesn’t in your niche.


As, Justin McGill mentioned on one of his articles, cold email outreach isn’t spam. If made wisely, we might add.


We know, is not easy to create the sales emails that will increase your chances of getting responses back just by following a pro tip. But we do believe that the tips tackled above will help you craft an effective cold email campaign. There is no 100% reply rate guide to cold email. And if there are such business books, you might want to read something else as well.


There are a lot of complete guides with cold email marketing tips or even companies (like Criminally Prolific for instance) that try to deliver the best cold email templates. Whatever key elements or automation tool you might be using to boost our response rate, do not forget the “human touch” in everything you do.


Yes, cold email subject lines are important, as well as social proof or the demand to introduce yourself or your company name. But whenever you conduct cold email outreach don’t forget that there are real humans you are sending your cold mailing, not robots. 


Prospects that can boost your image on the web (and, why not, in social media) are usually attacked by hundreds. The bad news is that you can’t just not be annoying, but you’ll have to stand out. Good luck!


Are there any special practices you’ve used that are worth sharing?

The post 29 Powerful Cold Email Tips Backed by Renowned Digital Marketing Experts appeared first on SEO Blog | cognitiveSEO Blog on SEO Tactics & Strategies.

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Poor Marketing Data Costs Online Businesses $611 Billion Per Year Wed, 15 Feb 2017 11:13:36 +0000 The data quality subject is often neglected, and poor quality business data constitutes a significant cost factor for many online companies. And, although there is much content that claims that the costs of poor data quality are significant, only very few articles are written on how to identify, categorize and measure such costs. In the […]

The post Poor Marketing Data Costs Online Businesses $611 Billion Per Year appeared first on SEO Blog | cognitiveSEO Blog on SEO Tactics & Strategies.

The data quality subject is often neglected, and poor quality business data constitutes a significant cost factor for many online companies. And, although there is much content that claims that the costs of poor data quality are significant, only very few articles are written on how to identify, categorize and measure such costs. In the following article we are going to present how poor quality data can affect your business, why is this happening and how can you prevent wasting time and money due to poor data.


It’s going to be an in-depth geeky research and we advise you to keep your pen and notebook nearby and load yourself with plenty of coffee.


Poor Marketing Data Costs Online Businesses $611 Billion Per Year


With no further introduction, allow us to present you the main subject we are going to tackle in the following lines:


  1. Is Poor Data Really Affecting Your Online Business?
  2. Drowning in Dirty Data? It’s Time to Sink or Swim
  3. Poor Understanding of the Digital Marketing Environment 
  4. Faulty Methodology Being Used to Collect Digital Marketing Data
  5. Data That Cannot Be Translated Into Conversion
  6. Conclusion



Is Poor Data Really Affecting Your Business?


The development of information technology during the last decades has enabled organizations to collect and store enormous amounts of data. However, as the data volumes increase, so does the complexity of managing them. Since larger and more complex information resources are being collected and managed in organizations today, this means that the risk of poor data quality increases, as the studies show.  Data management, data governance, data profiling and data warehouse could be the salvation for any business and not just snake oil. 


Poor quality data can imply a multitude of negative consequences in a company.


Below you can read just some of them:


  • negative economic and social impacts on an organization
  • less customer satisfaction
  • increased running costs associated
  • inefficient decision-making processes
  • lower performance (of the business overall but also lowered employee job satisfaction)
  • increased operational costs
  • difficulties in building trust in the company data
  • + many others


In the image below you can easily see that there are not only direct costs we are talking about but hidden costs as well. Therefore, when creating your digital marketing strategy, have in mind the chart below before overlooking the data quality you are working on.


poor seo data



Drowning in Dirty Data? It’s Time to Sink or Swim


95% of new products introduced each year fail.

And yes, this statistic has much to do with the data accuracy; or with the poor marketing data quality. A McKinsey & Company study from a couple of years ago revealed that research is a crucial part of a company’s survival.

80% of top performers did their research, while only 40% of the bottom performers did. 

Still, that’s a lot of research done by the bottom performers. Of course, just because they do research doesn’t automatically mean they do good research.

Trying to do research is not enough if you’re not going to be thorough about it.

If you are still not convinced of the importance of having good accurate data, before running any sort of campaign, be it email marketing, SEO or mail automation, take a look at these researched stats below: 


  • $ 611 bn per year is lost in the US by poorly targeted digital marketing campaigns


  • Bad data is the number one cause of CRM system failure


  • Organisations typically overestimate the quality of their data and underestimate the cost of errors


  • Less than 50% of companies claim to be very confident in the quality of their data


  • 33% of projects often fail due to poor data


There are many ways in which research can lead to poor marketing data quality, but let’s look and go in-depth with just 3 particular instances. Taking a close look and understanding them will help us identify how to prevent losing resources (time, money, people). Each of the three instances will be exhaustively detailed below.


  1. Poor Understanding of The Digital Marketing Environment 


  1. Faulty Methodology Being Used to Collect Digital Marketing Data


  1. Data That Cannot Be Translated Into Action

1. Poor Understanding of the Digital Marketing Environment


Google Trends is a pocket of gold and you might already know this. Yet, even having this instrument at your disposal, the secret stands in how you use it.  Yes, you’ll find a lot of data to help you see what’s trending to stay on top of your competitors. It’s a real-time search data to gauge consumer search behaviors over time. But what happens when you don’t use it properly or when you don’t “read” the the data correctly? Let’s say we are interested in the image search for the digital marketing techniques vs tactics. As we take a look at the screenshot below, we might be inclined to say that the “digital marketing techniques” are of higher interest. 


Google Trends


Yet, as mentioned before, I was going for the image search; and even if the techniques seems to be of more interest on the general search, when it comes to image search, I should probably go with tactics. Conducting research is not enough but properly understanding the environment is the key. 


google trends image


On the following line we are going to offer you some nice case studies of poor understanding of the environment and customer needs, based on three dimensions: depth, context and match.



A) No Depth


Companies have certainly come a long way from assuming they know what’s best for the consumer to trying to find out what the consumer actually wants. But even when they feign interest, things can go wrong if it’s not genuine or thorough enough.


Some instances are downright hilarious, like McDonald’s 2005 campaign, where it tried to emulate the youth hip lingo only for it to backfire horribly. Knowing that a certain group (young people) like something (their own jargon) doesn’t mean that the group will like any version of it, especially if it doesn’t fit or sounds like your dad trying to be “cool” and “with it.”


McDonalds 2005 campaign


When McDonalds’ ad reads “Double Cheesburger? I’d hit it – I’m a dollar menu guy,” it becomes obviously painful they have no idea what they’re saying and they just try to sound knowledgeable (here you can find the “urban” definition of I’d hit it). And if there’s something worse than not fitting in, it has to be trying to fit in and failing. If you’re not with the cool kids, but you’re ok with that, you might still have a chance to earn respect.

If you’re not with the cool kids, but you’re desperate to get in, that’s when you’re doomed. Superficiality is definitely a mark of poor research.

Some similar misunderstanding of how youth works plagued McDonalds several years later. They tried to make something happen and “go viral” when they started sharing success stories using the “McDStories” hashtag. This turned out to be another failure – not only in consumer understanding, but also in technology understanding. The “McDStories” hashtag was soon reappropriated by random dissatisfied customers who decided to share their own stories. Only their recollections weren’t nearly as nice and flattering as the company’s. This particular example is extremely prescient to SEO, because it highlights the dangers of trying to manufacture goodwill. Something in the level of awareness of consumers and the technology tools they have at hand makes rebellion and irony very likely reactions to trend setting from the outside.


B) No Context

Market research matters. And poor data leads to poor business decisions. But you probably know that already. 

Even when you do research thoroughly, you can still wrong your customers by not asking the right questions.


The classic example here is that of New Coke.


It wasn’t that their research was poor in itself: they had evidence that strongly suggested the taste was the leading cause of their market decline. They also had 200,000 blind product taste tests where more than half of respondents preferred the taste of the New Coke over both the “classic” Coke and Pepsi. So all the science was rightfully pointing them towards introducing the New Coke. Which they eventually did, with disastrous results. There was public outcry and the company ended up giving up the new formula and reverting to the classic one.


So what went wrong? Was it the consequences of poor data? The same thing, really: they didn’t fully understand their customers (although in a slightly different way than McDonalds). Coke’s mistake was to treat their customers as living in a vaccum, as consumers of soda, as opposed to consumers of Coke, specifically.

Blind tests are a very good instrument to use in general – except when you don’t want your respondets to be blind to their options.


So try to think about things not just in terms of functionality, but also brand recognition and emotional attachment.


It might very well be that your website’s design is outdated or boring. And the research reveals that youngsters are usually attracted to shiny, slick things. But maybe your particular type of outdated and boring is what works for your users. Data governance and information management are highly important; yet, so is data profiling. 

Try to keep a certain perspective on things and make sure you ask the right questions about your consumers.


C) No Match


Other times, it could be more of a mismatch problem between companies and customers. Inadequate market research is a major reason why business strategies fail and the source of poor data. If you want to develop your brand, one of the most important things that you should establish is a reliable marketing research system. Customers will buy or not a product for a certain reason. And it is essential for the future of your company to understand what this reason is.


What drives your customers? What sends them away? What makes them continue with your services?


And the answer to all of these is just under your nose. Your sales and support team. They are a goldmine. Just think about it; what better way to find exactly what your users want if not from them directly, with no intermediates, no fancy feedbacks, just straightforward accurate data you can make use of. It depends, of course, on how you “master” data and how you make use of it. If, for instance, someone is asking you for a new feature you don’t have; yes, it’s frustrating as you might get dozens of similar mails. Yet, make use of them, exploit them and win customers (and therefore money). Take a look at the screenshot below and notice all the missed opportunities. 





Through all its efforts, a company/business/website is trying to find a way to best reach its audience. Some efforts are sort of an “indirect” contact with the public through online content but there are also some others which are in direct contact. A discussion with the sales and support team might be a great opportunity for you to better understand your audience’s needs or challenges and adapt your strategy accordingly. 


If you’ve never thought of your support team as a research tool, then you might be missing a lot.


Yet, let me present you what a mismatch between companies and customers can lead to through an interesting case study from the brand association area.  Only by looking at the screenshot below you can forsee the association issues between Tesco products and a fine wine production line. 


tesco and yalumba wine


Yalumba, an Australian wine company was selling well into the UK through Tesco and relying heavily on their association with that supermarket chain, confident of their success because of the successful association. However, they began to be squeezed on margins, so had a close look at what was happening with Tesco, and were astounded at what they found.


They discovered that their brand was being marketed by Tesco as a commodity – offered on promotion and regarded by consumers as a good wine, but nothing special because it was generally offered at a special price. Their market research discovered that their brand was not considered good enough for special occasions because it was a Tesco promotional wine. Great they did a market research after all yet, a bit too late. 


It was not the consumers’ wine of choice, and there was little connection between the consumer and the brand. This is a classic commodity trap, causing margin pressure, and not sustainable on the longer term. The company had created this problem of a commodity trap caused by poor research and a link between brand loyalty and promotions that led to an expectation of lower price and hence, ultimately, unsustainable low margins for Yalumba.


2. Faulty Methodology Being Used to Collect Digital Marketing Data 


On this chapter we are going to tackle the loaded choices and questions issues but until then we are going to talk a bit about how a faulty methodology can lead you to a wrong track. And it doesn’t have to be on a large scale but even on a minimal research that you are doing. Let’s say that we are interested in the “restaurants” niche in Brasil. And we want to see everything that is out there on the web written on “restaurants” in the South American country. I use Brand Mentions for that and as you can see in the image below. 


BM restaurants


That’s indeed an impressive number of mentions. Yet, the initial search was done using the word I was targeting in english, “restaurants”. Will the search of the same word but in Portugese would make a difference? It sure does. A lot of difference. Therefore, even when doing a simple search you should always keep in mind the methodology if you want accurate data. 


BM restaurants portugese


Below you will find some very interesting case studies based on some common faulty methodology. 



A) Loaded Questions


How you phrase the questions and how much (or how little) information you decide to provide your respondents can make all the difference.


For instance, in the image below, which line is longer? If you bear with us until the end of the chapter you will find out the answer if you don’t know it already. 




Giving them too little information can obviously skew their ability to give a useful answer. But it turns out that giving too much information can have the same effect. In his post on market research failures, Philip Graves provides two excellent examples of this phenomenon at work:


1. One is of a bank-related survey, where people are first asked if they have changed their bank lately and second if they are happy with their bank. While this line of questioning doesn’t necessarily provide unwanted information, it does create it implicitly in the mind of the respondent.


Just imagine: if you’ve answered “No” to the question about changing banks, once you get the second question, your brain is tempted to give an answer that is coherent with the answer to the first question. You can’t answer “No” to the second question, or else your answer to the first question would seem weird in retrospect. Have you changed your bank lately? No! Are you happy with your bank? The “Yes” comes automatically almost. Why would you not change your bank if you’re unhappy?


But of course, that’s not something you can do on the spot. What you can do on the spot, however, is find an answer that is consistent with the previous one, which, in this case, is “Yes.” You haven’t changed your bank because your are happy with it. There doesn’t need to be a causal link between the two, but the two answers are easier to accept if there is. We like order, symmetry and harmony.


When conducting a research, make sure the questions are consistent, logical and easy to understand. 


2. The other example in Graves’ article is more glaring. In a survey that asked “As the world’s highest paid cabin staff, should BA cabin crew go on strike?” 97% of respondents said “No.” To nobody’s surprise, we should add. This a classic example of a loaded question. The way it is worded makes it very unlikely that someone might say “Yes,” since we’re talking about the world’s highest paid cabin staff. In fact, the mechanism at work here is very similar to the previous one – it’s just more explicit. Our brains find it hard to hold two opposing views, so we try to adjust one of them to fit the other.


It’s like asking: being the best tool in the digital marketing with 80% success rate, do you think that the pros should choose us?


In this case, the two implicit views at work are “people who are well-paid should be happy with their work” and “people who are happy with their work shouldn’t go on strikes.” Or, to further reduce them to equation-like mantras, “money = satisfaction” and “satisfaction ⇏ manifesting dissatisfaction.”


think fast think slow


This kind of thinking – of which we are often not aware – is something that Nobel laureate Daniel Kaheman talks about at length in his “Thinking, Fast and Slow” book. It’s easier and faster to think in terms of simple equations and binary relationships between things, so we usually do. We are also prone to take the path of least resistance, so depending on how the question is phrased, we are more likely to give the answer that requires the least mental effort.


Just like in the case of the lines from the image above; even if you know, at a cognitive level that the lines are equal, you still have the tendency to consider the first one as being longer. 


Phrasing questions in a survey is such hard work.


B) Loaded Choices


Loaded questions are just one example of asking the right questions in the wrong way.


An inherent bias in the language you use can also have a significant effect on the answers you get.


For instance, there is a huge difference between asking people “How satisfied are you?” and “How dissatisfied are you?” even when the answer options are exactly the same (for instance: “Very safisfied,” “Satisfied,” “Rather satisfied,” “Rather dissatisfied,” “Dissatisfied,” “Very dissatisfied”). Priming can have a very strong effect even if people don’t realize they are susceptible to it and even when they downright deny it.




But getting the question right isn’t enough – you have to also get the choices right. Have open-ended questions and you might get answers that aren’t comparable and end up not being useful.


Have closed-ended questions and you might end up not including some very relevant answers, which in turn will force respondents to provide answers that do not represent them.


Even if you go for a mixed approach, you can still mess up by not making the choices comparable or symmetrical at both ends.


Let’s say that you are asked about your assessment of a mailing automation service and the options were: “Excellent,” “Very good,” “Good,” Very poor,” “Disastrous.” If you were just mildly dissatisfied with the service you received, you’re not likely to signal that because unless you’re up in arms about it, there’s no answer that fits your level of dissatisfaction. And even if you were seriously dissatisfied, you’d more likely go for “Very poor” than for anything else, because “disastrous” is generally a very rare occurrence. Moreover, the fact that there are 3 positive options and only 2 negative ones makes the least positive option (which is still quite positive) appear as more of a middle-ground than it should. So, if you’re just slightly dissatisfied, you are more likely to keep it to yourself and choose “Good” rather than choose “Very poor.” This is, obviously, an exaggerated example, but there are plenty, more subtle – but equally problematic – research design flaws out there.


3. Data That Cannot Be Translated Into Conversion


Here we are talking about useless data actually. Not quality issues, inaccurate data, business process, data managements, cost associated or process quality issues like we’ve discussed so far.  We’ve concluded by now that the quality of online data is a major concern—not only for the market research industry but also for business leaders who rely on accurate data to make decisions. 


Sometimes companies are so focused on the mousetrap they tend to lose touch with the emotions and needs of the people they actually work for: consumers.


Let’s say for instance that you are planning on boosting your website through SEO. And one day you realize that you have around 3 million links. That’s amazing, right? A few more and you are catching Microsoft’s link profile. Yet, is there anything you can do with this info alone? The 3 million links? Not really. You need to correlate it with the number of referring domains (which in our case is incredibly low reported to the high amount of links), the link influence, their naturalness, etc. Otherwise, there is no much use in having just the number of links. You cannot set up a strategy based on it nor take a digital marketing decision. 


cognitiveSEO site explorer


Yet, these things happen to the big guys as well. Let’s take Google Glasses for instance.  Not even 2 years have passed from the great launch and the producers announced that they are discontinuing the product. Didn’t Google have the means to conduct a proper research? Of course they did. Then what happened? 


What did they overlook?  Everything, some would say. Well, not quite everything but it’s clear that they made use of the data they had but not in an efficient way (we can say that these are still consequences of poor data). After researches, the producer came up with one conclusion: if high tech can be shrunk to fit in the hand, as with smartphones and tablets, and have such a great success, then why not shrunk technology to be close to a part of the human body? And their market research sample seemed thrilled about the idea. This was the info they’ve provided to the company. The product is created, it gets launch and no glory at all. Even more, it unceremoniously fails within months.  So what happened? Was it the consequences of poor data? The producers made their potential customers’ dreams come true; why did they not sell?


Privacy and price concerns alienated much of the public—and the fact Google released early copies only to rich geeks in the west coast, thereby branding the product as elitist instead of the “affordable luxury” philosophy. Even if they had a lot of data, it was quite useless.  According to CNN, before launch, Google didn’t anticipate that few would want to pay (or could afford) $1,500 to parade in public with a device slung around their eyes that others might perceive as either a threat to others’ privacy or a pretentious geeky gadget.

“Google’s fast retreat exposes the most fundamental sin that companies make with the “build it and they will come” approach. It’s a process that tech companies rely on, referred to as public beta testing.”


There are blind spots in marketing research that are costly and variables that no market research studies can predict.




Bad data can lead to bad analysis, which can lead to bad business decisions, some really bad revenue and not only. The first step is made. If you are aware of poor data quality impact today, it will not affect your business tomorrow. One should always be aware that bad data has long time consequences not only on your overall data management but also on all your future business decisions. 

The post Poor Marketing Data Costs Online Businesses $611 Billion Per Year appeared first on SEO Blog | cognitiveSEO Blog on SEO Tactics & Strategies.

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23 Rarely Used Copywriting Techniques to Create Fascinating Content Wed, 21 Dec 2016 10:01:52 +0000 Writing is an art and discovering the secrets of boosting your readers’ engagement can transform you into a master of copywriting. Setting the right tone, answering to questions, drawing attention, adding personality and bringing your content alive with visuals or interactive data are just a few techniques that can get you where you want. You know […]

The post 23 Rarely Used Copywriting Techniques to Create Fascinating Content appeared first on SEO Blog | cognitiveSEO Blog on SEO Tactics & Strategies.

