Starting this Friday, every Friday (almost :) ) we want to give you all , my zealous digital marketers, something cool to enjoy and share with your friends.
This Friday's "cool stuff" is a cartoon comic about Webspam, Google Penalties, Matt Cutts and Recoveries :). Enough talk. Here is the cartoon. Meet Anakin Spamwalker! (for all you Star Wars Fans :))
Hope you liked it!If you did you could even embed this SEO Comic in your site
by using the code below.
<div style="width:604p [...]
The sheer fact that a pictorial representation stays in ones memory for a long time, makes Infographic a hotshot in Link Building. How many of us still remember the pictures given in our kindergarten books as compared with the long theoretical explanations in the later grades?
If a picture is worth a thousand words, than an Infographic is worth more than that. How it combines complex data to form graphical representations which demands immediate attention and helps in the understanding of an [...]