Whenever we talk about SEO and the idea of optimization, some of the first things that come to our mind are content, backlinks or keywords. This is not wrong, but it isn't exhausting the possibilities of SEO either. Especially since there are plenty of factors that weigh in a page rank that are not purely backlink or content-driven. So it should not have come as too much of a surprise when Google announced that page load speed is a ranking factor for both desktop and mobile searches. Of course, [...]
The trick with ranking is not to force it. When everybody’s trying to rank for the same keywords, there’s not much room for long-term development. This is where you can improve and find keywords semantically related to your niche, but not necessarily used by your competitors.
It’s in Google’s best interest to suggest semantic results, as closely related to the search query as possible. This should be in your best interest, too. But what happens when your industry’s a crowded [...]
It’s almost impossible to come up with a digital marketing strategy to spy on your competitors without consistent information regarding the trends in the niche. And, if you think that it’s only what works that matters, you may not get too far.
In order to develop a way to leverage customers' and influencers' behavior to your advantage, you’ll have to make yourself comfortable in the office chair and start to seriously monitor the entire niche. That’s the wonder of a free market [...]
Even if you don't know what they actually are, if you use the internet, one of the first things you'll stumble upon are URLs. We also call them addresses sometimes. You probably don't spend much time thinking about them, but the World Wide Web is actually built from the ground up on URLs. Every time you access or link to a web page, you use a URL.
Google implied that "URLs must die". But, is a world without URLs possible?
Follow along and let's jump a little deepe [...]
You know how important online presence is to any business and how valuable it is to deliver performance. But how well do you understand your users’ path and what makes them engaged? How often has it happened to you to find out specific things about your traffic and make correlations but didn’t know the steps for filtering your data?
Understanding your Google Analytics results can be hard and tricky, but Google Analytics Insights is the everyday solution. It’s like training for the [...]
Recently somebody has asked me how to do a backlink audit and what are the required steps for an accurate analysis. We’ve talked numerous times on what's the best way to evaluate your links and remove the damaging ones. So, it got me thinking … We need to create a guideline.
A backlink audit shouldn’t be hard to perform. First, because you need to use it whenever you want. So, it must come in handy anytime you have new clients or you want to monitor some old sites, or anytime youâ [...]
Although there's a big chance you haven't used them, I'm sure you've heard about the notion of Press Releases. They used to be very popular in the SEO community back in the day. But are press releases still relevant for SEO in 2019? Is it worth spending your time dealing with a press release?
The short answer is yes. Press Releases are still relevant and probably will be for a long time to come, not only for search engine optimization, but for marketing, in general. However, many webmas [...]
When launching a new website, there are some things that seem unimportant at first, but turn out to really be an issue later on. One of them is the WWW vs. Non-WWW issue.
When you first think about it, it doesn't sound like much of a deal. You might not even care at all about it. When you first research it, you'll probably learn around the web that it doesn't really matter for SEO.
However, if you start digging deeper, you'll discover a lot of things you didn't know. [...]
Google +? Have you forgotten about it, too? While many of you seem to have been disregarding Google + over the past few years, it was there. But now, as the latest news confirms, we've found out that it will be shut down after user information was exposed. It is no shock for some to hear that it will be locked down, while for others it is sad news.
All in all, the news might affect lots of business owners. We’ve talked on our blog before, on multiple occasions, about the effect of soc [...]
You've probably heard multiple times that keyword cannibalization affects your rankings and your whole website. Lots of experts and Google officials started to warn us to avoid falling into this trap and start optimizing each page for a unique keyword, adding unique title tags and meta descriptions.
Keyword cannibalization was a term that SEO world came up to explain some difficulties in helping and indicating Google to rank the page that they wanted when local searches didn’t exist a [...]