Writing is an art and discovering the secrets of boosting your readers’ engagement can transform you into a master of copywriting. Setting the right tone, answering to questions, drawing attention, adding personality and bringing your content alive with visuals or interactive data are just a few techniques that can get you where you want.

Copywriting Techniques

You know that warm feeling you get when you speak with one of your friends? You talk, he listens, he asks questions and so on. You understand each other. A similar feeling can be established with your readers as well. How, you may ask? It’s not a bulletproof formula but for sure it will be extremely helpful to follow the next 23 rarely used copywriting techniques to help you boost your engagement.

  1. Use the Serial Position Effect
  2. Make Your Visitors Feel Important by Offering Exclusive Content
  3. Use the “Bizarreness Effect” to Draw Attention
  4. Use “Powerful” Keywords like “New”, “Free”, “Now”
  5. Use Copywriting Formulas to Create Captivating Content
  6. Be a Unicorn in a Field of Horses
  7. Take Advantage of the FOMO Technique
  8. Include Emotions, Promise, and Main Keyword to Make Your Headlines Viral
  9. Create a Persona Based Content Strategy
  10. Be the First to Jump on Trends
  11. Ask Your Target Audience to Contribute
  12. Pack More Personality into Your Content
  13. Perfect Your Writing Tone to Your Readers
  14. Craft Good Stories That Sell
  15. Give Your Content a Quick Credibility Boost
  16. Leverage Emotional Triggers in Your Content Marketing
  17. Build Social Media Friendly Content
  18. Use Statistical Data to Enhance Your Content Marketing
  19. Transform Your Q&A into an Article to Help Your Audience
  20. Use Social Proof to Back up Your Content
  21. Make Your Content More Visually Interactive
  22. Define the Purpose Behind Everything You Write
  23. Make Your Content Familiar to Resonate with Your Audience

1. Use the Serial Position Effect


The serial position effect refers to the situation when a person recalls the words from the beginning and the end of a list rather than the ones from the middle. According to a study made by Indiana University, the participants were able to remember the first and last words from a list of 20.


Following this technique, you should write the key points of your sales pitch or any other important information at the beginning and end of your blog post.





2. Make Your Visitors Feel Important by Offering Exclusive Content


Another technique you can use to boost your engagement is to offer content your readers couldn’t find elsewhere. Make them feel important; they will start to appreciate you more. Don’t you love it when someone is sharing with you a piece of information that has never been said to anyone else?


Exclusive content comes in different forms: a webinar with a script for those who sign up, training opportunities, e-books for subscribers, news from conferences and events in the industry turned into blog posts.


3. Use the “Bizarreness Effect” to Draw Attention

Using ridiculous material to be better remembered instead of common material translates into the bizarreness effect. This technique is borrowed from Psychology. Studies have shown that people were able to recall nouns presented in bizarre sentences such as “The dog rode the bicycle down the street” rather the nouns from the common counterpart “The dog chased the bicycle down the street”. On the other hand, some specialists say the bizarreness isn’t the thing that enhances the memory, but rather the distinctiveness of the meaning.


You can use the bizarreness effect to be spontaneous and say something indubitably wild.


4. Use “Powerful” Keywords like “New”, “Free”, “Now”


Another valuable copywriting technique is taking advantage of powerful keywords in your content. Persuading words can have a stronger impact compared to other types. When talking face to face, it is easier to make a point due to the use of intonations and body language. In writing, it is a bit harder. The best call will be to use strong keywords to point out key notes in your content.


You can take advantage of powerful words in order to convey emotions. For example, you could use:

  • ridiculous instead of stupid;
  • entertaining instead of funny;
  • delightful instead of nice;
  • magnificent instead of beautiful.


Beside using vivid adjectives, you might try having verbs that are more expressive. It is recommended to use first person pronouns such as “I” and “you” to give the impression of having a dialogue with your reader. Also, try to use causal prepositions such as “because” or “due” to give arguments and demonstrate your affirmations. It was proved in a study where people have shown more will to heed to a request after the word “because” was used.


Words like “new”, “now” and “free” can also have a strong impact on the audience if they are used at the right moment.


5. Use Copywriting Formulas to Create Captivating Content

Whether we want to tell a captivating story, write a killer content or have inspiring headlines, you can use these formulas to boost the engagement. Until now, I’ve mentioned the 4 U’s Formula: Urgent, Unique, Useful, and Ultra-specific. A similar formula is the 4 C’s: Clear, Concise, Compelling, Credible.


If you want to offer benefits through a blog post, you could use the Before – After – Bridge formula. “Before” is the situation where you imagine a problem that doesn’t exist. “After” is the situation where you resolve the problem. The “bridge” is the way to get there.


A formula that has been used for a long time is AIDA, where you have to grab the reader’s attention, offer interesting information, develop desire and create the action.


You could also try the Picture – Promise – Prove – Push (PPPP) formula. Using it, you can paint a picture to grab the reader’s attention, then make a promise, provide support for your promise and determine your reader to take action.


A good way to catch the reader on the “hook” is by using the Open Loop tactic. It is used more often in books to create suspense through a cliffhanger. At that moment you hold back information to grab your reader’s attention and make him read the whole post.


The “3 reasons why” is another formula to help you write engaging content. You have to answer three questions, as the name says it:

  • Why are you the best?
  • Why should I believe you?
  • Why should I buy right now?

On the web, you’ll find lots of other formulas that can help you discover what works best for you.


6. Be a Unicorn in a Field of Horses


Be smart and seek guidance from tools such as BrandMentions to spy on your competitors who write about topics you’re interested in. Search and read what they’ve written to find ways to have vivid content, and different approaches to the topic to “steal” their audience. If you have something new to write about, make a research to see if your competitors wrote something similar and how they handled the topic.


After you’ve done your homework, tie it all together with a value proposition. A well-known quote says “Be a unicorn in a field of horses”. For that you can apply the 4 U’s formula: be urgent, unique, useful, and ultra-specific.


If you follow some of the lesser-known copywriting techniques we’ve talked about so far you can create your own formula to differentiate yourself from the competition.



7. Take Advantage of the FOMO Technique


FOMO is the acronym for fear of missing out, and some of you may know this feeling. Taking advantage of this technique involves using information such as limited offers, discounts, and other exclusive events, to lead your readers towards an action.


An example of a limited offer from Starbucks can be seen in the next photo:

Limited offer example


This technique works very well for millennials. From a study made by Eventbrite of 2,100 adults (507 of whom were millennials aged 18 to 34) it resulted that 69% of millennials fear missing out social events.


Due to FOMO, it is a blooming era for live events. It works very well for “selling” experiences through blog posts out of a product such as meeting your favorite influencers at a conference, having a personalized balloon ride in your holiday, exceeding your dreams by doing the sport you like, listening live your favorite singers at a festival and so on.



8. Include Emotions, Promise, and Main Keyword to Make Your Headlines Viral


Headlines have a significant impact on whether your content gets opened or not. You have a headline for a blog post, for a SlideShare presentation, for a video, for an infographic, for a news article, for an ad, for a webinar, for a guide, for an e-book, for almost everything you write online.


Around 80% of readers never make it past the headline, leaving almost 20% of them who will read. But before that you need to past the test of showing awesome in the search engines. And these statistics say a lot about how important the headlines are. You should have clickbait headlines to increase the open rate.

We live in the fastest phase of human history, and we can’t afford to make the reader lose interest in our site/blog after reading the headlines. We must create desire and interest from the beginning. Say no to low CTR!

Below you can see an example of a compelling headline for a webinar. Isn’t it true that it makes you sign-up?

Webinar headline

It gives you the guarantee you’ll find out hints to recover your site if it got hit by the Penguin penalty.


While searching online, you’ll find lots of useful resources that can offer you guidance on how to create top headlines. Learn how to write killer headlines and to increase your readers’ engagement by following Jeff Goins’ formula. There are five elements. If you combined them, you would be able to trigger the desired actions.

  • Number – 3, 10 are best used in the headlines. Using a number in the headline is highly convertible. 36% of headlines use now a number.
  • Adjective – use unique adjectives to create a powerful emotion. For example: brilliant, atrocious, stunning, smart, bizarre, dazzling.
  • Rational – the way you offer added value such as reasons, tips, secrets, hacks, tricks. Please, don’t ever use things.
  • Keyword – a short phrase that tells us what the content is about.
  • Promise – what’s in it for me? For example, our headline promises “copywriting techniques that will boost your engagement”.

This is the formula designed for success: Number + Adjective + Rational + Keywords + Promise

Using Jeff Goins’ formula, you can transform lifeless headlines into sparkly ones. For example, “Best Travel Destinations in Europe” can turn into “5 Brilliant Travel Destinations in Europe That Will Spark Your Wanderlust” having “travel destinations in Europe” as a keyword.


Below you can see an example of an inspiring headline for a webinar following the formula written above:




Also, you can try using BrandMentions to help you to find inspiration for your headlines by looking at your competitors.


It’s important that your content covers all the elements you wrote in the headline.



9.Create a Persona-Based Content Strategy

It is mandatory to know your audience before you even start writing. Start studying what your reader likes, dislikes, what his habits are, what type of content he consumes, in what part of the day he prefers to read, where he comes from, where he is from and other similar demographic and interest characteristics.


After you’ve collected data about your audience, use it to create your content marketing persona. Track your analytics and set metrics to help you deploy trends.



10. Be the First to Jump on Trends


Every copywriter should follow trends in his industry to bring fresh content. A smart way to engage your audience and attract new readers to your site is having worthy content. You can do that by keeping up the news to bring valuable information to your visitors.


A good way to start would be to subscribe to news sites, specialists in the field, watch Google Trends, read publications in your industry, create a Twitter list of influencers you know they deliver hot news as they happen, follow trending hashtags about your main interest. These are just a few ways to keep your eyes open to trending stories. After you’ve gathered all the information, you need to start writing about a trending topic to make your blog post newsworthy.



11. Ask Your Target Audience to Contribute


Smart copywriters know that asking their readers to contribute is an influential copy writing technique. People are anxious to see their work promoted by a brand.


One of the most used ways to ask your audience to contribute is to share photos on social media. Sending emails to contacts to answer a survey, asking questions on blogs or using real reviews to write a blog post are other ways to contribute. Be bold, and try other unique ways to do that.


Kenneth Cole came with an excellent way to make people contribute. The company organized a selfie contest. The brand offered fans the possibility to take a selfie and enter a contest to win free shoes every month for a year.

Selfie contest


If you know you visitors take selfies, you should try something similar. Selfies are widespread, and it’s simple to engage with the audience. They are personal and can easily lead to an action. The owner will receive likes, comments, and new followers. You can write an article about the pictures you receive and start a story.


Another example is the Christmas Story by the travel agency Rolandia Travel. Last December, the company wanted to offer its readers a soft presentation of how the Holidays are celebrated in Romania.




Travelers could send a short story about how they spent their Christmas in Romania along with a few pictures as a gift of sharing for those who were far from home, but not only. The best stories were published on the blog every week.



12. Pack More Personality into Your Content


Personality is that something that makes you unique. Personality is that something that can differentiate you from the mass, is that something that defines your personal style. Just like a person has it, a brand should have it also. Brands have been developing through the time; they began to have anthropogenic qualities and be more humanized. The personality of a brand can be translated into a unique selling point, a motto or other forms of expression in order for people to know that is about the brand and nothing else.


For example, the personality of Coca-Cola might be connected with happiness, fun, friends, family, being together due to the images and messages communicated consistently in numerous Coke campaigns. Below, you can see how a Coca-cola ad looked like in the 1940:


Coca Cola Bran Personality


Now, in the 20s this is how an ad from Coca-Cola looks like:

Coca Cola Personality


You can see that the message and the way of showing smiling people remain. Both images express happiness, friends, fun.


For a content, personality can be expressed through a unique voice, a style, maybe a personalized closing or a type of personalized covers for articles and so on. Besides that, the content should always reveal the personality of the brand.


13. Perfect Your Writing Tone to Your Readers


For a copywriter having the right copy tone is like having the perfect light for a photographer to shoot the subject. For a painter it can be the right muse.

Your writing tone can either create interest or kill it. The wrong tone can wreck a good piece of information.

When you talk with someone and use a certain tone, you can determine how your interlocutor will respond. A similar situation can be when you use a specific tone of voice in your writings. If the piece of information is entertaining, then the reader will feel cheerful, if it expresses anger he will get angry, if it’s painful he will feel the pain, if it’s boring he won’t have the patience to read it entirely and will leave your site.


There are multiple ways to express your opinions. Take a look at this questions, for example:

  • Would you mind if I borrowed your pen, please?
  • Can I have your pen?
  • Pass me that pen.


Make a difference between formal and informal writing. If you started writing in a casual mood, then stick to it. Don’t make sudden changes, inject unexpected signs of cuteness to become casual or start using a technical language to become more formal than usual. If you have multiple collaborators that write on your blog, make sure they follow the same language. Avoid being inconsistent.


Here are a few marketing tips to help you shape your tone:

  • don’t be too casual or too stiff;
  • don’t use dialectic or slang language;
  • don’t use offensive language (swear or use racism);
  • be clear by ordering your words properly in a sentence;
  • use singular pronouns (me, you);
  • have a personal way of expressing your opinions and wisdom within a topic.


Now, ask yourself: “Do I sound like my visitors expect me to?”



14. Craft Good Stories That Sell


There is no doubt that a good story can captivate us really bad. Let’s be honest. Hasn’t it happened to you to stay up at night reading a good story to find out how it ends? If you succeed sketching a story in the right manner you could transport the reader down the funnel in order to determine him to take an action.

A good story has the gift to help the reader get into a state of well-being.

But how could you do that, you might be asking? I’ve picked up a few tips to help you with that:

  • paint a picture: use imagery and lots of details to be more expressive.
  • appeal beyond those 5 senses: remember that there are different types of people. Some of them are more visual, others more auditory or olfactory and so on. Make sure to take advantage of sensory words.
  • suspense: you can capture their attention by adding a tint of tension and get them to finish the whole article. Try giving your audience something exciting to read.
  • killer opening paragraph: a good story can be used as an opening paragraph to allure the audience into getting to the main part of your topic.
  • have a model: To make your arguments stronger, you can use a model to show the changes it suffered. You can take examples from your experience or the ones you’ve heard of. Your audience can relate with the people who went through a similar situation.



15. Give Your Content a Quick Credibility Boost


It is ok to write your opinion and give advice, but are you credible? Are people trusting you?

Credibility can be a point sale. People can decide to buy your product depending on whether they trust you or not. Your affirmations should be based on data.

You can build trust if you follow a few guidelines:

  • cite sources: well-known field specialists usually offer credibility due to their background. Search for credible sources and specialists to back up your claim.
  • take advantage of your years in business and your experience.
  • name innovations and awards: if the context asks for such kind of references, use them. These are evidence of your success.
  • offer independent survey results: if you’ve run a small research, use the data to back up your arguments.
  • have media coverage: a great impact on your readers’ credibility would be to have presence in the news and business publications. If your brand is newsworthy, then you will also get authority in the field.



16. Leverage Emotional Triggers in Your Content Marketing


On the web, you can find lots of bloggers that offer great advice, write captivating content and give informative tips, but don’t know how to connect with their viewers on an emotional level.


The content can have emotional or rational triggers if we follow the classification regarding consumer behavior from psychology. Leveraging emotional triggers is a technique used in psychology to persuade. It can also be used as a copywriting tip, for the same purpose.


In order to stimulate emotions, you have to write content that helps the reader and make him experience a sensation while reading. You can be informative, but try not to exaggerate using a cold voice. If you do so you risk losing your readers because they won’t recall a thing and might never return to your site. We must remember that we write for people, to create a connection with them and to be on the same wavelength. This means you could talk from your experience in a friendly manner, share personal examples, be authentic, ask your audience questions and try to answer to them, share experiences together.

“Emotions are complex and move in various directions. Modeling emotional feelings and considering their behavioral implications are useful in preventing emotions from having a negative effect on the workplace.” – Boundless

Psychologist Robert Plutchik created a wheel of emotions. The most comprehensive way to illustrate the emotions experienced by a human being.




Studies have shown that the positive emotions toward a brand have a higher influence on the loyalty of the consumer rather than its trust. Also, they can help you to communicate more effectively.


Negative, as well as positive emotions, have an influence on a person. When someone experiences something like that they want to do something to avoid the bad feelings. If you talk to your readers and provoke them negative emotions, they will follow you more carefully to reduce their discomfort.

When people are involved with the message, they listen attentively and process using the central route. Emotional appeals create involvement.

One of the most important characteristics of the emotional triggers used as a copywriting technique is they can lead to actions.


Before you take a step forward, it is crucial you know your business and your audience very well. Although connecting with your readers on an emotional level is important, make sure you resonate with them. Be careful to make your audience feel the emotions you wanted it to experience.



17. Build Social Media Friendly Content


After you wrote your post, you should promote it. To make your life easier and not work twice as much, try and make your visual data expressive and relevant to your content. Always make a cover for your content to boost your reach. It is proven that tweets with images receive 18% more clicks and 150% more retweets.


The cover can be used as social media content. Also, I recommend you to make a short description about your topic that you can write as an intro or meta description, as well as a tweet on Twitter or as a post on Facebook and so on.


If you follow these simple guidelines, your readers could easily share your content, too. The visibility of your content will be improved, and other Social Media metrics could experience growth. There are lots of tools that can help you manage social media channels, such as Kontentino



18. Use Statistical Data to Enhance Your Content Marketing


Cartograms, scatter plots, time series, diagrams, charts, histograms, matrix, dendrogram, area maps are just some ways of portraying statistical data in your content to make it more animated. To have traffic-driving content type you can create visual content out of statistics.


You can try and create interactive charts or use gifs to maintain your audience focused on your content and increase the user experience. This is just an example:


Interactive graphs



You can use Visme for animated charts and Canva or Piktochart for static charts or some other graphic design websites. Below, you can see how a chart in Piktochart looks like.




If you use charts, it is easier to understand and to visualize the information, rather than reading chunks of text and numbers.



19. Transform Your Q&A into an Article to Help Your Audience


You can find value in your Q&A. More than that, you could find value in the questions you receive from your readers. First, you should make a list with all the questions you have, then categorize them. Make them sound actionable and sell the idea behind. After you’ve done the final list, you can start writing your blog post, give examples.


Another great source of this kind is Quora. You can search for the best answers in your industry in Quora and transform them into a new blog post. There is a good chance you will get some helpful information and good feedback from your readers.



20. Use Social Proof to Back up Your Content


“Social proof” is a phenomenon where people think that how others are acting in a given situation is the right way to respond in a similar event.


Imagine you want to go to a restaurant and have dinner. You have the possibility to choose from a crowded restaurant with a waiting list and an empty restaurant. You probably think the second one has crappy food. The waiting list is proof that the first restaurant has good food, right? You’d chose the crowded one, wouldn’t you?


Psychologists name this behavior “social proof”. If there is a crowd, that means it is good. The more the people, the more it means something better must happen there, you’d think. Following the crowd is in our nature. It is a simpler decision.


You can attract your audience with the “social proof” technique if you make a blog post out of reviews for your product, have endorsement for your brand, use testimonials in an e-book, write a best practice post from your clients’ experience, write case studies from the data you extrapolated about your customers.



21. Make Your Content More Visually Interactive


Visual content includes infographics, videos, gifs, pictures, presentations. Images are a great asset because they are stored in our long-term memory. It’s not a secret that infographics are highly shareable.


