There is a lot of buzz and fuzz regarding the influence of shares, comments, likes, etc. on SEO in general. Yet, the question that is on everyone’s lips is actually: “Are social signals a ranking factor?” There have been lots of discussions around this topic, both pros and cons; even some studies were conducted on it. Yet, no clear light has been shed on the matter. If social signals affect SEO, how does it happens?
And, as we think that research is one of the most exciting and [...]
Long content or short content? Which one is better? What is the case? The more the merrier, or less is more? Well, the answer is rather complicated and needs a bit of unpacking. If you are looking for a short answer you need to know that there is no such thing. Long and short content alike can be better, depending on the context and on your needs: rankings, conversions, followers, popularity, authority, engagement, keyword optimization, etc.
TL;DR – This is quite a large study. If you don [...]
Creating high quality content is a highly important aspect, not only for gaining high ranks but firstly for making users or readers happy. Yet, we all know that running a blog with constant valuable and high quality content might sometimes be difficult as it is a resource-consuming process.
Therefore, why not getting the best out of the content that you’ve already worked on?
You sometimes don’t want (or don’t have the means) to reinvent the wheel every time you create a new piece of [...]
Every site owner’s dream (and goal) is to rank as high as possible for their target audience. Every search engine’s dream (and goal) is to make sure that the most relevant websites rank the highest. But how is that relevancy built and interpreted? Does it have anything to do with what you say? That much we know to be true. Does it have anything to do with how (or where) you say it? That’s what we set to find out.
Having this in mind we’ve conducted an in-depth research, with a set of [...]
Here, at cognitiveSEO, we believe that things are always evolving, and that such evolution is nothing but necessary. Not only for us, but for our day to day users, our readers, our fans, our critics as well. We strive to push our limits and overcome our struggles. And when we do, we get to know ourselves better. This is how we came up with a series of brand new improvements today, specially designed for you, our beloved cognitives.
Today it's our Site Explorer's turn to get updated. [...]
Bad marketing is, most of the time, simply bad strategy. For instance, it might be tempting to think that all you need to succeed today is a strong social media presence and fan base. However, that would be a huge mistake on your part, strategically. Sure, social media might be a good place to promote a product or service, but there isn’t really any return on investment on that promotion, as Facebook users simply don’t engage with brands. What you really need is an interaction environment wh [...]
At cognitiveSEO we’re not just about creating new features or tools, but also about recognizing when existing tools are vital to our customers’ businesses. Our users’ experience is what matters most to us and what helps us evolve. So when something is as ubiquitous as Google Analytics, we think the best thing we can do for our users is to make it easy for them to use it as part of our existing tool. No more switching between tools, no more wasted time with mixing and matching results and c [...]
With the rise of social media, online advertising, and the ever-present growth of technology, emails seem to have been left in the dust. At least, that’s what some sources would have you think. The reality is very different. Email marketing is alive and well, and more importantly, it’s evolving to take advantage of today’s modern technology.
Simply going through the motions and sending out weekly or monthly newsletters isn’t enough anymore. There’s a goldmine of potential [...]
Fluctuations in traffic happen to the best of us. Yet, there is no excuse for poor content strategy on your website. There are two types of content from the point of view of relevance over time: the first category includes any article written based on a trending subject. Its advantage is that, treated properly, it boosts your website’s audience overnight - of course, the inherent drawback is that people will shortly lose interest in that specific subject. The second type of content does noth [...]
We’ve all grown used to wonders of technology in this century therefore it’s very hard to dazzle anyone these days. We, probably like any other developing business, wondered what is to be done in this context? What is the way to success or the path to growth in such a competitive market where users are overwhelmed with great apps and tools designed to make their personal and professional life considerably better? We kept on looking for answers for a while but every single time we came out wi [...]