70% of all your sensory receptors are in your eyes. Sources say it takes us less than 1/10 of a second to understand a visual scene.


The article’s cover comes first on the content. You should be very careful how it looks since it’s the first image the reader sees. Having puppies wearing boots might be captivating, but they are not always relevant.

Puppies wearing boots



Along with a strong headline, the cover is a core element for boosting engagement, so make sure you chose wisely.


Get creative and combine the visuals to be interactive, to surprise the visitor and engage him and make him stay more on your site. For example, you could create an interactive how-to guide, or you can simply display unique information. Check the next screenshot to see an example:

Interactive Visual Content



If you hover over the plus sign (+) you can see a pop-up box with additional information.


Biz Brain created an interesting way of displaying information about “where does coffee came from”. It shows a journey from bean to cup through a fun and attractive infographic.


NowSourcing Planting the seed


It gives the right amount of information without overwhelming the reader. You can scroll down the page to see the whole process.


NowSourcing Processing the cherries


It is one of the most detailed infographics I’ve seen. More than that, it offers an experience. The fact that is interactive gives you the feeling you take part in the whole process. In the end, you “receive” a cup of coffee. You engage in the act of planting the seed, harvesting, processing the beans, milling, exporting, inspecting, roasting, grinding and brewing.


It is an excellent way to captivate the reader and share useful information in a way he can remember. You can work with an agency or a freelancer if you want something more complicated or search for tools to help you create the desired visual impact.


More tips to create interactive content:

  • make an interactive calendar to follow past and future events;
  • have a virtual assistant for an online product or service right on your site;
  • create an infographic from a how-to video;
  • turn presentations into gifs;



22. Define the Purpose Behind Everything You Write


While the content is blooming and lots of marketers start to write for the sake of having news content on site, the internet becomes crowded. Don’t get me wrong, it is fine to have a big library of content as long as the information is useful, it has a purpose and answers pertinent questions. Don’t get lost in the pile of dull blogs and boring content.


Make a list of topics, research and see which one will bring more traffic, correlate with the trends and what your audience wants. After you’ve done the analysis you can make a plan/structure for your topic to cover it all. Then implement it. Start writing and always remember what you’ve promised in the headline. Your purpose is to bring arguments and examples, show case studies or other types of information that will confirm your affirmations.



23. Make Your Content Familiar to Resonate with Your Audience


Your content should provide value to the readers. What better way than make it personal? But what does personal mean?


Personal content can be written from your own experience. You can collect data and present it through case studies on the blog, convert your presentations into new articles. Below, you have an example of a SlideShare presentation turned into a blog post.

Personal content on blog


Another way to have personal content is by sharing information from a conference you’ve been to or follow up from a webinar you’ve organized. Beside that, you should use informal writing such as “don’t” instead of “do not” or use the first person pronoun: “We have the possibility to look at our analyzed site and make a conclusion”.




Writing has never been an easy job. Especially now when the internet is constantly changing and the readers are harder to attract on the site.


Think about the fact that you need to be convincing and express more in words to draw attention. People can be easily distracted if you don’t captivate them and keep them engaged. If you are using words that have more sway than others, you might have a positive change in their engagement. Following the “seductive” techniques we’ve talked until now, you’ll have a good change to get the results you’re expecting. Make sure they follow your brand guidelines.


Design your plan and try to implement it correctly. After that, always follow the results and your metrics to increase conversion rates.

The post 23 Rarely Used Copywriting Techniques to Create Fascinating Content appeared first on SEO Blog | cognitiveSEO Blog on SEO Tactics & Strategies.

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Boost Your Online Awareness Using the Mention Outreach Technique Wed, 08 Jun 2016 09:07:27 +0000 Bad marketing is, most of the time, simply bad strategy. For instance, it might be tempting to think that all you need to succeed today is a strong social media presence and fan base. However, that would be a huge mistake on your part, strategically. Sure, social media might be a good place to promote […]

The post Boost Your Online Awareness Using the Mention Outreach Technique appeared first on SEO Blog | cognitiveSEO Blog on SEO Tactics & Strategies.

Bad marketing is, most of the time, simply bad strategy. For instance, it might be tempting to think that all you need to succeed today is a strong social media presence and fan base. However, that would be a huge mistake on your part, strategically. Sure, social media might be a good place to promote a product or service, but there isn’t really any return on investment on that promotion, as Facebook users simply don’t engage with brands. What you really need is an interaction environment where users actually participate in an exchange with your content, much more likely to result in action on their part.




The most recent tactics and technologies might not necessarily be the most effective, as evidenced by the recent door-to-door sales revival. Of course, we’re not suggesting you drop everything and start traveling to the door of every customer you’re interested in. But going back to basics in some areas is likely to be a winning strategy. For instance, tools like BrandMentions might be the right solution for that.


Rather than send out messages in all directions through a variety of platforms, focus on building a network and convincing people of the value of your product or service.


This is where outreach techniques comes into play. Outreach can be roughly defined as contacting people (whether it’s by email, social media or face-to-face) in order to persuade them to share, promote or simply read your post. Of course, some posts are easier to market than others. An interview or a list, for instance, are more likely to be attractive based on content alone. But your strategy should include outreach for a variety of posts, not just the ones that already have mass appeal.


So let’s look at 3 types of outreach techniques with a new spin: how monitoring your mention can help you in case you decide to go with a specific approach or not? And as a bonus: will the technique work if you’re an up-and-coming start-up?


1. Skyscraper Technique (Classic Approach)


One such strategy is called the skyscraper technique and consists of a few easy to follow steps.


First, you need to build yourself a list of influencers: blogs and websites which are relevant for your niche and which attract not only a large number of visitors but also a great amount of interaction from those visitors. Get as many details as possible, not only about the site title, URL and corresponding accounts on social media platforms, but also about the numbers of comments and shares their posts usually get.


Let’s say, for instance that we’ve just started a business in the vegan restaurants area and we want to find as much as possible on this topic. BrandMentions is the simple fix for that. With a simple search we can get an overall idea of this niche, based on the number of mentions, the type of articles written in this area, the influencers, the blogs that post articles on this subject and so on. For instance, we’ve found out that in the last week alone there were 278 mentions for “vegan restaurants”; this should be good news as the area we are interested in seems to rise interest of many others. We can learn a bit more about our competitors but most important we can learn to whom and where we should concentrate our outreach efforts: the influencers.

How to Boost Your Startup's Awareness Using Mention Outreach Techniques

Screenshot taken from

Next, you should try to map out the types of posts which get shared by these influencers. Try to figure out the characteristics of a content piece that they might be interested in. Write down specific examples. Once you’ve done this, the actual work part comes in: build better content about the same topic. Bulk up the original content with more breadth or depth. Once you’ve created it, approach the influencers and let them know about your post. Just make sure to keep these emails as short as possible and give the influencer a good reason to share your post.


Kissmetrics has a very detailed tutorial on how to do this, with an account of the results:

How to Boost Your Startup's Awareness Using Mention Outreach Techniques

Screenshot taken from

And if you follow this example closely, you’ll understand why it’s called the skyscraper technique. You start off with a very powerful foundation – the list of influencers (21 in this case) –, go up to building a fairly strong middle (7 positive replies) and end up with a very thin top (2 shares).

If you think about it in relative terms, 2 out of 21 doesn’t seem like a great success rate (barely 10%), but in absolute terms, it’s 2 more shares than you would’ve had without this technique.

And even though quantitatively it might seem low, it can definitely compensate qualitatively if it brings you quality users.


How can mentions monitoring help you? A web monitoring tool can go a long way in helping you. It can be useful in finding the influencers, finding the topics to write about and even finding content which will help you improve on those topics. It won’t send the e-mails for you, but you also don’t want that (that’s the personal part).


How to Boost Your Startup's Awareness Using Mention Outreach Techniques

Screenshot taken from


Is it a good technique for a start-up? It might be the best approach in the beginning. It relies on heavy work and it can be productive even if nobody knows you. The one thing you need to make sure of, however, is that you make communication personal and don’t just settle for an automated mail listing.


2.Building a Relationship (The Interpersonal Approach)


You’re not just building a skyscraper for a one time party, to sim abandon it afterwards. Once you’ve gotten a positive response from a blogger, try to stay in contact. This means following-up on questions, saying “thank you” for a mention or even a positive appreciation and responding in kind. This means you need to stay on alert about any new mentions you receive and get in touch with people who mention you as soon as it happens.


Venchito Tampon offers examples of such conversations which, while ultimately interested exchanges for both parties, also prove to be more than that: a genuine interaction between professionals:

How to Boost Your Startup's Awareness Using Mention Outreach Techniques

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How to Boost Your Startup's Awareness Using Mention Outreach Techniques

Screenshot taken from


Building and maintaining a relationship also means that you learn more. You don’t really know why someone hasn’t linked to your article although you feel like they should have. Maybe it was a simple oversight, or maybe they had a specific reason for which they chose not to link to you. Either way, you have something to gain if you reach out to them.


Make sure you are as natural as possible. Even if you do mailing automation, make sure that all the set up is correct and you’re not mixing up names, companies, etc. Don’t write emails that start with “Dear company owner” or “Dear sir/madam”. Make sure your mail and signature are clear and grammar proof. If you use electronic signatures, take good care and make sure everything is sending correctly. Here’s a guide on electronic signatures you can get inspired from. 


You wouldn’t want to go to a job interview not knowing a thing about the company you are interested in. Same thing applies when it comes to outreaching. The outreach process can sometimes be seen like a pitching one; this is why, knowing as much info as possible about the other person’s field of interest, recent events attendances and so on might be highly important for you. For instance, if we wanted to find out Aleyda Solis latest interests, we can easily check it out and use that info to our own advantage.

How to Boost Your Startup's Awareness Using Mention Outreach Techniques

Screenshot taken from


How can mentions monitoring help you? To be able to maintain a good professional relationship, you need to always know what’s important to the other person. That’s where BrandMentions can be of use, by allowing you to always check who’s been recently mentioned and who’s been mentioning whom.


Is it a good technique for a start-up? It’s probably the best strategy for a startup, because it means you try to take advantage of every door that opens to you. Though it could look like this requires more effort, it actually saves time in the long run. Once you start a back-and-forth conversation with someone, they might actually contact you first on certain occasions so you won’t have to always spend effort on contacting new people and explaining your goals all over again.



3.Going Social (The Dynamic Approach)


Okay, so remember how we said in the beginning that social media isn’t all that? We didn’t mean it’s entirely useless for outreach though. It’s because they haven’t really been used well so far that there’s a lot of potential with platforms like Facebook, Linkedin or Twitter.


You have to find a way to make things personal.

For instance, Will Blunt, the founder of Blogger Sidekick, made public one of his outreach endeavors, raising awareness about the importance of being dynamic. He gave Twitter a chance, but in the process managed to approach everybody individually. Maybe that’s why many influencers replied.

How to Boost Your Startup's Awareness Using Mention Outreach Techniques

Screenshot taken from

Yet, even among influencers can be made all sort of rankings, not only with the purpose of identifying their online performances but also in order to help you prioritize your outreach. As we’ve previously mentioned, outreach might take a lot of of your resources. As a start up, being at the beginning of the road, you might need to split those resources for so many tasks. Here is where mention monitoring comes to make some “light” in this area. Let’s say that we are interested in the top influencers from the digital marketing area. A simple mention search and comparison between the main actors on this niche made with BrandMentions can bring us some idea of whom we should start our outreach with.

How to Boost Your Startup's Awareness Using Mention Outreach Techniques


How can a mention tool help you? By deciding who’s really an influencer. With mention monitoring you can cover social media as well as regular websites and blog posts. It can, thus, tell you, with a bit of research, who might be the best people to contact in terms of attracting attention and visitors.


Is it a good technique for a start-up? This was definitely a bold move, one guaranteed to attract attention, but the reason it may have worked so well is partly because Will already knew those people, or at the very least they knew about him. This is a move that works best when you already have some social capital and want to stand out from the crowd. But in order to do that, you need to be in the crowd to begin with. So it’s probably a move best reserved for when you’ve already moved up in the world a bit.




In your outreach endeavor you need to remember that there no such thing as a “success recipe” . What you need to take into consideration if you are a start up that there are techniques that might work better for you than others. There are a lot of great outreach examples out there you can get inspired from, however, the important thing is to see what works best for you and how you can use all the resources you have in the most efficient way.

The post Boost Your Online Awareness Using the Mention Outreach Technique appeared first on SEO Blog | cognitiveSEO Blog on SEO Tactics & Strategies.

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102 Most Used Chrome Extensions for Digital Marketers Wed, 18 May 2016 10:31:42 +0000 It’s impossible not to be synced anymore. Everything is on cloud and the amount of information we come across every day is unprecedented. The difficulty of any digital marketer’s mission is not letting themselves be distracted by the connectivity and hyperlinking on the web. While we have never been more exposed to information, it’s now […]

The post 102 Most Used Chrome Extensions for Digital Marketers appeared first on SEO Blog | cognitiveSEO Blog on SEO Tactics & Strategies.


It’s impossible not to be synced anymore. Everything is on cloud and the amount of information we come across every day is unprecedented. The difficulty of any digital marketer’s mission is not letting themselves be distracted by the connectivity and hyperlinking on the web. While we have never been more exposed to information, it’s now harder than ever to keep focused and prioritize our online activity.

Because we know how crucial it is to stay informed and relevant when it’s almost impossible not to miss something (however small), we’ve put together a compilation of extensions that should make every digital marketer’s life a little easier.
102 Most Used Chrome Extensions

We are moving from an era of brand dominance, to one where agility is rewarded. – Will Critchlow, Founder & CEO, Distilled

A digital marketer’s work can be massively improved with the right browser extensions. We usually install them as we cannot afford the time to either search for some data manually, or to wait for the dozens of tabs to load. This is why our compilation will include the most useful extensions in this field, to guide you through a better productivity rate.

Installing an extension only takes a few seconds and they will run on the back of the system while you operate the browser and your account, which makes them a useful alternative to the current situation, as they are all meant to solve some of the essential every day problems.

Copywriting & Content Marketing

  1. Google TranslateDownloads: 6,323,515
  2. GrammarlyDownloads: 4,198,579
  3. FeedlyDownloads: 1,375,846
  4. Print FriendlyDownloads: 365,861
  5. Diigo Web CollectorDownloads: 241,545
  6. YeswareDownloads: 231,600
  7. Wise StampDownloads: 215,911
  8. Project NapthaDownloads: 208,893
  9. Similar PagesDownloads: 162,542
  10. InstapaperDownloads: 156,722
  11. TL;DRDownloads: 120,409
  12. GiphyDownloads: 61,283
  13. DraftDownloads: 4,542
  14. Drum UpDownloads: 1,649


SEO and Marketing Metrics

  1. GhosteryDownloads: 2,441,992
  2. Alexa Traffic RankDownloads: 447,614
  3. MozBarDownloads: 339,703
  4. Hide My AssDownloads: 187,807
  5. VidIQDownloads: 142,223
  6. Check My LinksDownloads: 120,697
  7. Majestic Backlink AnalyzerDownloads: 51,199
  8. Google Analytics URL BuilderDownloads: 30,886
  9. SEO SerpDownloads: 23,130
  10. Fat RankDownloads: 8,952
  11. Mobile Friendly CheckerDownloads: 4,188
  12. Share MetricDownloads: 3,485


Social Media Engagement

  1. Hootsuite HootletDownloads: 508,737
  2. RapportiveDownloads: 441,335
  3. BufferDownloads: 429,992
  4. Bit.lyDownloads: 337,163
  5. KloutDownloads: 69,639
  6. Email HunterDownloads: 58,846
  7. DoShareDownloads: 25,490
  8. Rite TagDownloads: 21,127
  9. DiscoverlyDownloads: 16,500
  10. RiffleDownloads: 13,753
  11. Find That LeadDownloads: 11,179
  12. FollowrDownloads: 1,507



  1. Ad BlockDownloads: 10,000,000+
  2. Last PassDownloads: 4,219,260
  3. Pocket Downloads: 2,729,383
  4. MomentumDownloads: 1,589,696
  5. PushBullet Downloads: 1,340,354
  6. BoomerangDownloads: 1,109,443
  7. 1PasswordDownloads: 1,023,937
  8. One TabDownloads: 1,015,460
  9. The Great SuspenderDownloads: 882,787
  10. SignalsDownloads: 704,188
  11. Stay FocusdDownloads: 674,406
  12. Speed Dial 2Downloads: 643,890
  13. TodoistDownloads: 379,388
  14. Smooth ScrollDownloads: 154,844
  15. KeeperDownloads: 97,589
  16. Time StatsDownloads: 84,367
  17. MediumDownloads: 34,068
  18. Followup.ccDownloads: 12,002
  19. PopchromDownloads: 10,138
  20. List GoalDownloads: 4,265
  21. StacheDownloads: 3,250
  22. Price SnoopDownloads: 2,332
  23. SwitchmarkDownloads: 2,242
  24. GoodbitsDownloads: 1,592
  25. Ananke TimerDownloads: 238


Website Optimization

  1. User Agent SwitcherDownloads: 1,194,463
  2. Web DeveloperDownloads: 1,091,172
  3. Firebug LiteDownloads: 686,834
  4. Tag AssistantDownloads: 539,849
  5. Window ResizerDownloads: 530,290
  6. Clear CacheDownloads: 333,669
  7. WappalyzerDownloads: 331,018
  8. YSlowDownloads: 317,276
  9. IE Tab MultiDownloads: 185,129
  10. StylebotDownloads: 166,341
  11. Quick Javascript SwitcherDownloads: 144,227
  12. PenduleDownloads: 103,065
  13. CSS ViewerDownloads: 101,612
  14. Web BoostDownloads: 72,615
  15. Redirect PathDownloads: 64,933
  16. Page RefreshDownloads: 55,600
  17. WASPDownloads: 24,426
  18. HTML ValidatorDownloads: 22,830
  19. SightDownloads: 17,936
  20. Built WithDownloads: 16,726
  21. Quick Source ViewerDownloads: 13,898
  22. Stylesheet ReloaderDownloads: 572


Design Tools

  1. ColorZillaDownloads: 902,922
  2. WhatFontDownloads: 545,995
  3. Page RulerDownloads: 434,053
  4. EyedropperDownloads: 373,647
  5. Nimbus ScreenshotDownloads: 398,052
  6. Pic MonkeyDownloads: 180,284
  7. Resolution TestDownloads: 145,920
  8. MeasureltDownloads: 108,281
  9. Fontface NinjaDownloads: 101,708
  10. Palette CreatorDownloads: 62,124
  11. DimensionsDownloads: 48,225
  12. Yet Another Lorem Ipsum GeneratorDownloads: 26,874
  13. Google Font PreviewerDownloads: 25,546
  14. StencilDownloads: 15,379
  15. Type SampleDownloads: 12,012
  16. Microstock Photo Power SearchDownloads: 1,870
  17. Font EditorDownloads: 1,733

Copywriting & Content Marketing

1. Google Translate

(19933)Downloads: 6,323,515

Install this extension

The best use for this extension in the context of a digital marketing agency is that it allows you to browse through international web pages and get an immediate idea on their content – then decide if you want to dig deeper or leave if for good.

Google Translate Extension

Another way it can be used to assure maximum efficiency is in the context of foreign clients. The extension is a time saver when it comes to multi-lingual professional experiences.

2. Grammarly

(200)Downloads: 4,198,579

Install this extension

We all know how crucial content is. However, what’s easily read is not easily written, most of the times. It takes a lot of experience and years of practice to transmit the essential information, while not being boring and also adding a bit of a personal dash to the copy. It’s essential to have a clean writing style, otherwise your audience will not grant you with credibility.

Grammarly Extensions


Grammarly doesn’t only check the grammar appropriateness of your content, but the readability as well, making it easier for you to formulate a more word-efficient copy.

3. Feedly

(68842)Downloads: 1,375,846

Install this extension

The extension is great for copywriters, as it can feature different topics, divided by folders, that will automatically update a news feed at your fingertips. The extension works like an intersection between bookmarks and a news feed. Among the sources that it indexes, you can choose the topics you are interested in following, and you will receive a daily feed accordingly. It takes a lot of effort to keep up to date with the amount of content publishers, news websites and all reading interests. There is a limited number of sources that you can add to your feed, but it does the job great for the ones that it indexes.

Feedly Extension


Browsing through content has become a nightmare, as it’s often hard to separate the stories we’d like to read from the ones we’re running from. Feedly makes this activity pleasant and organized, and it helps prioritizing the interests as well.

4. Print Friendly

(1012)Downloads: 365,861

Install this extension

The extension comes in handy whenever you wish to print an article that you liked particularly, or a webpage that you wish to examine further. Its help comes from cleaning the junk information from the webpage. Either because you don’t want to waste ink on useless pictures or ads, or just because of aesthetic reasons, the extension is constantly in your mind, and it tells what you want to print and what you’d rather leave out.

Print Friendly Extension


It gives you an editable .pdf conversion of a webpage, and you can easily transform web data into clean, organized .pdf’s for your projects. It helps if you’re a researcher and you can save all the changes in Google Drive, which makes it even more user friendly.

5. Diigo Web Collector

(104)Downloads: 241,545

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Simply put, this is an extension that helps annotating, bookmarking and archiving web content. It has everything a geek who likes to take time with their content would need. You can use colored highlights and sticky notes, share the pages with your annotation via social media, bookmark links for later or curate content.

Diigo Web Collector Extension


While it’s a very intuitive extension, it also helps you stay organized and it’s pure heaven for anyone who is a little nostalgic about the agenda-writing era.

6. Yesware 

(927)Downloads: 231,600

Install this extension

Many of us, content marketers, have newsletters and thousand of weekly sent emails. However, the open rate of these isn’t always something easy to analyze. If you’re not looking for complicated metrics, but a general view on who opened your email and who didn’t, this extension is going to be more than you need. You get to be notified (by push notifications or otherwise) when someone opens an email you automatically sent, and you also get to see the device they did it from.


Yesware Extension

7. Wise Stamp

(1354)Downloads: 215,911

Install this extension

There’s a lot to tell about the perfect email. What’s obvious, however, is that most of them aren’t read, or get to be skimmed in a few seconds. The better part of emails don’t get to convince (let alone impress) because they lack personality.

Wise Stamp Extension


This extension is one of the possible solutions to this problem – it provides you with a live signature that you can link to your social media accounts. You can also personalize it with the company logo or any other visual elements that you’d like to associate with your signature.

8. Project Naptha

(1020)Downloads: 208,893

Install this extension

If you’ve ever felt frustrated that you couldn’t copy a text that was part of an image, you’re going to love this extension. It allows you to highlight, copy or edit texts that are in an image format. Now you can copy the text and paste it as a search query, or translate it.

Project Naptha Extension


The semi-transparent select blue box can be especially useful when you don’t have time to re-write blocks of text that are part of an image. Once you install the extension, it will automatically select the words inside an image in a text box, on hover.

9. Similar Pages

(919)Downloads: 162,542

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I’m sure it’s happened at least a thousand times to find something captivating on the web and then follow the impulse of searching more on the topic. This extension anticipates your need of more information on something you’re already reading and suggests a number of other similar web pages.

Similar Pages Extension


What makes it useful is that every suggested page comes with a preview, so that you can decide what’s appropriate for your needs and what isn’t. Whenever you click on the extension icon, a Google search query will be conducted to identify pages that are closely related to what you’re reading.

10. Instapaper

(215)Downloads: 156,722

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There are many tools dedicated to bookmarking content that you’ll be interested in reading later. However, what this extension brings is the opportunity to save web content offline.

Instapaper Extension


Offline reading isn’t our main preoccupation since most of us focus on bringing the content online, but this tool is especially made to make sure we can read the content that we want to save for later even when we don’t have access to an Internet connection.

11. TL;DR

(305)Downloads: 120,409

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Anyone who spends enough time online will know that TL;DR is an online abbreviation for ‘too long, didn’t read’. We don’t always have the time to enjoy a long read, and this extension shortens the web content into a generic idea on the topic. There are 3 different lengths for every webpage that is shortened (approximately 25%, 50% and 75% of the original content length), and you can opt for the one that will best satisfy your informational need.

TLDR Extension


Aside from the English language, the extension also supports Spanish, German and French. The synopsized long content is at your disposal, and you can also look for similar topics on the web directly from this extension.

12. Giphy

(74)Downloads: 61,283

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We’ve begun to introduce visual aids with our online messages because the tone wouldn’t always be transmitted rightly. This is how the first emoticons appeared. More than a decade after that, shortened communication forms have taken over our social media communication. Partially because they’re playful and send a more personal tone, partially because they’re visual and easily to relate to.

Giphy Extension


Whichever the reason, Giphy allows you to use gifs from their continuously updating database on email and social media, in order to better connect with the people you’re talking to.

13. Draft

(33)Downloads: 4,542

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For those of us who write a lot, this is a Chrome extension that transforms any text area into something you can edit through Draft. Organizing your ideas is much easier this way, as you’ll have all the text you’re composing in the same format and always on your screen, to keep you coordinated.


Draft Extension

14. Drum Up

(20)Downloads: 1649

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Very much like Similar Pages, this extension creates search queries that match the content that you’re currently reading in order to make topical suggestions for further readings.

Drum Up Extension


Aside from the content suggestions, the extension also allows you to schedule sharing posts on social media, which makes it easier to share captivating content with your friends, especially since it can be delivered in an organized manner.

SEO and Marketing Metrics

15. Ghostery

(9235)Downloads: 2,441,992

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Every action you take on the web leaves a footprint behind. The technologies monitoring web activity are called trackers, and usually take the information they need about your browsing data. The extension allows you to control the amount of personal data that you share with the trackers for every site you visit. One additional advantage to this is that some of the websites may even work better with tracking limitations, as trackers sometimes weigh them down. You can also remove page clutter and focus on the content that you’re actually interested in.



16. Alexa Traffic Rank

(2136)Downloads: 447,614

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The extension provides quick traffic analytics without interrupting the browsing experience. It’s great for a quick glance at a website’s performance. Aside from the traffic metrics, you can see the number of sites linking in, the load time and a number of related links as further suggestions for your browsing.


Alexa Traffic Rank Extension

17. MozBar

(696)Downloads: 339,703

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It’s exactly what the name suggests you should be expecting. After each result you get for a search query, you are displayed a performance bar to allow you to make a first impression on the website: page authority, domain authority. MozBar even provides you data about keywords that are easier or harder to rank for.


Moz Bar Extension

18. Hide My Ass

(584)Downloads: 187,807

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There are many reasons why developers need to use private browsing a lot, especially for testing purposes. This is how the extension makes a great requisite, as it allows you to browse privately on the spot, redirecting your traffic to an anonymous proxy network.


Hide My Ass Extension

19. vidIQ 

(713)Downloads: 142,223

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vidIQ is great for anyone who needs to keep up with their Youtube metrics, while at the same time not spending a lot of time to get them. If you’re fine knowing just a few key data sets, the extension offers you the necessary information that you need to have to keep up with the competition: the organic reach of your video, the keywords used as labels to it, the number of shares across social media platforms.


vidIQ Vision for Youtube Extension

20. Check My Links

(267)Downloads: 120,697

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The extension underlines the links on a webpage, telling you which ones are live and which ones are broken. Plus, the extension gives you the option to cache the information which means that the second time you’re visiting the same pages it will work a lot faster.


Check My Links Extension

21. Majestic Backlink Analyzer

(839)Downloads: 51,199

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The extension has over 50k users as it provides two sets of data at the same time: link counts on the one hand and the sources of the links on the other. Generally, extensions are made to be simple and offer one main data set. However, this one crosses that line and it allows you to make an idea about the strength of a page based on its backlink profile.


Majestic Backlink Analyzer Extension

22. Google Analytics URL Builder

(59)Downloads: 30,886

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You can easily create short links with the URL builder, share them, manage tags or choose pre-defined sets. Once you’re generated the final URL, you can copy it into the clipboard button and, on top of this, import or export back-ups. You can also link the presets to, as the two extensions are complementary and compatible.


Google Analytics URL Builder

23. SEO Serp

(251)Downloads: 23,130

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If you want to just quickly check the position of a list of sites to see how they rank for a certain keyword, this extension is cardinal to your research. Besides having the possibility to create alerts for changes in position, you can now export the results as well save them for further examinations.


SEO serp Extension

24. Fat Rank

(62)Downloads: 8,952

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The extension promotes itself as being easy to use because it has one functionality that it implements flawlessly. It’s not far from the truth – it provides lightweight keyword performance for the page you’re currently on. The tool will also check the rankings by location.


FatRank Extension

25. Mobile Friendly Checker

(14)Downloads: 4,188

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You’ll find it most useful especially because it can bulk check up to 20 URLs for mobile friendly results. The extension also displays a result page and a preview of the webpage as Googlebot sees it.


Mobile Friendly Checker

26. Share Metric

(11)Downloads: 3,485

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The extension offers you data about the number of shares and generally the social media visibility of the page you’re on. A drop-down menu will display these along with the Moz page and domain authority, in case you’ve got it installed. For the case in which you already have an Ahrefs subscription, you will be shown the ranks that Ahrefs attributes to the page as well. The extension only works if you have accounts for Ahrefs and Moz.


Share Metric Extension

Social Media Engangement 

27. Hootsuite Hootlet

(1027)Downloads: 508,737

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The extension helps you find and share content across the web, on social media platforms. It allows you to search social media along with your web search query, share content while you browse the web, schedule your posts to be shared at a later time.


Hootsuite Hootlet Extension

28. Rapportive 

(1769)Downloads: 441,335

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For those of us who use Gmail a lot, it’s often very important to know whom we’re talking to, and the signatures don’t always say a lot about the person behind the email. The tool gives you instant access to a lot of data you may be interested in: the company they’re working for, their location, the LinkedIn profiles (this one’s a charm!), their most recent Tweets. You can easily engage with your prospect with this information at your disposal.


Rapportive Extension

29. Buffer

(2430)Downloads: 429,992

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Buffer is one of the vital extensions for any content marketer out there. Whenever you wish to share content on social media platforms, this extension is an efficient way of scheduling content posts for social media, especially if you don’t want to share them right away. Suppose you ran over an amazing piece of content – it’s not practical to post it immediately, if – for instance – you just posted something else. Buffer gives you the chance to queue the content you’re posting cross-platforms.


Buffer Extension


(1209)Downloads: 337,163

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The extension allows you to save and share content through social media platforms, even when it doesn’t have on-page share buttons. You have additional access to the social media performance of the link over the years, for a a generic idea on the popularity of the content.


Bitly Extension

You can also organize the content through notes and bundles, and save the links with individual privacy preferences.

31. Klout

(438)Downloads: 69,639

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The extension allows you to share content to Twitter. However, the reason why it’s so popular among users is that it provides a score of every Twitter account you’re engaging with (including yours), calculated after their own algorithm. This gives you an idea of how authoritative the popular people on the social media network are. This way, you can prioritize your social media strategy according to the data you’re offered.


Klout Extension

32. Email Hunter

(1475)Downloads: 58,846

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If the most complicated part of your outreach is actually finding the emails of your prospects, then search no more. The extension will help you to find email addresses on LinkedIn and even Twitter. It gets easier to access the 150 free contacts you’re allowed to search monthly.


Email Hunter Extension

33. DoShare

(216)Downloads: 25,490

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This extension is dedicated to people who are active on Google Plus. It allows you to write and schedule the posts, share content from different platforms, save drafts and schedule posts. It is intuitively manageable and it can save a lot of time.


DoShare Extension

34. Rite Tag

(65)Downloads: 21,127

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This Twitter tool allows you to get actionable insights as you post content. It gives you stats on the fly about the popularity of your hashtags, it gives you the possibility to add images, create memes, tag influencers, and color-grading hashtags after a popularity metric.


RiteTag Extension

35. Discoverly

(52)Downloads: 16,500

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The extension allows you to understand more about your contacts on Gmail and LinkedIn, offering you information about their work info, mutual connections, recent tweets, and the data is also available on Facebook. It’s a great extension for networking, as it can make your email positioning work easier.


Discoverly Extension

36. Riffle

(19)Downloads: 13,753

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The extension gives you tweet stats on your brand and your competitors’. It ‘teaches you about the community’, as they say they do, providing you data about the number of tweets, number of favorite, medium number of posts per day, top hashtags, top mentions and top URLs, all for you to engage your audience better.


Riffle Extension

37. Find that Lead

(126)Downloads: 11,179

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FTL aims to help you find the emails of your prospects on LinkedIn, as the leads of professionals often shape the direction of our future company plans and development. The leads aren’t only usable in generic outreach and networking with the business community, they can be targeted for sale as well.


Find That Lead Extension

38. Followr

(64)Downloads: 1,507

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The extension is aimed to increase your followers on Twitter, in a natural and organic way. According to the developers, the more you normally use Twitter the better the extension will suggest your account to people who can follow your content based on interest. This automation extension can help a great deal in reaching the proper audiences.

Followr Extension


39. Ad Block

(183952)Downloads: 10,000,000+

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The extension is not only one of the most popular on the web, but it solves many potential issues of digital marketers as well. For a cleaner browsing experience, you can activate the extension and get rid of the annoying ads. This comes at a price, as some of the websites out there won’t let you access their content when detecting the AdBlock. However, there is always the solution of private browsing for those exceptions, and it shouldn’t interfere with your overall experience.


AdBlock Extension

40. Last Pass

(16908)Downloads: 4,219,260

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If you’re the type of person who’s always struggling to remember the hundreds of passwords on different accounts from both work and personal accounts, this extension fixes your issues on the spot. From now on, you’ll only need to remember the one password to rule them all, and get instant secure access to all your other accounts through it. The password manager has great reviews and is highly recommended for digital marketers, who always use one too many tools to remember all their passwords.


Last Pass Extension

41. Pocket 

(5162)Downloads: 2,729,383

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You’re about to start saving some time with this extension. It keeps track of all the content you discover that you don’t have time to read on the spot or just want to save for later. It also syncs your account cross-device and you can easily read the bookmarks from your desktop on your mobile or tablet. The best part about it is that it doesn’t even require an Internet connection, once the tab is saved.


Pocket Extension

42. Momentum

(6575)Downloads: 1,589,696

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It’s always a charm to have a reminder on what our most important task of the day is. Momentum replaces the new tab page of your browser with a custom picture every day, while it can also display the weather, a daily focus, your todos and a daily quote if you feel like you’d need some inspiration. It looks clean and it reminds you to stay focused on a very personal way. The todos are divided into tasks and a daily focus, to constantly remind you what the priority of the day is.


Momentum Extension

43. PushBullet

(3917)Downloads: 1,340,354

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We communicate only more than we’d like to admit. However, it still takes a lot of our time, especially if we’re doing it from more than just one device at a time. The tool offers you the possibility to integrate the most popular communication media (from SMS to Whatsapp and Facebook) into one single device that you can use both on your desktop or on your mobile, thus saving a lot of time.


PushBullet Extension

44. Boomerang

(1054)Downloads: 1,109,443

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If you like planning ahead, you’re going to like this one. The extension allows you to send emails on a scheduled time frame. All you have to do is write it and then program it to be sent. This way, you will never miss a deadline – not even when you don’t have an Internet connection.


Boomerang Extension

45. 1Password

(481)Downloads: 1,023,937

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This extension is made for people who have one too many accounts to manage. It offers you anything from password generators to special protection for credit card passwords. It also divides your account types into folders, so that you never get confused while accessing it. It’s not just a password storage place, it logs you in on the websites and its interaction with the browser is always smooth.


1 Password Extension

46. One Tab

(5238)Downloads: 1,015,460

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It’s not uncommon for us to be upset at browsers when they load too slowly when we most need them – when we have dozens of opened tabs. It’s what One Tab does – reduces the load time by reducing the used space of all the open tabs. You’re going to be displayed all the tabs as a list in one tab, and access them whenever you wish. Their load time will be insignificant, as they will be already probably cached. The extension saves up to 95% of the browser memory and can be a great fix for us, multitaskers.


One Tab Extension

47. The Great Suspender

(1938)Downloads: 882,787

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The extension allows you to configure a personalized time interval after which tabs will be suspended for the better usability of Chrome, or you can do it manually for the tabs that don’t fit the algorithm. If you always have too many tabs opened at the same time, the extension will unload the tabs individually and it will retain the favicons and title texts.


The Great Suspender Extension

48. Signals

(8784)Downloads: 704,188

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The extension allows you to edit your emails in the Gmail box. You can edit the body and subject of your emails and highlight the text you want to keep. You can also organize your emails as to be more efficient. Plus, you can use the functions ‘restore’ and ‘revert’ to go to the original email and then back to the edited version whenever you feel like it.


Signals Extension

49. Stay Focusd

(4400)Downloads: 674,406

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Creative people are also huge procrastinators, and this is a fact. However, this extension solves the issue of too much time spent on Facebook or too many quizzes taken on Buzzfeed. You can limit the time you’re going to be ‘allowed’ on certain websites that you know reduce your productivity.


Stay Focusd Extension

50. Speed Dial 2

(5,769)Downloads: 643,890

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Save your favorite apps, bookmarks and websites and organize them to increase your productivity. The extension has a very clean design that is meant to keep you away from distractions, and it can be synced cross-device.


Speed Dial 2 Extension

51. Todoist

(24,080)Downloads: 379,388

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Combine the personal and the professional tasks in order to increase your efficiency. The task manager allows sync and backup on 10+ platforms, along with sharing options for group tasks. It’s great for any busy bee, and helps keeping track of priorities in the sea of deadlines you have to meet.


Todoist Extension

52. Smooth Scroll

(1,242)Downloads: 154,844

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The extension enables smooth scrolling, and it also works with embedded content. The native smooth scroll belongs to the iOS, but it can be replicated on any device with this extension.


Smooth Scroll

53. Keeper 

(1909)Downloads: 97,589

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It advertises itself as the most secure password keeper there is, and the best feature is that you can sign in with your fingerprint (available on iPhone). The extension also gives you a virtual vault to stock all the precious information you may be needing to keep confidential.


Keeper Extension

54. Time Stats

(638)Downloads: 84,367

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The extension records how much time you’re spending on different websites. This way, you can keep in touch with how much time you’re spending on a website on average. You can always add or delete websites from the monitoring list, you can delete the saved logs at any time and, most importantly, you can keep an eye on the places on the web that you’re most active.


time Stats Extension

55. Medium

(16)Downloads: 34,068

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The extension is more for teams than individual users. It helps you manage passwords and account for up to 5 different users. It gives a solution to the problem of sharing a spreadsheet with passwords across the team for the entire group to have access to the same platforms. It’s a problem solver if you have to work on more accounts at the same time.


Medium Extension


(273)Downloads: 12,002

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The extension allows you to keep in touch with your prospects at any time you would like to remember to email them back, directly from your inbox. It’s easy to use really intuitive. You have the option to choose between regular reminders and one-time reminders and they go up to two weeks from now. Extension

57. Popchrom

(166)Downloads: 10,138

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The extension allows you to create your own shortcuts to text phrases that can be activated when you type in the letter sequence. Create your personal shortcuts to get you through the repetitive blocks of the same texts you have to write from time to time.


Popchrom Extension

58. List Goal

(121)Downloads: 4,265

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The extension will be by your side in your attempt to grow your email list, by giving you real-time advice on what your strategies should look like. It will monitor the goals you’re setting and the actions you’re doing to achieve them, and guide you through the process.


List Goal

59. Stache

(19)Downloads: 3,250

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If you do have Stache for Mac, this extension is going to be your best bud. While it only works for iOS, you’re going to find interesting links with content that you’d need to save and it will suggest further similar pages, while also saving the ones you’ve already found.


Stache Extension

60. Price Snoop

(9)Downloads: 2,332

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In case you’re interested in pricing policies, this extension will tell you how much a product on Amazon costs on other stores. You’ll also be able to see if the products are available or not on other stores, thus keeping you in touch with the pricing policies. This way, you can keep in touch with the prices charged by your clients for any products that you may be researching, on the spot.


Price Snoop Extension

61. Switchmark

(57)Downloads: 2,242

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You can switch through more bookmark bars. Switchmark helps you set a number of bookmark bars you’d like to have and then change to the ones that interest you in seconds.


Switchmark Extension

62. Goodbits

(6)Downloads: 1,592

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Collect content and save time with Goodbits – you can use the extension to create emails in seconds. It seems easy to use and it helps you organize and prioritize your mails, while also being very intuitive. While writing emails is crucial for the sustainability of your business, it’s also relevant that you optimize the process as much as possible.


Goodbits Extension

63. Ananke Timer

(4)Downloads: 238

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If you often find yourself having busy days and it’s become harder to prioritize your tasks, this extension will help you time every task you have from the moment you start it until completion. You can set up more than just one timer at a time.


Ananke Timer Extension

Website Optimization

64. User Agent Switcher

(1367)Downloads: 1,194,463

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If you’ve had enough of testing while developing a website, the extension could be a match to your needs. Switch between user agent strings and set up specific URLs that you wish to spoof every time you do this. If you’ve always complained about testing every change on both desktop and mobile, you’ll find this a crazy helpful time saver.


User Agent Switcher Extension

65. Web Developer

(2104)Downloads: 1,091,172

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The extension has a series of developer tools that you may find handy when browsing any webpage. The main categories are: image, miscellaneous, information, outline, resize, tools and options, each of these having their own sub-categories of actions you can take to inspect or modify the current webpage you’re on.


Web Developer Extension

The best thing developers love about it is that it’s very responsive.

66. Firebug Lite

(1,333)Downloads: 686,834

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The extension is best used to visually represent HTML elements, DOM elements and Box Model shading. You can also use it for its live editing CSS feature. Although it can be useful in itself, it’s recommended to use it along with Firebug and Chrome Developer Tools for a better and more complete perspective.


Firebug Lite Extension

67. Tag Assistant

(394)Downloads: 539,849

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Tag Assistant helps you check the installation of Google tags, while also suggesting improvements to your implementation. Among the included tags, there is Google Analytics, Adwords Conversion Tracking and Google Tag Manager. You can also record the typical user flow and diagnose or validate it, while you can also get troubleshooting advice for Google Analytics.


Tag Assistant

68. Window Resizer

(1879)Downloads: 530,290

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You can now resize your browser’s window as to simulate all the resolutions you need. Web designers as well as developers will find the extension highly practical for testing purposes, especially since the resolution list is entirely customizable. You can set your window’s position and dimensions and even apply the selected dimensions to the entire window. Because we all know developers love shortcuts, Window Resizer has got some of these as well.


Window Resizer Extension

69. Clear Cache

(556)Downloads: 333,669

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The extension has one simple purpose – the one of easily clearing your cache without you going through the struggle of confirmation boxes or pop-ups. Of course, you can also opt for the amount of data you want to delete, from app cache to cookies, downloads, file systems, form data, history, indexedDB, localstorage, plugin data passwords and WebSQL.


Clear Cache Extension

70. Wappalyzer

(756)Downloads: 331,018

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This is a very useful tool if you find yourself wondering what the technologies behind a website are. It gives a complete overview from the JavaScript frameworks to the analytics tools (used to get a view on traffic and performance) and content management systems. It’s indispensable if you’re into searching the trends that seem to work on various successful web platforms, as it gives you insight on what top notch players are using for their business.


Wappalyzer Extension

71. YSlow

(198)Downloads: 317,276

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The extension analyzes the performance of different web pages based on a series of rules that are taken into consideration when evaluating page performance. It doesn’t only diagnose the issues, but it also suggests ways of improving the current performance. The extension is made by Yahoo.


YSlow Extension

72. IE Tab Multi

(4316)Downloads: 185,129

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This is another extension made to satisfy developers’ testing needs. Unlike other tools of the kind, this one behaves like the good old Internet Explorer, allowing you to test IE from the comfort of your Chrome browser. It only supports Windows and it only supports Desktop mode for Windows 8.



73. Stylebot

(1,020)Downloads: 166,341

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When you’re testing alternatives you’d like you take into consideration for your newest project, Stylebot changes the entire appearance of websites for you to see what combinations make the best style for your business. You can also preview and install styles created by other users and saved for the public use. You can instantly custom the entire CSS of a website.


Stylebot Extension

74. Quick Javascript Switcher

(343)Downloads: 144,227

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You can instantly disable Javascript by hostname and subdomain. The tool also helps you to edit the shortcut of this extension as to be more at your fingertips when you need it, as well as you can opt to permanently disable Javascript.


Quick Javascript Switcher Extension

75. Pendule

(477)Downloads: 103,065

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Pendule is an extension that you’ll find extremely useful if you work a lot with CSS. It’s a rather complex tool that allows you to take a large set of actions, from editing the CSS (view, disable embedded styles, inline styles, disable linked stylesheets, show used colors) to image information, viewing JavaScript and generated source, to finally viewport size and resize browser.


Pendule Extension

76. CSS Viewer

(268)Downloads: 101,612

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Exactly what it advertises itself to be, the tool allows you to see the CSS properties of any webpage. In order for it to work properly, it has to access your history and website data. After this, you can hover over any element and see its properties on the spot.


CSS Viewer Extension

77. Web Boost

(353)Downloads: 72,615

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This open source extension helps your tabs load faster, and it doesn’t affect the quality of your images or your videos and the quality of your images doesn’t get to be distorted. It is recommended when you work with many tabs at the same time, and it saves a great deal of loading time.


Web Boost Extension

78. Redirect Path

(93)Downloads: 64,933

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The extension provides you information on the 301, 302, 404 and 500 HTTP Status Codes, along with client side and Javascript redirects. This way, you’re immediately notified when something potentially harmful happens to one of your client’s website.


Redirect Path Extension

79. Page Refresh

(304)Downloads: 55,600

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With Page Refresh you can auto-refresh pages at any desired interval of seconds or minutes, which is a time saver and allows you to focus on the really important aspects of testing your code implementation. The extension an be helpful when you have work in progress that needs to be checked and updated every few seconds/minutes.


Page Refresh Extension

80. WASP

(102)Downloads: 24,426

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The acronym stands for Web Analytics Solution Profiler and it helps monitoring the data sent from your client’s websites via tags. The tool detects every type of tag automatically, and offers SEO information about the inspected pages. It also allows tag blocking, which may come in handy every now and then.


WASP Extension

81. HTML Validator

(176)Downloads: 22,830

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The extension validates the HTML for the website you’re inspecting, and the results can either be displayed inline or in a new tab, depending on your preferences. The extension also has keyboard shortcuts for every OS you may be using it from.


HTML Validator Extension

82. Sight

(241)Downloads: 17,936

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The extension is a Syntax Highlighter and its developers say ‘it makes reading code a joy’. The advertisement is really not far from truth, as the tool also comes with a series of personalization options such as font, size and toggle line numbers.


Sight Extension

83. Built With

(72)Downloads: 16,726

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Aside from the generic information that kind of gives away what the extension is all about, it also provides in-depth statistics about the technologies used. You can find what technologies are most often used, and spot the growing trends, as well as download popular and successful websites using the technological types you’re interested in.


BuiltWith Extension

84. Quick Source Viewer

(59)Downloads: 13,898

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The sources it inspects are HTML, Javascript and CSS, in a very compact way. The syntax of the tool is colored, the badge displays the node counts, and the onclick handlers with inline Javascript. The extension can be personalized, as well.


Quick Source Viewer Extension

85. Stylesheet Reloader

(7)Downloads: 572

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You can reload the external CSS stylesheet of the page you’re currently on, including the imported ones. If you want to avoid reloading the entire page after CSS tweaks, this extension is highly useful. You can also set the key combinations for the shortcuts you want to use as part of this extension.

Stylesheet Reloader

Design Tools 

86. ColorZilla

(1000)Downloads: 902,922

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The tool is mostly used for its color picker, which – along with the CSS gradient generator can help you create color patterns and palettes. The color reader is available in any point of the browser. The eyedropper also maintains a recent history that makes the entire experience easier and more practical.


ColorZilla Extension

87. WhatFont

(917)Downloads: 545,995

Install this extension

By enabling it, you can identify on the spot the type of fonts that different webpages are using. You’re also displayed the font size and the line height. The font database is large enough to recognize every font out there. Whatfont helps when analyzing the font families used by different website developers.


WhatFont Extension

88. Page Ruler

(1060)Downloads: 434,053

Install this extension

You can draw a ruler on any page, to check the height, width and position. Resize it depending on your needs. Further, you can update the position changes manually in order to make even the most subtle differences. ‘Element mode’ is a feature of this extension that allows you to see every element of the page when hovering over it with the mouse.


Page Ruler Extension

89. Eyedropper

(1035)Downloads: 373,647

Install this extension

This extension allows you to pick colors from different web pages. It helps whenever you don’t have the time to go through an entire process of color recognition. It also comes with a color history where you can store the colors that are most relevant or appropriate to your projects.


Eye Dropper Extension

90. Nimbus Screenshot

(1218)Downloads: 398,052

Install this extension

It’s not your generic screenshot extension. Nimbus can either capture the webpage you’re on or the entire browser window, and it can also record screencasts. After you’ve done this, you can use arrows or sticky notes to make the content you’re interested in stand out easily. Moreover, you can highlight texts, resize the screenshots, save them or make comments.It’s highly helpful when you want to make annotations on a webpage on the spot.


Nimbus Screenshot

91. Pic Monkey

(772)Downloads: 180,284

Install this extension

This is one of the most friendliest photo editors out there. It’s intuitive and easy to use and it allows you to open any web image with the extension to make further modifications. You can select the menu options that best fit your editing needs, and transform the image into something you’d share on social media, for instance, in a matter of seconds. From frames to effects, overlays, texts with different fonts, there’s little you cannot add to the images to give them a very personal note.


PickMonkey Extension

92. Resolution Test

(338)Downloads: 145,920

Install this extension

The extension is helpful when it comes to testing how your design behaves on different resolutions. It helps you preview how responsive website is. You can either select one or more resolutions to be tested at one time, then see what would happen on different screen sizes.


Resolution Test Extension

93. Measurelt

(637)Downloads: 108,281

Install this extension

Find out the width and height of any elements on a webpage in a matter of seconds. You can use it to measure whichever section of a page you’re interested in. The extension is useful for design projects as it gives you a quick idea on what the dimensions of your visual elements should be like, or what proportions successful websites use.


Measurelt Extension

94. Fontface Ninja

(224)Downloads: 101,708

Install this extension

The extension is great for quite an impressive number of reasons. First, it fetches fonts from a wide web database made of the most popular niche websites for font recognition. Then, it also shows you the line spacing, the letter spacing and the size of the font instead of just its name. Third, it hides all advertisements so you can focus on how the specific font looks on a clean webpage. Last, but not least, it will search the font for you and give you the option to buy it (or download it if it’s free).


Fontface Ninja Extension

95. Palette Creator

(172)Downloads: 62,124

Install this extension

The extension is developed for designers and it creates a color palette to match any image on the web. If, for instance, you want to create a palette starting from an image on your website, all you have to do is choose the number of colors that you’d like it to include.


Palette Extension

Then you can download the palette and use it to start a new project.

96. Dimensions

(213)Downloads: 48,225

Install this extension

If you ever wanted to measure the radius of a circle and text was standing in your way, then you can’t wait to learn about this extension. It helps you measure the dimension of whatever geometric form and it’s easily activated by pressing the Alt key. You can easily see the dimension of any element you would like to integrate on your website.

Dimensions Extension


The elements through which the measure is taken are: images, input-fields, buttons, videos, gifs, text and icons.

97. Yet Another Lorem Ipsum Generator

*not available anymore

(77)Downloads: 26,874

In case every time you’re trying to test an interface you hate the amount of text that you need just to blurt out, this is an extension you’d like to install. What it does, in fact, is insert blind text into your website’s fields for you to get a better image of what it looks like.


Yet Another Lorem Ipsum Generator Extension

From paragraphs of text, to dates, titles, email addresses, web addresses, the extension generates blind texts for every need of yours.

98. Google Font Previewer

(234)Downloads: 25,546

Install this extension

Choose a font you like from the Google API directory and apply it either to the entire webpage of a specified CSS selector to get an idea of what it looks like. The font previewer is especially useful when you design a new website and are trying to figure out what the fonts look like on the specific page. However, if you know you usually use the same fonts or the same font families you can save those for quicker access.


Google Font Previewer Extension

99. Stencil

(45)Downloads: 15,379

Install this extension

If you post very often to social media or if you just create and update blog posts on a regular basis, you’re going to find this extension extremely practical. You can instantly add text to any image of your choice and make it custom to your marketing needs. The extension has over 100 fonts, and custom watermark, while it also works on every website.


Stencil Extension

100. Type Sample

(8)Downloads: 12,012

Install this extension

It may come in handy if you’re testing and sampling fonts, as it tells you what fonts are used on different pages when you hover over their content. Clicking on the text opens a panel that allows you to test the font in the extension, after which you can save the sample provided that you have a account.


Type Sample Extension

101. Microstock Photo Power Search

(10)Downloads: 1,870

Install this extension

The extension is more than welcomed for designers, as its primary purpose is to help finding free images. The database includes more libraries that are accessed every time you’re trying to find a photo. The extension displays the search results that provide you with a large number of images related to your search query. The more a photo is liked the more it increases its chances to appear in search results, which is an opportunity to promote your work as well.


Microstock Photo Power Search Extensiom

102. Font Editor

(22)Downloads: 1733

Install this extension

Aside from the fact that this extension allows you to test any font on any website at any time, it also comes with a series of characteristics that make the testing more accurate and precise, among which: a selector, the fontfamily, the font variant, the font weight, the font face, the text transformation and the line height.


Font Editor Extension


This post was hopefully a useful fix for people who constantly work on their browsers and have too many tabs open at all times. Managing them doesn’t require better organizing skills, but little helpers to allow you to focus on one task at a time. It may seem overwhelming, as the number of extensions we chose is quite large, but once you get the hang of it the improvements are visible. The advantages of these extensions lie in optimizing processes that usually take more than just a couple of clicks to perform, reason for which they’re welcome time savers.

If you think there’s maybe an extension that you’re creepily in love with and we missed it, don’t hesitate to share it with us!

Disclaimer: The data we’re presenting about these extensions concerning their availability, the number of downloads, scores and ratings is documented in May 2016.

The post 102 Most Used Chrome Extensions for Digital Marketers appeared first on SEO Blog | cognitiveSEO Blog on SEO Tactics & Strategies.

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Why Your Outreach Failed and Why I’ll Always Delete Your Emails Thu, 14 Apr 2016 09:24:25 +0000 There are many reasons why outreach emails get to be deleted directly without even being read. One of the reasons is that they are never read; not even by the person who wrote them. Therefore, when the sender is not even trying to be coherent or make any sense, why should I be the one […]

The post Why Your Outreach Failed and Why I’ll Always Delete Your Emails appeared first on SEO Blog | cognitiveSEO Blog on SEO Tactics & Strategies.

There are many reasons why outreach emails get to be deleted directly without even being read. One of the reasons is that they are never read; not even by the person who wrote them. Therefore, when the sender is not even trying to be coherent or make any sense, why should I be the one trying to read its messages?


Moreover, how can I not delete your emails if they bring me no added value? None. Except the astonishment of how unprofessional that email is written, it literary brings me nothing. As an irony, it claims to get me a lot of worth (ranking no. 1 on Google and trillions of unique visitors on my website, just to mention some) but actually, there is nothing in for me.


And how can I not delete your emails when you advertise me things I am totally unrelated to, you are not even trying to connect at a personal level, or you try to schedule appointments without me knowing what for.


Why Your Outreach Failed and Why I'll Always Delete Your Emails-min


I am not replying to these failure emails because replying to them might give someone the impression that their emails were well written, they lead to engagement, and they drove results. And that is the last thing I wish to do.


Every time we get a bad outreach email we think ’Oh, I’ll definitely write a post about it someday soon’. But so it happens that we don’t have the time to treat them individually. We gathered the main lessons we’d love to leave as SEO legacy from the over 10 k outreach emails we received, over time, to offer you an idea of what unprofessional propositions look like. From link exchange, guest posts to black hat collaboration, there’s no unsuccessful proposal that escaped our inbox during the last years.


We believe that outreach marketing is best done through human outreach – creating valuable relationships with people in your network, with the purpose of exchanging professional experiences.However, in this article we’re going to present you the opposite of that. As we’ve received over a thousand outreach emails in time, we decided to gather a list of lessons we learned in time. We will present to you some of the most frequent and serious mistakes we found with the outreach emails we received over time. Aside from making a list, we also tried to break them into the most relevant categories.


  1. Be Specific When You Write an Email
  2. Never Advertise Your Prospect’s Competitors
  3. Avoid Generic Formulas that Lack Personality
  4. Don’t Harass Your Prospect! Be Flexible and Patient
  5. Don’t Take Your Prospect’s Reply for Granted! Prove Yourself Worthy of a Connection!
  6. Don’t Insist Too Much or Your Prospect Will Tag You as Spammy
  7. Don’t Send the Same Outreach Templates Over and Over
  8. Don’t Overuse Textual Emphasis Features
  9. Be Concise. Spare Your Prospect the Huge Block of Text
  10. Don’t Give the Idea that Your Email is Spam!
  11. Target a Specific Audience or You Won’t Be Remembered!
  12. Keep Relevant! Avoid Long and Generic Content
  13. Stress On the Added Value of Your Proposal!
  14. Fix the Broken English – Sloppy Content Is Not an Option!
  15. Offer Something Meaningful Before Asking for Favors
  16. Be Clear About Your Intentions. Shady Tactics Don’t Work with Professionals

1. Be Specific When You Write an Email 


You’d think it’s almost redundant to say, let alone stress, that researching is crucial before an outreach campaign.


You cannot simply email the same template to 200 people and hope for the best.


Be Specific When You Write an Email


First of all, no influencer will read an email further than ‘Hello, I hope you are well.’ Who am I? Do you even know the type of business I’m running? I believe not. What gave you away?

You cannot simply offer to give me a service that I’m into the business of offering too. It’s not ‘unprofessional’. It’s more than that – it’s outrageous and messy not to know who you’re talking to.


2. Be Consistent and Eloquent or You Won’t Get a Reply!


Before anything approach-related, a quick technicality: You can decide either to write your message subject with capital letters or not. A middle way is not professional.


Concerning the email. First of all, having typos inside the ever-so-short outreach email is not quite professional. It means you were in a hurry.


Be Consistent and Eloquent or You Won’t Get a Reply!

It’s hard to assume that somebody who doesn’t even bother to write both letters in the word ‘we’ has actually conducted a thorough research on our business before contacting us.


A smartly put marketing-based approach could have spiked the interest of any SEO professional out there. Yet, it doesn’t take in-depth research to notice that we also offer a rank tracking module – helping our customers constantly monitor their rankings.


Actually, one only needs to access our site.


In this context, asking us to use another service for better rankings is too much. Not to mention that this approach, from a knowledgeable professional to another, may have worked if it had been based on a very specific piece of context.


For instance: ‘Hi, Razvan. I also have an SEO tool and I noticed that your rankings dropped for the x keyword last week. Just wanted to friendly let you know.’

Tip: It’s not advised to write to the owner of a comprehensive SEO tool explaining in broad terms what the SEO activity is about.

Assuming you should spend at least 5 minutes on a website before emailing to whomever (it’s not certain from the email body), you should know what their activity is about.


Not to mention how demeaning it is to offer to do our job for us. Clearly an awful example of spammy outreach.


Be Eloquent In Your Outreach



3. Never Advertise Your Prospect’s Competitors

We’re not proposing an all-night-reading-our-blog-inside-out. We’re talking minimum facts, such as our website being a platform that advertises our SEO tool, which happens to be one of this proposition’s competitors.


Never Advertise Your Prospect’s Competitors


Despite being a little rude and uninformed, the guy is also sending a generic message that says nothing about our site at all. It does present a large array of possible issues of any website out there. How convenient, right?


There’s a reason why the spammy strategy doesn’t work. It is true. You can do a lot of documentation and come up with 20 great emails, both relevant and personal or you can send 500 random spammy texts.


It is also true that, most likely, each of these times only 5 of the webmasters will reply to your email.



What makes the difference is the type of connection you’re making and its relevance for your business. These outreach campaigns – whichever their purpose – are meant to enhance our marketing efforts and engage a new audience through the means of an influencer. And it’s only the first of these techniques that will lead you there.


4. Avoid Generic Formulas that Lack Personality


Quite the same issue as the other emails had. Add a plus of bullet-ed list, that makes the inappropriate email easier to read – to make sure that we understood how they did not bother to read about us. The main issue of this approach is that it fails to address us personally. Most of the marketers out there don’t have the time to reply to senders who weren’t even interested to be personal.


Avoid Generic Formulas that Lack Personality

On a more serious note, the most damaging fact about writing such an email isn’t the email. It’s not even the fact that you won’t get a reply. It’s that not only have you failed win a connection, but that you have forever lost it.

These days, when you talk to a person you talk to one thousand. You cannot afford to ruin your reputation before even having one.

Anyone receiving this email will put you on a professional blacklist where you’ll either be quoted as a bad example (guilty as charged!) or you’ll just be forever ignored.


Maybe your business has just started and you’re not familiar with these common sense rules. Maybe in 5 years’ time you’ll be more mature and looking to increase your network. Some of the people will never get over the fact that you’ve once been this sloppy.


There’s a broad category of people who will not take no for an answer. While generally in your professional life this isn’t a bad thing, it also depends on how you’re putting it.

However, you can’t just endlessly send automated emails without understanding that a lack of an answer has its reasons – usually the fact that you did it wrong the first time.


5. Don’t Harass Your Prospect! Be Flexible and Patient

When you’re used to dealing with professionals, it’s intolerable to see stubborn attitudes accompanied by no concept/content.

Don’t Harass Your Prospect


The example above refers to a person who sent us over 30 emails in approximately one year – none of which got a response. This, however, didn’t make any bell ring. Borderline harassing, this attitude will bring you no luck with a webmaster.



We’re all for follow-ups. Every business relationship has to be maintained properly and won’t, supposedly, limit to one or two interactions. But sending a ton of follow-ups – that are most likely automated – while repeating the same mistakes clearly won’t get you too far.


6. Don’t Take Your Prospect’s Reply for Granted! Prove Yourself Worthy of a Connection!


Maybe the most important observation about this outreach email isn’t even that it comes from someone so insistent.


Don’t Take Your Prospect’s Reply for Granted! Prove Yourself Worthy of a Connection!

We believe that every reaction (or lack thereof) has its cause. The main cause why we didn’t reply to this person is that it’s such a bad practice to send entire article, already written on a topic of your choice, on your first outreach email.

It says a lot about not being available for longer talks in order to provide a truly appropriate topic to write on. It also shows lack of flexibility (of course, assuming it wasn’t a bulk message, case in which it is way worse).


You cannot do this for a good number of reasons:


  • You can’t know weather the webmaster is really interested in a guest post on his blog. The more professional the webmaster, the slimmer the odds;
  • It’s not professional to assume that the webmaster will be interested in that specific domain – let alone ‘serve’ an article already written. Most of the website admins will at least impose a few conditions. Sending an attached post is almost a guarantee you won’t be taken seriously;
  • The topic of the guest post is usually something you negotiate with the webmaster, assuming – of course – you’ve been decent enough as to get a chance to publish on your prospect’s blog;
  • Take the sentence ‘I have attached best unique content which I want to publish this on your site as a guest post’. It’s not just poor phrasing and contextualizing. It’s broken English – the new low in any professional industry of your choice. Moreover, this email being about your content writing qualities, how could anyone ever trust your content creating rigor when you didn’t get the 2 sentences right?


7. Don’t Insist Too Much or Your Prospect Will Tag You as Spammy

This is perhaps the most fascinating example of this article. These people think we’re interested in their LED factory’s products.
They’ve sent us countless emails, with different texts and approaches, from different email addresses, through time.


Each one of these emails had something DIFFERENT wrong with it.


This one, for instance, used the very off putting ‘dear sir/madam’ formula. Also, the text of the email was quite telegraphic for someone who’s been emailing us for months.


Don’t Insist Too Much or Your Prospect Will Tag You as Spammy
So many wrong things here:


  • The ‘Hi, dear’ formula, that’s never appropriate in a professional environment;
  • ‘We found you here and know that your are business on LED products also. We are one. ’ – aside from the poor English (and I also mean it in the compassionate sense- a bit smart ass), there’s no true fact there aside from them producing LEDs. Also, we’d be curious to find out what ‘here’ is in reference too;
  • Concerning the style, the paragraphs are discontinuous and broken off, clearly not sending a favorable message, even assuming the content would have been more appropriate to our field;

Don’t Insist Too Much or Your Prospect Will Tag You as Spammy - Too Much

Aside from the other issues we’ve analyzed until now, there is something outstanding about this particular message.

This was perhaps the 20th message we got for a business proposal, throughout a year. It means the people running this company certainly have a marketing department: one that stores data about their network and analyzes the market and, sadly enough, composes the texts they’re sending out.

One of the most scaring risks you’re taking through sending an unprofessional outreach email is having people believe that your entire company’s marketing efforts are based on random approaches instead of coordinated effort. Long term, this can cause serious brand management issues that can lead to significant loss in profit.


Don’t Insist Too Much or Your Prospect Will Tag You as Spammy - Too Many Emails


8.Don’t Send the Same Outreach Templates Over and Over

It’s true that the sir/madam line isn’t the most inspiring. But that’s not the most off putting about this email. It’s being entirely generic what makes it inappropriate.


If your email works just as well if I’m the SEO industry or if I’m selling pipes, maybe you’re doing it wrong. This ‘Hi, your blog is informative, fun, inspiring and eye-opening’ approach doesn’t work in a competitive industry.


Don’t Send the Same Templates Over and Over
And it’s far from over. Add being insistent to this mix and you’ve got yourself the worst guest post pitch possible. Not to mention that the phrase ‘Thank you for your consideration’ should imply we’ve already answered to your thousand emails – which is both false and annoying.


It also suffices to say that the emails we published in this article are just a few of the instances this person approached us.


9. Don’t Overuse Textual Emphasis Features  


One of the issues of emails containing huge blocks of text is the amount of content written. Textual emphasis is generally used to shift the attention on the most valuable idea you’re pitching. When you overuse it, the entire email will look sloppy and spammy.


Don’t Overuse Textual Emphasis Feature - It Loses Its Purpose

And there is more than one other reason why we wouldn’t recommend this type of outreach.


  • Promotional outreach is too much. People barely read your emails when you’re giving them heads up about their own issues. Nobody will be kind enough with their time as to read something promoting your business in their free time. And supposing we would need this company’s services, outreaching just to make themselves known is very intruding in terms of marketing strategy;
  • Not being specific enough. Aside from not knowing my name (which literally would have taken a few seconds), the email doesn’t even seem to offer something specific – a bunch of generic services doesn’t mean walking an extra mile. Carefully researching as to propose something of true relevance for the influencer does;
  • It doesn’t offer competitive advantage. That’s the worst that could possibly happen in this very competitive environment – especially online, where there are no other boundaries but the quality of your services and how you’re pitching them. Other than (not satisfactory) covering the informational part, this email doesn’t stand out by anything.


10. Be Concise. Spare Your Prospect the Huge Block of Text


Looking at the email below, other than having wording issues, you’ll believe it’s decent. Of course, not one of the ones you actually ANSWER to, but not to be presented on a negative list either!


Be Concise. Spare Your Prospect the Huge Block of Text

And then comes a huge block of text just below the signature. Psychologically, when sending an outreach email you have to ease the influencer into participating/responding/doing something.


This is one of the poorest examples. Besides not having a good chance with the email copy per se, this huge press release attached is a major turn off, even assuming that you’d initially be inclined to answer.


Be Concise. Spare Your Prospect the Huge Block of Text!


11. Don’t Give the Idea that Your Email is Spam!


The fact that this email is long and not at all specific somehow weighed so much because it was so diluted and irrelevant. This P.S. also indicates that there is a high chance for it to be spammy.


Don’t Give the Idea that Your Email is Spam!


The need to integrate this final disclaimer comes from the lack of planning in designing the outreach campaign, along with the recipients who were destined to receive the emails, and the lack of research as well.


12. Target a Specific Audience or You Won’t Be Remembered!


Offering such a wide array of services should be accompanied by targeted promotion for each of them. Accordingly, every single service should have its own targeted audience, and they shouldn’t be mixed all together, but two or three of them exceptionally.


Target Specific Audience or You Won’t Be Remembered!

However, emailing an influencer to let them know about all these services is an unfortunate strategy for the following reasons:


  • It doesn’t allow the receiver to focus on any of these, since they’re too many;
  • Assuming the influencer would be interested in one of these services, they would still ignore the emails since the services are advertised together;
  • It doesn’t allow focusing on the competitive advantages of his business because of the information vertigo.

13. Keep Relevance! Avoid Long and Generic Content


In this example, we’re going to skip the ‘not-knowing-my-name’ and ‘offering help in my area of expertise’ issues, to address even more important ones.


The email is way too long.

We believe there could be successful blog posts shorter than this. First of all, nobody will give you credit for a ‘unique strategy’ that isn’t that unique in the first place, and that you’re not even a little reluctant to present even before knowing my name. The ‘buy-me-dinner-first’ rule applies.


Keep Relevant! Avoid Long and Generic Content

Usually, this kind of proposition requires intensive previous talking about the specific industry that we’re active in, the size of our business etc. assuming this wouldn’t be the same you’re advertising for.


Last but not least, it’s absolutely redundant to just go through all the steps of getting better ranking, traffic, visibility on social media platforms etc. Instead, a more concise approach to sum up the major benefits of these steps would have made a much more powerful approach.


14. Stress on the Added Value of Your Proposal!


We’re positively certain that it wouldn’t have taken more than 40 seconds on our website to realize that your public is not very successfully chosen. In our blogging history, we haven’t ever published something similar. Moreover, we rarely publish infographics, and assuming we’d be open to let this situation change, it would take something that’s truly specific and relevant to both our niche and the audience that usually reads our content.


Stress On the Added Value of Your Proposal!

Aside from this, the same mistake as sending out an already written guest post is made. You cannot just attach an infographic that is not even related to my business and then hope we’re going to publish it on our blog.


15. Fix the Broken English – Sloppy Content Is Not an Option!


This is one first examples of sloppy content. Very generic, it works perfectly in the fashion world as well as it does in retailing. You cannot afford to be this evasive in your approach, which should be all about convincing you’re worth taking into consideration as a contributor.

The nature of this context imposes the rigor of relevance, as well as a sense of personality casually slipped into the conversation. The email below fails to offer any of these.

Fix the Broken English - Sloppy Content Is Not an Option!


Fix the Broken English - Sloppy Content Is Not an Option!


This email is differently generic than the previous one. This one tries to achieve a more personal endeavor. However, it fails to address my name, and it also contains superficial wording such as ‘frequent visitor of your blog’.

Moreover, I would place a bet that Phillip didn’t even enter our blog once. If he had, he would have known that we don’t cover graphic design among our topics, that our case studies mostly conduct other kinds of analyses.

Of course, besides the huge mistake of offering to send us an already written guest post on a topic of his choice.

Fix the Broken English - Sloppy Content Is Not an Option for Outreach

Before even trying to think of a specific competitive advantage, get your facts straight – that is not our infographic. The email had already started bad with the ‘sir/madam’ formula. Further, making an offer based on a false premise is quite the path to failure.


Plus, being so generic as not to mention anything related to our area of expertise makes the entire proposition futile.

Fix the Broken English - Sloppy Content Is Not an Option for Outreach Emails


The ‘I need your help’ approach is usually accompanied by ‘you’ll also have advantages’. While the others are only generic and non-personal, this email is vague and it needs extensive conversation.

When addressing somebody who generally lacks time because of the industry, the idea is to be catchy and promising from the first attempt. Whenever you fail to do this, the chances to ever get a response are significantly slimmer.

Plus, just stating you are a student won’t make the prospect accept your offer just because your assumed intentions are good. It takes more than that to be taken into consideration as a professional (be it budding).

Fix the Broken English

Fix the Broken English - Emails from Students

The entire idea behind this email is odd. It begins with ‘you’re a professional, your articles were useful during my documentation’ and it ends with ‘I’m equally capable, let me write for you’. If you’re casually ‘looking for some information on creating backlinks’ one morning, this doesn’t represent a savvy approach that could bring you a high response rate.

In other words, don’t make the approach so thin when it comes to the idea behind it. Creating a scenario often comes in handy, as it places our relevance in your professional life and it gives us a good start.

However, superficial readings don’t make profitable conversation starters.


Fix the Broken English Before Sending Outreach Emails

Perhaps the worst kind of outreach failures come from people who have the potential to write something worth your while. It doesn’t seem like we do accept guest posts on a regular basis, we never gave this idea to anyone. On the contrary, just like anyone else who’s a professional in this industry, we’re very careful with the guest posts we’re accepting.

Anyone who pitches you an idea should know this, especially if they’re ‘an avid blogger’.

Another mistake is presenting examples of your content, using broken English. A sloppy email will fail to generate a good response rate. It’s impossible not to see the mistakes before anything else, especially since you’ve been spending years trying to build an eye for identifying them.


Fix the Broken English Before Sending Outreach Emails


First off, for somebody who benefits of a large professional team, you sure missed your research. It’s unacceptable to call us ‘’. It lacks seriousness and gives away your generic approach.

Second, it wouldn’t kill seeing who you’re writing to, as it’s almost embarrassing to receive an offer from someone performing the same type of services as you do. It’s like telling you you’re not doing your job well. And I don’t mean ‘you missed a little something here’.

That’s a friendly approach, very specific and it shows investment, as it took time to come across it. On the opposite side, there’s the very wide email we received from somebody who wishes to make a link audit on our website.


Correct Broken English Before Sending Outreach Emails


16. Offer Something Meaningful Before Asking for Favors

Some of the email senders have no real motivation for which you should do them favors. No elaborate explanations, not one good, specific reason. Just because they’ve got a business and you’ve got a business and you seem to have exposure. This is as far as the thought process goes.

Offer Something Meaningful Before Asking for Favors

The only benefit presented in the email is our readers, happy to take advantage of their products. However, while this is necessary, it may not be enough of a premise to accept the featured guest post.

This shows a huge leap of faith in the outreach campaign, which most of the times won’t bring the desired results. Instead of being specific and to the point, this email has just managed to leave us extremely disappointed.

Needless to say, the broken English didn’t help much, either.


Offer Something Meaningful Before Asking for Favors - Outreach Email

Reading this email really made me wonder if before starting the outreach campaigns they read about the business. Because, regarding this example, my instinct suggest ‘not really, no’.

Secondly, let me walk you through how inappropriate this request is. To us, it’s the equivalent of knocking on a stranger’s door at 4 a.m., casually asking if they’re not interested in holding your huge wardrobe for a while – you’re sure they’ll benefit from it, and their friends will like it too, when they’ll visit.

A write-up in this industry takes a lot of effort. Because we’re aware how complicated it is to have a sustainable strategy when it comes to your website’s profile, we’re often reluctant to reply to people who take it so easily.



Offer Something Meaningful Before Asking for Favors - Outreach Email WriteUp



17. Be Clear About Your Intentions. Shady Tactics Don’t Work with Professionals


The reason why webmasters stopped hosting paid articles on their blogs lies in the guidelines of being a good professional. When quantity and not quality is the purpose, you will be careless about professional standards. This kind of situation often escalates from a nice bonus that comes with a niche article to publishing something so far from your website’s area of interest that affects your rankings.


Be Clear About Your Intentions. Shady Tactics Don’t Work with Professionals

When they first noticed how dangerous of a slippery slope this technique is, people in the industry all stopped using it as a perk. Today, a few years after that, it’s almost outrageous to receive an email proposing to exchange money for content hosting and links.

It is very similar to how we’re socially perceiving actions and activities happening in the Middle Ages (and, from an evolutionary standoff, 4-5 years ago were the SEO’s Middle Ages. Under no circumstance would we allow anything similar to happen and whoever tries to advocate such practices loses all credibility.

There are some people who lack SEO perspective. Sometimes a proposition like this one sounds so unacceptable because it’s far from being done properly. I can’t remember the last time I’ve seen/read/heard of some similar strategy that actually worked, assuming that at least one of the parties was a trustworthy professional.


And it’s not just ignoring some of the search engine’s guidelines. Accepting such a proposition is giving up your efforts’ sustainability that took you years of hard work to implement.

Whenever it comes to avoiding SEO violations, I believe that the guidelines mean something a little different than linking to a partner site instead of yours directly. However complicated it is for a search engine to detect these techniques, it’s always best to keep it White Hat.

There are other reasons, aside from being a true professional, for which these practices shouldn’t be encouraged. Let’s all agree for a second that our main purpose is to satisfy an audience through the means of our content.


While generally it’s quite complicated to raise to the standards as it is, being shady with our links and sources clearly would generate solid traffic loss, implemented long-term.


Be Clear About Your Intentions. Shady Tactics Don’t Work with Professionals - Outreach


What’s even sadder about these practices is that they’re so common, they’ve got intermediaries.

Be Clear About Your Intentions. Shady Tactics Don’t Work with Professionals - Outreach Emails
And they’re insisting.

Be Clear About Your Intentions. Shady Tactics Don’t Work with Professionals - Poor Outreach Emails


Be Clear About Your Intentions. Shady Tactics Don’t Work with Professionals - Outreach Black Hay

On the one hand, it’s not that hard to understand how people who don’t come from our industry or didn’t have a digital marketer taking care of their account would easily start such a promising business.


Especially with all the you’ve-worked-so-hard-let’s-monetize-it ego-bait.

The honesty of some of these emails is puzzling to us (and, I’m sure, to some of you as well). Being used to white hat practices, all kinds of creative and innovative approaches makes it so hard to ignore such an email.

Sometimes all you wish to do is reply and teach them a lesson. However, since that doesn’t really solve the problem at hand, you’ll just archive it and save it for a long unfortunate-practices blog post.


Be Clear About Your Intentions. Shady Tactics Don’t Work with Professionals - Outreach Email Failure

It goes without saying that the additional info is actually the pricing offer. Which takes me back to knowing your audience. Somebody who’s visited our website at least once and had a general idea of what we’re doing would never send such a proposition to us.


Assuming that such a black hat business exists, it still failed to do its research. You cannot email people randomly. This is why Matt Cutts (head of the Web Spam team at Google) got propositions similar to this one – because people don’t do their research.


Be Clear About Your Intentions. Shady Tactics Don’t Work


There are many (creative) ways of failing at outreach attempts. However, we hope this list was helpful as to give you a general idea of what’s truly unacceptable. Any other possible mistakes can be worked out through careful practices and a lot of time investment.


What about you? What’s the worst outreach email you’ve ever received?

The post Why Your Outreach Failed and Why I’ll Always Delete Your Emails appeared first on SEO Blog | cognitiveSEO Blog on SEO Tactics & Strategies.

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18 Outreach Examples That Will Massively Boost Your Sharing Thu, 28 Jan 2016 09:41:13 +0000 Outreach is exceptional. It gives you a great head start when you most need one – it teaches you what people in your niche best respond to and it makes you more popular. There are endless benefits to it. And while these are widely discussed, we’re going to go through some poignant examples of outreach […]

The post 18 Outreach Examples That Will Massively Boost Your Sharing appeared first on SEO Blog | cognitiveSEO Blog on SEO Tactics & Strategies.

Outreach is exceptional. It gives you a great head start when you most need one – it teaches you what people in your niche best respond to and it makes you more popular. There are endless benefits to it. And while these are widely discussed, we’re going to go through some poignant examples of outreach (with their dos and don’ts) and their results.

18 Outreach Examples That Will Boost Your sharing-min

The key takeout is being able to make a comparison between the different types of situations the following people found themselves in, and then make an informed decision on how it’s best to proceed.

      1. Twitter Outreach

In his article, 15 Ways to Get Backlinks that Won’t Kill Your Search Traffic, Will Blunt made public one of his outreach endeavors, raising awareness about the importance of being dynamic. While most of us out there would try the classic emails (and for good reason, they still work!), he decided to give enthusiasm a chance.


He gave Twitter a chance, and further explained how being highly devoted to your professional interests raises engagement in others – including influencers in the niche. Approaching everybody on Twitter was, in the first place, very out there. A bold move and a public one, that’s also dynamic and says a lot about his adaptability in the niche. Maybe that’s why many influencers replied through his Twitter outreach campaign.

Quality content is the slow burn of building links. The theory is that the more useful, in-depth and engaging your content is, the more people will want to link back to that content in the long-term.

15 Ways to Get Backlinks That Won't Kill Your Search Traffic Will Blunt Twitter

     2. Significant Relationship Building

Venchito Tampon shares 7 lessons learned from real life examples of blogger outreach, explaining the way he managed them and the exact steps and thought process behind his strategy. Instead of sending tons of impersonal emails, he sent a handful of very personal ones – and 3 of the influencers replied.

After sending 10 personalized emails, I got three responses (30% conversion rate) with one that is interested to ask me questions for the interview.

Digital Philippines Email Outreach Adam Connell


Digital Philippines Email Outreach Aleyda Solis


Digital Philippines Email Outreach Email Venchito-Eric

Digital Philippines Email Outreach Follow-Up

Digital Philippines Email Outreach

3. Target Influencers Who Are Already Interested in Your Content

This guest post published by Kissmetrics walks you through the process of finding the most appropriate people who’d be interested in reading what you’ve written. The premises – which you shouldn’t let discourage you – is that people with exposure will always be ahead of you. No matter how much work and time you put into it, the odds of you being nearly as popular are not in your favor. However, everybody’s been there and we all had to start from somewhere. Mark Trueman, ZenSpill founder, further advises:

Keep these emails as short as possible, and give the blogger a reason to share the post. The reason should be simple, such as: it answers a question they asked in the post, it makes the same argument as their post, it adds something they might’ve missed, etc.

How to Find Influencers Who Already Want to Share and Link to Your Content - Real Example

4.The Steps to Build Relationships & Links Using UGC Content

Because we believe in guest posting, we also practice it once in a while. Knowing that people already talk about you out there is a great reassurance as long as you can monitor what they’re saying and be quick with a witty reply. However, it’s not enough. The article is based on personal experiences and gives insight on the relationship building process.

Once you’ve identified the fresh new mentions, you could easily use LinkedIn for the outreach part. Simply identify the author on LinkedIn and add him/her to your network using a quick thank you message.

An Outstanding Technique to Build Strong Relationships & Links Using UGC Content Razvan Gavrilas

Razvan Gavrilas - Outreach Example

5. Email Webmasters for Broken Links

Outreaching to people who once linked to you to tell them they’ve got broken links is an evergreen technique of link building.

It’s a highly beneficial outreach approach, as some of the webmasters may forget who they link to – especially if you’re not in their immediate network. Aside from starting relationships from scratch, renewing old ones is a great complementary resource for your marketing strategy.

A good search operator for finding prospects involves doing a search for “NICHE + inurl:links“. You now have a list of websites that likely are in your niche and have a links page. Alternatively you can include resources in the search query. Once you get your results start going through each site to determine which ones will be worth your time to contact the webmaster.

Broken Link Building In Action - Garrett French

6. Use Egobait in Your Campaign

It seems like we’ve heard of it a thousand times. You’d expect people not to react anymore to these types of flattery. But you’d be wrong. It’s in our very human nature to respond positively to an inspired use of egobait. The technique relies on how we naturally tend to react positively to positive associations or attributions: you come to me as an expert in the domain and I’ll be glad to help you with advice. It worked in 2012, when this post was written, and it works now – 4 years later.


Put it on the account of Maslow’s pyramid of needs, but this method still rocks if it’s used properly. Anthony D. Nelson, the author of this post, explains how he had an 80% success rate on his outreach campaign using just this. And smarts.

I had great success on my last outreach campaign. I contacted 31 bloggers. 25 have replied with a yes. 3 no. I’m still hoping to hear back from a few. I attribute the success of this campaign by carefully crafting my outreach list and because of my use of associated egobait.


7. Timing in Outreach and Relationship Building

There are several reasons to resort to outreach.

This (other) post from Venchito Tampon, written in 2013, gives us insight on an outreach campaign that had an 82% conversion rate in guest blogging (and it’s a guest post!). There’s never a good time to start trying, but clearly there are some unwritten ground rules that you’ve got to take into account for your campaign to be as successful.

Conversion in guest blogging goes with receiving a positive response from a guest blog prospect and having your content published on your prospect’s site/blog. This should result into marketing opportunities like links, mentions and brand awareness as you go along with the process of guest blogging.

How I Got a 82 percent Conversion Rate in Guest Blogging - Outreach Venchito Tampon

8. Don’t Automate Blog Outreach. View from the Other Side

Tom Ewer gives us an example from the other side of things. We’ve been talking about trying to outreach to influencers. But what’s in their mind?

The biggest turn-off for someone who’s been trying hard to make a name for himself on the web is automated outreach. It’s not personal and it doesn’t show the slightest determination. The blog post, written in January 2015, documents an unhappy story.

Here are the emails he’s got from a blogger who Tom’s constantly changed emails with.

A quick Gmail search shows that we have exchanged well over a 100 emails since February 2013. So it’s fair to say that we have a bit of history.

After this bitter story, he also shares a positive example, written by himself on Twitter.

Leaving Work Behind - Outreach Email from Blogger

Leaving Work Behind - Outreach Email


First of all,only tweet out articles that you actually like. Secondly, only tweet out articles that you have something to say about. Don’t just tweet out the article’s headline – tweet out your opinion. Add value and demonstrate that you care about or are interested in what the blogger has written.

Leaving Work Behind - Tweet Example of Smart Outreach

9. Knowledge Base Is Crucial in the Process

Wayne Barker explains how an effective outreach technique always starts from the human psychology – where everything lies, ultimately, from a perfectly pedagogical point of view.

The article underlines how it’s no exception on the web, among influencers, once you’ve understood their general behavior: their interests, their passions, their devotions and maybe their most appreciated reads. So knowledge would be a great friend on this journey.

I’ve always thought that being good at outreach is not necessarily something that you can teach. Sure, you can point people in the right direction; you can give them the materials that will help them become better at it. But can you actually teach outreach success?

Setting Up For Outreach Success by Wayne Barker Email Outreach

Setting Up For Outreach Success by Wayne Barker Gmail Inbox

Setting Up For Outreach Success by Wayne Barker - Buzzstream Insight on Outreach Response

10. How Many Outreach Emails Are Deleted Without Being Read?

Well, not-at-all-shockingly, most of them. So says Tim Soulo as well, in an Ahrefs blog post. It’s not recommended to use templates. And if you ever even take into consideration doing it, think of the influencers’ inbox. Just for a second.


It hurts reading every email 20 times a day, with the only difference being the addresser. Do something outstanding. Make important people in your niche like you. Take it as a test – because so do the influencers you’re reaching out to.

You just published a new article on your blog and now you want to send a mass email to 100+ influencers, with an excuse: “I saw you tweeted a similar post”. I’m sorry to say that, but your content is not welcome in their inbox. Otherwise they would probably sign up to your email list beforehand.

Ahrefs Blog - Outreach

Ahrefs Email Outreach

Ahrefs Outreach BlogPost

11. Techniques for Marketing Newbies

Dave Schneider goes through steps and techniques for successful blog outreach endeavors, starting from a unfortunate case of a client who never used to succeed in this type of action. After properly enunciating the steps, he gives us an example that’s properly formulated – starting from very simple truths.

The fact is, few of us really have a thriving audience in our back pocket waiting with their wallets wide open. After all, we’re creators first, and marketers second. Luckily, even if you haven’t already unleashed your inner marketer into the wild, there are many channels you can pursue.

This Seller Used to Fail Miserably at Blogger Outreach Until He Learned These 3 Techniques Outreach Steps

This Seller Used to Fail Miserably at Blogger Outreach Until He Learned These 3 Techniques Outreach Technique

12. Be Personal. Learn from Mistakes

It seems like however up the marketing chain we are, we’re still prone to making mistakes. Human nature’s perhaps to blame (again!).
This doesn’t mean that there isn’t plenty to learn from them. Take Luke Jordan, for instance. Sometimes we forget to follow our own advice, as he documents in his blogpost about epic email success.

Everyone will make mistakes during outreach, and trust me – you’ll feel like a massive fool when you do. Sometimes, you’ll mess up an email to one of the biggest blogging sites out there, and you’ll want the world to swallow you whole.

9 Outreach Tips for Epic Email Success Email Reply Mess Up

13. Outreach Tips from Gmail Merge

Supposing for a second that you’d like to outreach to hundreds of people at once (maybe it’s something urgent!), there are ways of doing it! Gmail can be improved with its tools to make your job easier. You should at least know about its existence. We found from here.

You want to sell something. Promote something. Ask something. To a total stranger. Sending a generic email is just asking to get ignore, deleted and possibly ridiculed. Why would someone bother to respond to a request when you can’t even take the time to write them an unique email?

How To Send Hundreds Of Personalized Outreach Emails Using Mail Merge in Gmail - Email Example 2

How To Send Hundreds Of Personalized Outreach Emails Using Mail Merge in Gmail - Email Example 3

How To Send Hundreds Of Personalized Outreach Emails Using Mail Merge in Gmail - Email Example 4

How To Send Hundreds Of Personalized Outreach Emails Using Mail Merge in Gmail - Email Example

14. Be Personal! Learn from Your Mistakes

Jeff Bullas writes a case study about his first approach on email outreach. His blogging expertise doesn’t recommend him necessarily as a pro, but he’s got plenty of other talents so you’d think there was nothing wrong with it all. He did, he learned and he decided to share the knowledge.

Each email I wrote was personal, non-templated and reasonably quickly established its purpose. Because I was asking each essentially the same thing, there were of course elements I didn’t need to change – but that’s different from using a template or a canned response. Here’s an example of what I wrote.

Blogger Outreach Mistakes Made and Lessons Learned - Email to David Horn from Moz

15. Quick Tips Before Hitting Send

Relevance, Timing, Creativity, Credibility and Personalization. These are the 5 best tips we get from this hubspot blog post. There’s never a recipe that works wonders no matter what you’re trying to achieve. But there are sustainable ways of promotion and superficial ones.

The pitch was simple. Aware that I had both shared and professed my admiration for his link strategy, The Skyscraper Technique, Dean thought it would be worthwhile to let me know that he had a new, related case study coming out.

How to Write a Perfect Cold Outreach Email - Example Alex from Groove

How to Write a Perfect Cold Outreach Email - The Idea From Brian Dean

How to Write a Perfect Cold Outreach Email - Example

And a positive example we’re offered:

How to Write a Perfect Cold Outreach Email - Neil Patel Example

16. Twitter and Facebook Work Too!

I’ve been going on and on about email outreach – but it’s not the only way. A more dynamic alternative is the social media, where you can contact (virtually) anyone and tell them (politely and friendly) anything. In his article about real examples of social media outreach, Petter Attia reminds us that it’s never a good time to be ignorant or naive about your pursuits.

It’s damn near impossible to get a response if you pitch to the blogs standard email. The issue with this, is that their profiles typically don’t have their email address. You usually get their social profiles and then have to do a little research to see if you can dig up their email.

Outreach through Facebook and Twitter - Facebook Example

Outreach through Facebook and Twitter - Twitter Example

How to Quickly Explode Your Traffic By Connecting With Top Bloggers - Comment Example

17. How You’re Doing It Wrong

The fact that you’ve been doing something for a long time isn’t proof that you’re doing it right. Not necessarily, anyway.

While there’s nothing to be ashamed of if you’re at your gazillionth outreach try and it still doesn’t seem to work, maybe it’s time to ask yourself why. Pam Sallegue does it for you in her article on link building outreach mistakes.

And in the process, I saw that the ‘outreaching’ part is actually the hardest amongst all the others (yes, harder than prospecting, and writing a guest post), and that’s where I’m failing.

8 Reasons Why your Link Building Outreach is not Working - Example

18. Aim Big!

Why trying to humbly reach someone who seems to be an influencer, but isn’t quite there yet? You don’t have to settle for ordinary. Aim big, miss small!

As Sujan Patel advises in this great blogpost, mammoth publications can as well be the target of your outreach campaigns. The tips are great, by the way.

We all understand the value of guest blogging. It gains you new exposure, positions you as an influencer, and connects you to new publications and sites that are in your industry. It’s a quick and very smart way to bolster your brand and outreach efforts online. So how do you go about doing it?

How to Secure Guest Posts on Big Publications (WSJ, Forbes and HuffPo) - Flatter Smartly

Here’s another example he gave, leveraging stats.

How to Secure Guest Posts on Big Publications (WSJ, Forbes and HuffPo) - Strong CTA

I’m pretty active with other users when they comment, and I’m especially active with Twitter users. My main goal is to try and be helpful, so I try my best to reach out to folks as often as I can when they have questions.

How to Secure Guest Posts on Big Publications (WSJ, Forbes and HuffPo) - Twitter

And don’t…

This isn’t a spam email or an UpWorthy article, don’t start by telling them what they think, how they feel, or using that emotional clickbait-y language that everyone loves these days. Start with facts, context, and the meat of your message, rather than some out of place generalization.

How to Secure Guest Posts on Big Publications - Dont


Don’t sound desperate and cheap. And whomever you’re targeting, do your homework impeccably. Research is of the upmost importance and you should use it, because it’s available for anyone, and not being properly documented is not only a shame, but inexcusable – especially in a mature, developed niche like this one.Instead, be natural and honest. Do the best you can, and if it isn’t enough…well. That would mean you didn’t do the best you could have.


So, who did you agree with the most? 🙂

The post 18 Outreach Examples That Will Massively Boost Your Sharing appeared first on SEO Blog | cognitiveSEO Blog on SEO Tactics & Strategies.

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TwitCount – The Twitter Share Counts Alternative Tue, 15 Dec 2015 10:41:41 +0000 As you may have already found out or experienced on your site, Twitter share counts are no longer updating on the share buttons starting with the 20th of November this year. This means that all share buttons out there that relied on the Twitter share count endpoint are no longer providing share counts. This includes Twitter’s […]

The post TwitCount – The Twitter Share Counts Alternative appeared first on SEO Blog | cognitiveSEO Blog on SEO Tactics & Strategies.

As you may have already found out or experienced on your site, Twitter share counts are no longer updating on the share buttons starting with the 20th of November this year. This means that all share buttons out there that relied on the Twitter share count endpoint are no longer providing share counts. This includes Twitter’s own official tweet button. Basically, Twitter seems to be de-emphasizing one of its defining metrics: the share counts. The impact the big social network’s decision has on the digital marketing world and therefore the consequences that reflects on all our websites cannot be overlooked.


And as the saying goes ” get mad and then get over it” (and start do something about it, we may add), we at cognitiveSEO began looking for an efficient solution to this matter. We believe that Twitter’s share counts are highly important for every webmaster or digital marketer who wants to know what happens to his/her website and therefore the business is working for. As a result, we started to do what we know best: put or minds, determination and cups of coffee together in order to find the best solution to get the Twitter share counts back.

We launched the Twitter Share Counts Alternative!

Twitcount - Twiter Share Counts Alternative


Why Did Twitter Decide to Get Rid of the Share Counts?


The real reasons why Twitter decided to give up offering share counts info may not be accessible to us. What we do have access to is their official announcement where they are giving some explanation for the deprecation of the Tweet count feature and also the announcement of a new design for the Tweet and follow buttons. As Twitter’s blog post title says, this is a hard decisions for a sustainable platform, letting us the impression that the online social network took this decision based on some technical and financial reasons.


The explanation given by Twitter was that the shares they are offering rely on a different database that the one they are going to use from now on.

The choices were to deprecate the feature, or rebuild it on a more modern tech stack.

And, as rebuilding has its own costs, (including work on other features, “more impactful” as Twitter says), the well-known social network decided to drop the feature altogether.


After having offered this kind of data for years now,  Twitter tried to downplay the importance of share counts, saying that the count does not reflect the impact of conversation about content as it doesn’t count replies, quote Tweets, variants of URLs.  Nor does it reflect the fact that some people tweeting these URLs might have many more followers than others. It’s true indeed that this kind of info is not shown directly, yet a lot of precious info about all this can be drawn based on the share counts.


Twitter's Official announcement


Nonetheless, Twitter says that they will not let us ride our bicycles with no handlebars and they offer us a recommendation to get our share counts back: Gnip’s full archive counts. Great so far, yet, you need to know that Gnip is a paid social media API aggregation company. Long story short, the alternative they are offering is a paid one. After offering the share counts for free for all these years, switching to a paid and a bit complicated service in order to get what we are used to get free of charge is kind of unwelcome.  Of course, for larger publishers  it’s very likely that nothing will change. Those companies and publishers will continue to be able to publish and glean share counts from share buttons and article links in real-time. Yet, it’s smaller publishers and individual sites that will be affected.


How Is Twitter’s Decision Impacting the Digital Marketing World


Reactions to Twitter’s decisions were immediate and, as you would expect, there were mostly negative ones. Ironically or not, Twitter was the main playground for manifesting the discontent against the social network’s decision of not showing counts anymore. Under  #saveoursharecounts  articles, complains and even petitions were submitted. You don’t have to linger too long on the content posted here to understand that the overall atmosphere is not the most cheerful.



However, you might say that this is just the crowd’s reaction to the change and is not to be taken into consideration when thinking of the long-term consequences. Let’s take a look at a study  to see whether this change would lead to a decline in sharing activity and share of voice for Twitter.  In the mentioned study there were pulled together and analyzed sharing activity data generated across 300,000+ sites that are powered by Shareaholic’s Content Amplification Platform. These sites collectively reach over 450 million unique visitors each month.


As you can see in the screenshot below, it seems that sharing activity to Twitter has declined by 11.28% since November 20th until the beginning of December, when the study was conducted.

Taken from

Taken from

Not only the sharing activity overall will be affected by the lack of counts. Let’s take our case; we are a third-party app developer that offers within the cognitiveSEO tool the Content Visibility module, where users can take an in-depth look at their market’s social media activity, effortlessly revealing their content strategy as well as their competitors’. Without having access to the share counts, we cannot offer our subscribers a lot of data and statistics regarding their Twitter’s social footprint.

And since social media is one of the most important distribution channels in any online marketing strategy, tracking and analyzing which strategy provides the best results is of paramount importance.

You may also be a blogger and since your Tweet button won’t show visitors how many times your posts have been shared, that will lead to less interaction and therefore fewer tweets, as shown in the study above. Not to say how hard it will be to decide which type of content works better and on what type of public. It is true that you have other social platforms available but there are niches, like the SEO niche for instance, where Twitter is the main “yard”.


Moreover, if you’re a digital marketing specialist who offers consultancy for emerging brands, you will need the Social Proof that Twitter offered. You will need to show how popular you or other sources/content/people are with the online masses. Further, from the social proof’s point of view, it will be even harder for you to identify your client’s main competitors, their most successful content or get an idea of their online  marketing strategy.

TwitCount- The Free Fix That Gives your Twitter Counts Back


Being intrigued by Twitter’s decision, as announced at the beginning at the article, we’ve spent our last weeks working on a solution for Twitter’s decision to eliminate counts.

We are happy to share with you our latest work, TwitCount, Twitter share counts alternative or, simply stated, the free fix for Twitter’s decision to deactivate share counts.

That’s right, it’s free and available for anyone. Although we’ve invested a lot of time and work in developing this solution,  we were motivated by our users’ feedback concerning this matter but also by our own frustration and this is why we decided to offer a free service that anyone could benefit from.


TwitCount is easy to use and gives you exactly what you need: your Tweet counts back. It works like a widget that you need to place on your website in order to get the counter displayed near your Tweet button. After you add the TwitCount widget on your site we will start doing API calls to the official API in order to count the URL mentions on the fly. Leave the geeky stuff to us; all you need to do is connect your Twitter account to allow us to do the calls.


What you will need to do in order to see your counts on your pages is to place a button code to your website. You will be given a code that you will need to copy/paste, replacing the twitter button code. Counts will start appearing in maximum 1 hour. Starting the day you add the new button, all new pages will have complete counts data. Yet, old pages may show incomplete counts due to API limitation that allow us to show information for the tweets in the last week or so.  The code that you will need to place on your website will be similar to the one below.

TwittCounts Button


We don’t want to burden you with too many technical details so the important thing is that we’ve found a fix so you can easily get you twitter counts back. We’ve tested the widget on our own blog and it seem to be working just fine. Below you have a preview on how the TwitCount button will be appearing on your pages.

TwitCount on cognitiveSEO blog

All you need to do is log in with your Twitter account, access: and and the shares will follow.

Not only will you get the share counts for any page you wish for but you will also get extra benefits. TwitCount will provide you with info about your most shared pages, it will let you identify the most active Twitter fans and track Twitter shares statistics about your site. All these benefits along with the main functionality: showing the share counts.

TwitCount Analysis


With no further introduction, we invite you to add TwitCount to your website and share with us your opinions on it. This app is not owned, associated or partnered with Twitter and the service is still in beta. Therefore, we would be more than glad if you shared your thoughts with us or if you sent your feedback.

The post TwitCount – The Twitter Share Counts Alternative appeared first on SEO Blog | cognitiveSEO Blog on SEO Tactics & Strategies.

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How to Build a Consistent Brand Voice Using Content Marketing Mon, 23 Nov 2015 10:53:24 +0000 So you’ve got a blog. Don’t tell yourself that great content alone should do the job. It’s a trap. The world’s most essential information will remain unknown unless you deliver it consistently. This little cold, hard fact here is where we all started from.   What you’re about to read is a general guideline with […]

The post How to Build a Consistent Brand Voice Using Content Marketing appeared first on SEO Blog | cognitiveSEO Blog on SEO Tactics & Strategies.

So you’ve got a blog. Don’t tell yourself that great content alone should do the job. It’s a trap. The world’s most essential information will remain unknown unless you deliver it consistently. This little cold, hard fact here is where we all started from.


What you’re about to read is a general guideline with examples. Finding your brand voices is more than just establishing a consistent communication strategy – ‘the how?’ and ‘why?’ are at least as important as the ‘what?’. Our best advice is not skipping steps, no matter how much of a hurry you are in – every factor you ignore at this stage will leave a permanent mark in the core foundation of your brand. There’s no kryptonite in business; business Gotham is a world of competitive advantages.


How to Build a Consistent Brand Voice Using Content Marketing

Find Influencers

Search for your niche on Google, and see the most popular search result. In the screenshot below I have searched for ‘content marketing’ to see what top blogs would appear on the first page of the results. It can be a little overwhelming at first because establishing influencers is, from a point on, a judgment call.

Content Marketing Google Search for Blogs


So just to make sure you’re not leaving anyone out, take it slowly. Put it down and create a spreadsheet with 10 to 20 names who can teach you something. That spreadsheet is now your best friend – it’s there to remind you what you’re doing wrong and where you should start improving. It’s also not a metaphor – we understand how it can be hard to remember everything religiously and to make sense of it all at first; this is why a little help may come in handy.

Follow and Get to Know Influencers

Subscribe a lot. Now more than ever, it’s not only about the latest posts, as it is about the ancient history of a blog as well. Spotting a writing style doesn’t happen as you only browse through the latest posts, it takes some research as well. And, most importantly, if you spot differences between the articles written two years ago and the ones posted now, it’s either because of an organic evolution or thanks to noticing that the latter style is better received by the public. Either way, this is information you’d like to take into account when setting some writing guidelines for your blog.


The change of influencers’ style over time is one of the key factors to take into consideration.


Before going further with this idea, maybe it would be appropriate to remind you that copying someone’s style is never a good, long-term solution if proficiency is what you’re aiming for. It is cheap and sooner rather than later you’ll start losing credibility.


That being said, closely monitoring your influencers’ style doesn’t only give you insight on how much they have evolved, but on how trends have changed direction as well. Any brand should have a general tone and professionals’ preferences in the industry can have a humongous contribution on spotting the right vibe you’d like to send along with your content.


Let’s assume friendly is what you find to be the most appropriate – as long as it doesn’t gradually turn into cheap, unprofessional gossip, it’s a great idea. The next step is to make sure that your entire communication strategy is consistent and doesn’t give people cognitive dissonances. In other words, your brand tone is more than what you’re saying and how you’re saying it. It’s everything from the general impression I’m given at a first glance to the strong opinions I’ll have about your brand when I’m done reading the dustiest corners of your blog. Choose wisely. You may also want to set up a webpage design consistent with your general message.


Actually you can judge a book by its covers.


Particularly when it’s about what book covers should be like. You can’t be an online professional with a site looking like we’re back to 1995, regardless of the content quality. Once again, watch and learn. Monitor brands’ transformation in time and get an idea of what your audience appreciates. Use the Wayback Machine to spot the most significant adjustments of your competitors.


Take Moz Blog for instance. It’s been through numerous changes since 2013, particularly because, in this industry, the better you look the more reliable you are. Let’s take a short look.

Moz Blog in 2013


Starting with 2015, this blog was redesigned to look more minimalist, gadget-friendly and weightless. This light, dynamic design is nothing but a necessity meant to keep the everyday reader engaged through a friendly, playful appearance.

Moz Blog in 2015
Another smart strategy that builds suspense very much like a Hitchcock movie is the example of QuickSprout – announce a blog before working out the writing details. If you’re running an advertising campaign or if you’re already popular, it creates curiosity.

QuickSprout Blog Page Announcement

This blog has gone through changes in time. When a page that’s usually consistent in terms of appearance get updated, you know something important was to be taken into consideration. In the case of Quicksprout, the purpose was to look cleaner, easier to read and follow.

QuickSprout Blog First Appearance

Less distracting pages engage more audience, as they’re associated with content quality – spot the differences between the two screenshots below. The second one’s the one that seems to work better today adapted to the target needs and requirements.

QuickSprout Blog Page Today


Try to discover a pattern of when the articles are posted – what kinds of posts have steady publishing dates and which ones are an exception to the rule? Put it all down!

Usually, not only the day of the week – but the time as well – is highly important. Assuming the content is great and it engages, your readers should know exactly when to come back for more. This way, they can integrate the very pleasant 20-minute read into their daily routine. Having a clear schedule for content posting shows good organization skills. Take it as a mark of professionalism.


Prioritizing a voice over another is vital, because it gives you a sense of direction. It makes the distinction between terrific and mediocre for the readers and, in time, you’ll be able to see the differences for yourself. Reading as much as possible also gives you a vibe of the readers’ minds, showing you exactly what they come back for and what they ignore.

Understand What Customers Consume in Social Media. And When.


Finding a brand voice is about who you are and what suits you. But it should also be about what suits your audience. There is no room for compromise here. The ideal way is to research a voice not only of your brand, but of your customers as well. Something that represents both you and your clients, offering a competitive advantage at the same time.


Social media is a lot about meeting expectation. Not just because we like to a confirmation that our existing beliefs are correct, but because we know what to be looking for when interacting with a brand. However, there’s a fine line between this and predictability.


Influential content that engages should be both consistent and accessible. Form and substance have to be harmonious, relevant and substantial. However, nobody enjoys a read that seems too heavy.


In this case, your brand voice is both what you’re saying and how you’re delivering it. Fortunately, what seems to have positive results in the social media in your niche is a powerful indicator of the general direction you should head towards.


Let’s analyze some examples to see how this works in practice. We’ll analyze Backlinko and Search Engine Land for this part. Monitoring their social media engagement on the blogs gives us insight on what the audience is most interested in reading.


Let’s take the Viral Marketing Case Study: How a Brand New Blog Generated 17,584 Visitors In One Day post for instance and see what Brian Dean did on his site Backlinko to have such a high engagement rate:

  • it built an in depth post that details every step of the process, inspiring trust as a source;
  • it based the content on an implemented strategy that brought results, building credibility;
  • it is organized to encourage reading, with small paragraphs, detailed lists, bullets and infographics;
  • humor is used to relax the audience, while sending a friendly (but professional) vibe.

Backlinko Viral Marketing Case Study - Social Media Engagement Rate


It’s no wonder why the post has 330 comments and such an astonishing shareability with a total bigger than 4k. To see if these observations apply in another successful example, let’s take a look on one of Danny Sullivan’s blog posts. He is the proud founder of Search Engine Land.

Danny Sullivan Post SEL - Social Media Success


Search Engine Land is, without doubt, another top go-to of its niche, which explains the massive success in social media shareability. Even so, some posts are more popular than others. What makes the difference?

  • the use of numbered lists, headings and other content separators to help the audience follow the content effortlessly;
  • practical examples that confirm the theories he is exposing and vouching for through solid analysis that is properly researched;
  • the information is highly relevant for people in the niche.

These elements are key indicators to take into account when thinking of what brand tone you’d like to be associated with. While you’re sure that all these factors have a positive impact on the audience (after all it’s the mammoths who are using them, right?), you’ll keep in mind not to be a copycat. This is the mere beginning when you’re gathering data to understand the general preferences you’ll be working around.

Monitor Their Social Media Strategies

No social media success is hazard. Well, maybe just Gangnam Style, but none other. Counting on your real-life charm and high quality content won’t do the trick online, where there is so much at stake. And yes, in the end, it does feel like you’ve earned every single tweet, click, share, pin or like – and it’s supposed to. Because behind the overwhelming success you’re now hating your competitors for there is serious planning.

Be aware, all social media strategies have their ups and downs. It’s really hard to keep up with the crowds, even when they’re your audience and you know their needs by heart. It’s not enough, at the beginning.


Look over the fence and take your competitors’ example. For instance, we find from this social media analysis that the Backlinko’s Twitter performance (upper left in the screenshot below) lately doesn’t seem to recommend the current strategy, nor does Facebook traffic (upper right). Monitor your competitors’ content and see what drives attention – because something clearly does, be it for another audience, as we can see from the G+ (bottom left) and LinkedIn (bottom right) content performance. See that on Google plus (bottom left) the situation is dramatically better compared to Twitter in terms of content promotion evolution.


Ask yourself what is that drives so much visibility and why the same content performs differently on distinct platforms. It must be that the audience is looking for other things on Google plus compared to Twitter – draw your conclusions from here too, see which content is appropriate for which social media environment.

Backlinko Social Media Engagement - Content Analysis

Backlinko Social Distribution


The same goes for Danny Sullivan’s blog. The difference is that he seems to have a better (and relatively steady) performance on both Twitter and Facebook. Maybe it’s time to make a comparison and see what type of content works better and where. For instance, see the Facebook graphic (upper right) – it’s having spikes – it must mean that whatever Search Engine Land is doing with its content drives organic shareability on a steady basis, but differentiated however. You’ll adapt this strategy to your content, audience and needs.

Danny Sullivan Social Media Engagement - Content Analysis

Search Engine Land Social Distribution
Don’t think that this research period is a waste of time and can be treated superficially. After all, it’s the one that dictates your future performance. It’s true what they say that days spent in planning are worth months in implementation.

Social Media Performance

Content-Related Decisions

Let’s not forget that brand voice is, roughly, about content. From your content strategist to a potential customer, everybody should remember what they’re on the site for: information. Potent, accessible information. Design is merely the context that makes your outstanding ideas truly shine. Screaming or whispering don’t work online, so you’ve got to be very careful of how you engage your audience and send the right message.


  • Tempo and Sentence Length – Between Balzac and Primary School


Speeding up the flow of your thought processes through short sentences, quick-flowing words with many verbs and no adjectives is one way of using tempo to suggest something. Of course, conversely there is the slow down, with lots of adjectives and a descriptive tone.

It doesn’t look that bad in theory, does it? Regrettably, when it comes to practice, the message we wish to transmit doesn’t always magically, perfectly fit one of the two. You’re not Cinderella. Instead, the correspondences are subtle and it takes time to calibrate the pace of your writing to the thought flow you wish to transmit.

Do research. Read a lot. Take notes. Never run out of coffee.

Underline short and long sentences in the good articles you read using different colors. Understand when the tempo changes and why. And again, put it all down. Try to think in patterns of what works where.


Don’t let yourself get overwhelmed. Keep in mind who you are, what your brand’s personality is and what the purpose of all this is. The implicit premise of this is gaining competitive advantage, so don’t be too afraid of stepping out of the patterns.


  • Colloquialisms and Jargon – Friend or Foe?


Being conversational and human isn’t easy on the web, particularly when you’re trying to sound professional. Before making a decision on the semantic direction, you should first see if you’re trying to sell (persuade, attract) other businesses or people. A lot can differ between the standards of the two categories.

Nobody should ever forget why we have jargon in the first place: not to sound smart, but to be efficient.

It’s clear that nobody likes robotic voices, but maybe you wouldn’t like to sound like Lil’ Wayne when addressing Windows and Apple. The fact that approximately 67% of the businesses make purchase decisions based on web content doesn’t exactly relieve the pressure, but it puts things in perspective.


Your niche has its abbreviations and jargon. While looking down to your readers is unacceptable, don’t try to remove the technical terms entirely from your content, you’ll sound unqualified and poorly informed. Use them when necessary.

Find a Definite Topic and Exercise a Lot

The problem with a world where everybody thinks they’re an expert is that you won’t be reliable unless you’re specific. Thus, by choosing a topic, I don’t quite mean a general industry to babble about in 2000-plus words. The content has to be hands on, worth reading; we’re already too busy as it is. If you’ve managed to capture my attention, don’t waste this opportunity on mindless common sense.


Let’s take a look at Brian Dean’s article on Backlinko. Besides being very specific in his posts, he also shares his professional experiences as they happen. This is a great way of building credibility as a brand along with a powerful voice that people will be dying to hear.


Sharing information that wasn’t really favorable in terms of image is one powerful statement on business confidence – in the brand he’s advocating for and the customers as well. This is a kind of topic that’s impossible not to appreciate, even if you’re not in this niche.


And approximately 2k shares and 533 comments isn’t too shabby for an online marketer. But you won’t write on this level at first.


Being consistent and pleasant in writing takes time and exercise. One thing I have always recommended is choosing a topic, thinking whether it’s specific enough to be relevant and broad enough to have an audience. After this, a good exercise would be writing three different articles on that subject. Of course, they’ll have their strengths and weaknesses. Before posting anything, see what pleases you and what doesn’t compared to what you wanted to achieve.

Ask yourself:

  • Is it appropriate for your audience?
  • Is everything you wanted to transmit clear?
  • Does the style flow? Does it feel a little difficult to read?
  • What else would you like to know if you were uninformed on the topic?
  • Who, from your friends in the industry, would find the information on that article useful?


Spot What Your Audience Wants

To successfully make an image of your readers’ personas it’s enough to take a look at the people reading your content – or, even better, linking to your content. We’re going to start from the following premises:

  • the popularity of the mammoths in your niche is mostly organic – the result of hard work, commitment and high performance;
  • the general idea of backlink inspection could help you make a more accurate and specific impression on who’s going to be interested in your services;
  • it’s crucial for your brand voice to address the needs of the above mentioned category (the ones that your competition doesn’t if possible), and knowing who they are and what their style is solves half of the job;


At a first glance, the webpage type and category give you insight on two matters of substance: what you competitors’ backlink strategy is and who’s generally interested in promoting/linking to their content.


As we can see from the graphs below, the webpage type as well as the webpage category profiles are similar for both Backlinko’s blog and Search Engine Land, which indicates a common backlink strategy profile. Regarding the webpage type, both of the blogs get most of their links from blogs; Backlinko’s following categories are forum, personal site and e-commerce, while Search Engine Land’s are web directory, forum and e-commerce.

Backlinko and Search Engine Land Webpage Type

Concerning the webpage category most of Backlinko’s backlinks originate from tech, business and warez, while Search Engine Land’s link sources are business, tech and careers.

Backlinko and Search Engine Land Webpage Category

Having made this short analysis, a useful approach would be browsing through some of the pages to see their general style as well as the type of content: how broad they are in the industry, the visibility they have, the social media engagement on their posts, the general tone of writing (assuming they’d look for the same genre in SEO tools as the one they use in developing their business).




Finding a brand voice is perhaps one of the most fundamental questions when starting a business. It has to be both appropriate and consistent with your purposes and it needs a powerful personality to stand out from the general commercial noise.


You can’t offer a memorable experience without massive involvement in networking and social media, but none of these are possible without the style pillars you should establish for your communication strategy.

The post How to Build a Consistent Brand Voice Using Content Marketing appeared first on SEO Blog | cognitiveSEO Blog on SEO Tactics & Strategies.

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